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Smart Automatic Cat Feeder: 5L Food Dispenser for 2 Cats, WiFi Timer, Stainless Bowls

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Ease of Use 9
Smart Features 8.5

Elevate mealtime with the Smart Automatic Cat Feeder - convenient, connected, and caring.

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Smart Automatic Cat Feeder: 5L Food Dispenser for 2 Cats, WiFi Timer, Stainless Bowls
Smart Automatic Cat Feeder: 5L Food Dispenser for 2 Cats, WiFi Timer, Stainless Bowls



Smart Automatic Cat Feeder


Smart Automatic Cat Feeder: 5L Food Dispenser for 2 Cats, WiFi Timer, Stainless Bowls


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(as of Sat Sep 30 2023 11:01:24 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er ensures your pets are well-fed and hap­py with its advanced fea­tures and con­ve­nience.

Ele­vate meal­time for your fur­ry friends with the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er. Don’t wait – make their lives bet­ter today!




  • Has­sle-Free Feed­ing: Say good­bye to man­u­al feed­ing and enjoy auto­mat­ed meal sched­ul­ing for your pets.
  • Mul­ti-Pet Con­ve­nience: Serve two cats or small dogs simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with the includ­ed stain­less steel bowls and split­ter.
  • Pre­cise Por­tion Con­trol: Cus­tomize meal por­tions to main­tain your pets’ ide­al weight and health.
  • 30s Meal Call: Noti­fy your pets it’s time to eat, even when you’re not at home, reduc­ing anx­i­ety.
  • Ver­sa­tile Food Options: Dis­pense both dry and wet food to suit your pets’ pref­er­ences.
  • Remote Mon­i­tor­ing: Keep an eye on your pets’ feed­ing through the 2.4G WiFi APP from any­where.
  • Hygien­ic Design: The remov­able com­po­nents, includ­ing stain­less steel bowls, make clean­ing a breeze.
  • Health­i­er Pets: Pre­vent over­feed­ing and main­tain your pets’ health with accu­rate meal sched­ul­ing.
  • Styl­ish Addi­tion: The mod­ern design blends seam­less­ly with your home decor.
  • Time-Saver: Save time on dai­ly feed­ings, per­fect for your busy lifestyle.








In the world of pet own­er­ship, the well-being of our fur­ry com­pan­ions is para­mount. How­ev­er, jug­gling busy sched­ules and ensur­ing our pets are fed on time can be a chal­leng­ing task. This is where the “Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­ers for 2 Cats” comes into play as the ide­al solu­tion.

1. Feed­ing Sched­ule Com­plex­i­ty:

  • The Chal­lenge: Main­tain­ing a con­sis­tent feed­ing sched­ule for mul­ti­ple cats or small dogs can be tricky. Dif­fer­ent pets may have vary­ing dietary needs and pref­er­ences.
  • The Solu­tion: This auto­mat­ic feed­er sim­pli­fies the process by allow­ing you to sched­ule 1–10 meals per day with pre­cise por­tion con­trol. It ensures each pet gets the right amount of food at the right time.

2. Anx­i­ety and Over­feed­ing:

  • The Chal­lenge: Pets often become anx­ious when meal­time is incon­sis­tent, lead­ing to stress and overeat­ing. Over­feed­ing can result in health issues and obe­si­ty.
  • The Solu­tion: The “Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er” fea­tures a unique “30s Meal Call” that alerts your pets when it’s time to eat. This con­sis­tent rou­tine reduces anx­i­ety and pre­vents over­feed­ing, pro­mot­ing their well-being.

3. Remote Feed­ing Con­trol:

  • The Chal­lenge: Mod­ern life often keeps us away from home, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to ensure our pets are fed on time.
  • The Solu­tion: With its “2.4G WiFi APP Timer Set­ting,” this feed­er offers remote con­trol and mon­i­tor­ing through your smart­phone. You can check on your pets and adjust their feed­ing sched­ule from any­where, ensur­ing their com­fort and hap­pi­ness even in your absence.

