Common queries answered
Frequently asked Questions
DependÂing on the shipÂping option selectÂed and shipÂping address locaÂtion, we estiÂmate withÂin 2 to 7 days – This does not apply to interÂnaÂtionÂal shipÂments.
Except for cerÂtain beauÂty and body prodÂucts, cusÂtomers have a 30 day periÂod to return prodÂucts they are disÂsatÂisÂfied with.
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To change an order, log into your account and navÂiÂgate to your order list. Select parÂticÂuÂlar order you want to change, make changes and save. Please note that this is only applicÂaÂble to orders that have not been packÂaged for shipÂment.
Log into your account, navÂiÂgate to my order lists and click track order. You can also track your order by folÂlowÂing the link proÂvidÂed in the conÂfirÂmaÂtion e‑mail sent to you when your order shipped.
Our award winÂning cusÂtomer care is always availÂable to supÂport you. Please drop us a mesÂsage with your details and we will get in touch with you under 24 hours.
We ship to CanaÂda and USA. Please conÂtact us to arrange shipÂping to your counÂtry if outÂside these two.
DependÂing on item size, time of purÂchase and shipÂping locaÂtion, items maybe shipped togethÂer or sepÂaÂrateÂly.