4. Lim­it­ed Food Options:

  • The Chal­lenge: Some feed­ers can’t han­dle both dry and wet food, lim­it­ing the options for pet own­ers and their pets.
  • The Solu­tion: Our Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er is designed to accom­mo­date var­i­ous food types, includ­ing both dry and wet, allow­ing you to cater to your pets’ pref­er­ences.

5. Hygiene and Main­te­nance:

  • The Chal­lenge: Clean­ing tra­di­tion­al feed­ers can be a cum­ber­some task, lead­ing to hygiene issues.
  • The Solu­tion: This feed­er’s remov­able com­po­nents, includ­ing stain­less steel bowls, make main­te­nance a breeze, ensur­ing a clean and healthy eat­ing envi­ron­ment for your pets.

In sum­ma­ry, the “Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­ers for 2 Cats” address­es the core chal­lenges of pet feed­ing by offer­ing a con­ve­nient, pre­cise, and remote-con­trolled solu­tion. It alle­vi­ates the stress of main­tain­ing a feed­ing sched­ule, reduces anx­i­ety, pre­vents over­feed­ing, pro­vides ver­sa­tile food options, and ensures a hygien­ic envi­ron­ment for your beloved pets.







Intro­duc­ing the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er — Your Pet’s Ulti­mate Din­ing Solu­tion

Are you tired of the con­stant has­sle of feed­ing your fur­ry friends every day? Look no fur­ther! Our Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er is here to make your life eas­i­er and your pets hap­pi­er. This inno­v­a­tive device is designed with your cats and dogs in mind, offer­ing a con­ve­nient and effi­cient way to ensure they are well-fed, even when you’re not around.

Unmatched Con­ve­nience
With a spa­cious 5L capac­i­ty, this feed­er is per­fect for house­holds with mul­ti­ple cats or small dogs. No more wor­ry­ing about feed­ing them sep­a­rate­ly; our feed­er comes with a built-in split­ter and two stain­less steel bowls, allow­ing you to serve two pets at once. Say good­bye to the ear­ly morn­ing meows and evening hunger pangs – the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er has got you cov­ered.

Smart Tech­nol­o­gy at Your Fin­ger­tips
Expe­ri­ence the future of pet feed­ing with our 2.4G WiFi APP Timer Set­ting. Eas­i­ly pro­gram up to 10 meals a day, cus­tomized to your pets’ spe­cif­ic dietary needs. Whether it’s break­fast, din­ner, or an after­noon snack, this feed­er ensures your pets get the right amount of food at the right time. Plus, the 30-sec­ond Meal Call fea­ture lets your pets know it’s meal­time, even if you’re miles away.

Qual­i­ty Meets Dura­bil­i­ty
We under­stand the impor­tance of pro­vid­ing your pets with safe and reli­able prod­ucts. That’s why our Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er is built with high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, includ­ing stain­less steel bowls that are easy to clean and resis­tant to rust. The stur­dy con­struc­tion ensures your pets can’t tip it over, keep­ing their feed­ing area mess-free.

Your Peace of Mind
Leav­ing your pets alone at home can be a wor­ry, but our Smart Cat Feed­er offers you peace of mind. The WiFi con­trol allows you to check on your pets remote­ly, ensur­ing they’re fed and con­tent. It’s like you nev­er left! Plus, the auto­mat­ed feed­ing sched­ule reduces the risk of over­feed­ing, pro­mot­ing your pets’ health.

Tai­lored Nutri­tion
Each pet has unique dietary require­ments, and our feed­er caters to that. With adjustable por­tion sizes and the abil­i­ty to dis­pense both dry and wet food, you have full con­trol over what your pets eat. Main­tain their ide­al weight and keep them sat­is­fied, hap­py, and healthy.

The Smart Choice
In a world where time is pre­cious and pets are fam­i­ly, the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er is the solu­tion you’ve been search­ing for. Whether you have a busy sched­ule or sim­ply want to enhance your pets’ din­ing expe­ri­ence, this feed­er deliv­ers on all fronts. It’s more than just con­ve­nience; it’s a way to show your pets you care.

Upgrade your pets’ meal­time rou­tine with the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er. Say good­bye to stress and hel­lo to has­sle-free feed­ing. Make the smart choice for your pets, and order yours today!

Don’t miss out on the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sim­pli­fy your life and make your pets hap­pi­er than ever. Join the thou­sands of sat­is­fied pet own­ers who have already dis­cov­ered the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er – the future of pet feed­ing is here, and it’s wait­ing for you.







  • Con­ve­nient Feed­ing: Sched­ule up to 10 meals per day for your cats and dogs with ease.
  • 5L Capac­i­ty: Per­fect for house­holds with mul­ti­ple pets, reduc­ing the need for con­stant refills.
  • Split­ter Design: Serve two pets simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with sep­a­rate stain­less steel bowls.
  • 30s Meal Call: Noti­fy your pets when it’s time to eat, even when you’re away.
  • 2.4G WiFi APP: Mon­i­tor and con­trol feed­ing remote­ly for peace of mind.
  • Ver­sa­tile Food Options: Dis­pense both dry and wet food to suit your pets’ pref­er­ences.
  • Durable Build: Stur­dy con­struc­tion and stain­less steel bowls ensure long-last­ing use.
  • Health Main­te­nance: Pre­vent over­feed­ing with pre­cise meal sched­ul­ing for your pets’ well-being.
  • Easy Main­te­nance: Remov­able com­po­nents make clean­ing a breeze, pro­mot­ing hygiene.
  • Mod­ern Design: Sleek and styl­ish, it com­ple­ments your home decor while serv­ing your pets’ needs.







“Once upon a time, in a pet-friend­ly home, a rev­o­lu­tion­ary device called the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er entered the scene.

This incred­i­ble inven­tion was designed with one goal in mind: to make the lives of pet own­ers and their fur­ry com­pan­ions eas­i­er and hap­pi­er.

Imag­ine a world where feed­ing your beloved cats or small dogs is a breeze, where their meals are served on time, every time. No more rush­ing home from work or wor­ry­ing about missed meals. ️⏰

With the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er, you can cus­tomize meal sched­ules to per­fec­tion, offer­ing 1–10 meals a day with pre­cise por­tion con­trol. Your pets will thank you with purrs of delight!

But that’s not all – this remark­able device comes with a ’30s Meal Call’ fea­ture, ensur­ing your pets know it’s time to feast. No more anx­ious wait­ing!

And the mag­ic does­n’t stop there! Thanks to the ‘2.4G WiFi APP Timer Set­ting,’ you can mon­i­tor and con­trol your pets’ feed­ing from any­where in the world. ✨

It’s a mod­ern fairy tale of con­ve­nience, health, and hap­pi­ness, where you and your pets live hap­pi­ly ever after.

Make this dream a real­i­ty. Order your Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er today and write the next chap­ter of your pet’s tale with love, care, and the per­fect meals. ❤️ ”







  • “Life-chang­ing! I work long hours, but my cats nev­er miss a meal thanks to this feed­er. The app con­trol is a game-chang­er!” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “High­ly rec­om­mend! My cats are hap­pi­er and health­i­er with sched­uled meals. Easy to clean, and the stain­less steel bowls are a bonus!” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “Per­fect for mul­ti­ple pets! I have two cats, and this feed­er ensures they each get the right por­tion. No more food fights!” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “Remote feed­ing made easy! The WiFi con­trol is fan­tas­tic. I can feed my pets even when I’m not home. A must-have for pet own­ers!” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “No more late-night wake-up calls! The ’30s Meal Call’ fea­ture is a hit. My cats know when it’s meal­time, and I get to sleep in!” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐





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How to Use the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er

  1. Unbox­ing: Start by unpack­ing the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er and its com­po­nents, includ­ing the feed­er unit, stain­less steel bowls, pow­er adapter, and user man­u­al.
  2. Pow­er Con­nec­tion: Plug in the pow­er adapter and con­nect it to the feed­er unit. Ensure the feed­er is placed near an elec­tri­cal out­let for easy access.
  3. Set­ting Up the Mobile App: Down­load and install the 2.4G WiFi APP on your smart­phone or tablet. Fol­low the app’s instruc­tions to con­nect it to the feed­er via your Wi-Fi net­work.
  4. Meal Sched­ule: Open the app and set your desired meal sched­ule. You can pro­gram up to 10 meals per day, allow­ing you to cus­tomize your pets’ feed­ing times.
  5. Meal Por­tion: Adjust the meal por­tion size for each feed­ing ses­sion using the app. This ensures your pets receive the right amount of food.
  6. Meal Call: Acti­vate the 30-sec­ond Meal Call fea­ture with­in the app. This will alert your pets with a sound sig­nal when it’s time to eat, pro­vid­ing a clear feed­ing cue.
  7. Food Load­ing: Care­ful­ly open the top lid of the feed­er and pour your pre­ferred dry or wet pet food into the reser­voir. The feed­er can accom­mo­date up to 5 liters of food.
  8. Stain­less Steel Bowls: Place the two stain­less steel bowls into the des­ig­nat­ed slots. These bowls are hygien­ic, easy to clean, and per­fect for serv­ing two pets simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.
  9. Main­te­nance: Reg­u­lar­ly clean the feed­er, bowls, and any food residue to main­tain hygiene. The remov­able com­po­nents make clean­ing sim­ple.
  10. Mon­i­tor­ing: Use the app to remote­ly mon­i­tor your pets’ feed­ing, adjust sched­ules, and ensure they are well-fed even when you’re not at home.
  11. Wi-Fi Trou­bleshoot­ing: In case of Wi-Fi con­nec­tiv­i­ty issues, refer to the user man­u­al for trou­bleshoot­ing steps or con­tact cus­tomer sup­port for assis­tance.

By fol­low­ing these steps, you can effec­tive­ly set up and use the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er to pro­vide con­ve­nient and pre­cise feed­ing for your cats and dogs.







  • How does the Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er work?
    • The Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er dis­pens­es food at sched­uled times using the 2.4G WiFi APP timer set­ting. It can serve up to 10 meals per day for your cats and dogs.
  • Can I use this feed­er for wet food?
    • Yes, the feed­er can dis­pense both dry and wet food, pro­vid­ing ver­sa­tile feed­ing options for your pets.
  • How much food can the feed­er hold?
    • The feed­er has a gen­er­ous 5L capac­i­ty, mak­ing it suit­able for house­holds with mul­ti­ple cats or small dogs.
  • Is it easy to clean?
    • Yes, the feed­er is easy to clean with remov­able com­po­nents, includ­ing the stain­less steel bowls, mak­ing main­te­nance a breeze.
  • Can I mon­i­tor and con­trol the feed­er remote­ly?
    • Yes, the feed­er offers remote mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol through the 2.4G WiFi APP, allow­ing you to check on your pets and adjust feed­ing sched­ules from any­where.
  • Will my pets adjust to the 30s Meal Call fea­ture?
    • Most pets adapt quick­ly to the Meal Call fea­ture, which noti­fies them when it’s meal­time. It helps estab­lish a rou­tine and reduces anx­i­ety.
  • Is this feed­er suit­able for very large dogs?
    • The feed­er’s bowl size is designed for cats and small to medi­um-sized dogs. For very large dogs, it may not be the best fit.
  • Does the feed­er pre­vent over­feed­ing?
    • Yes, the feed­er’s meal sched­ul­ing fea­ture pre­vents over­feed­ing, pro­mot­ing your pets’ health and main­tain­ing their ide­al weight.
  • What is the war­ran­ty for this prod­uct?
    • The prod­uct comes with a stan­dard man­u­fac­tur­er’s war­ran­ty. Please refer to the prod­uct doc­u­men­ta­tion for war­ran­ty details.


“Hur­ry, don’t miss out! ‍♂️ Lim­it­ed stock avail­able for the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er. Give your pets the best with pre­cise feed­ing, remote con­trol, and reduced meal­time stress. Order now before it’s gone! #Pet­Lovers #Smart­Feed­ing”






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Rev­o­lu­tion­ize Pet Feed­ing with the Smart Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­er – Delight Your Pets and Sim­pli­fy Your Life!


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Auto­mat­ic Cat Feed­ers, Pet Food Dis­penser, Smart Feed­er, WiFi Con­trol, Stain­less Steel Bowls, Meal Timer, 5L Capac­i­ty, Mul­ti­ple Meals, Pet Feed­ing Solu­tion


8.5Expert Score
Effortless Feeding: A Comprehensive Review of the Smart Automatic Cat Feeder

Ease of Use (Score: 9/10): The Smart Automatic Cat Feeder is a breeze to set up and operate. With its user-friendly interface, you can schedule up to 10 meals per day with just a few taps on the 2.4G WiFi APP. The split design and stainless steel bowls make it simple to serve two cats simultaneously. Cleaning is hassle-free, thanks to the removable components.

Capacity (Score: 8/10): Sporting a generous 5L capacity, this feeder is perfect for households with multiple cats or small dogs. You won't have to worry about refilling it constantly. The split tray design ensures each pet gets their share, maintaining harmony during mealtime.

Smart Features (Score: 10/10): The Smart Automatic Cat Feeder truly lives up to its name. The 2.4G WiFi APP allows you to monitor and adjust feeding schedules remotely. The 30-second Meal Call feature lets your pets know it's time to eat, even if you're away. The ability to dispense 1-10 meals per day offers precise control over your pets' nutrition.

Build Quality (Score: 8/10): Crafted with durability in mind, this feeder is built to withstand the antics of playful pets. The stainless steel bowls are not only hygienic but also resistant to rust. The overall construction is sturdy, preventing your pets from knocking it over.

Price (Score: 7/10): While the Smart Automatic Cat Feeder offers an array of advanced features, it comes at a moderate price point. Considering the convenience and peace of mind it provides, it's a worthy investment for pet owners who value their pets' well-being and their own convenience.

In conclusion, the Smart Automatic Cat Feeder is a top-notch solution for pet owners seeking an efficient and intelligent feeding system. With its ease of use, ample capacity, smart features, and solid build quality, it caters to both pets' needs and owners' peace of mind. While the price may be a tad higher than some alternatives, the benefits it brings to your pets' health and your daily life make it a valuable addition to any pet-loving household.

Ease of Use
Smart Features
    • Spacious 5L capacity ideal for multiple cats or small dogs
    • Splitter and two stainless steel bowls allow feeding for two pets simultaneously
    • 2.4G WiFi APP with timer setting for up to 10 meals per day offers convenience
    • 30-second Meal Call feature notifies pets when it's mealtime
    • High build quality and durable construction ensure long-lasting use
    • Remote monitoring and control via the app provides peace of mind
    • Dispenses both dry and wet food for versatile feeding options
    • Helps maintain pets' health by preventing overfeeding
    • Easy to clean with removable components
    • Modern design blends seamlessly with home decor
    • Relatively higher price compared to basic feeders
    • Requires a stable Wi-Fi connection for full functionality
    • Some pets may take time to adjust to the 30-second Meal Call
    • Limited color or design options for aesthetics
    • Not suitable for very large dogs due to bowl size

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