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NEEWER Camera Tripod Monopod with Rotatable Center Column for Panoramic Shooting, Aluminum Alloy 75″/191cm, 360° Ball Head,…

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Build Quality 8.1
Versatility 9
Ease of Use 6.9
Stability 9
Weight Capacity 8.1

Capture the Perfect Shot with our Camera Tripod Monopod. Experience unrivaled versatility and stability for panoramic shooting. Elevate your photography with the sturdy aluminum alloy build and 360° ball head. Maximize your creative potential and unleash the power of your camera.

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NEEWER Camera Tripod Monopod with Rotatable Center Column for Panoramic Shooting, Aluminum Alloy 75″/191cm, 360° Ball Head,…
NEEWER Camera Tripod Monopod with Rotatable Center Column for Panoramic Shooting, Aluminum Alloy 75″/191cm, 360° Ball Head,…



NEEWER Camera Tripod Monopod: Unleash Your Photography Potential

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(as of Tue Jun 27 2023 19:07:56 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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camera tripod monopod

The NEEWER cam­era tri­pod mono­pod is a ver­sa­tile and durable pho­tog­ra­phy acces­so­ry that allows for panoram­ic shoot­ing and sup­ports DSLR cam­eras and video cam­corders up to 26.5lb/12kg, thanks to its alu­minum alloy con­struc­tion and

Upgrade your pho­tog­ra­phy and videog­ra­phy game with the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod. Get your hands on this ver­sa­tile and durable tri­pod that is per­fect for panoram­ic shoot­ing, and can hold up to 26.5lb/12kg of weight. With a 360° ball head and 1/4″ Arca Type QR Plate, this tri­pod is com­pat­i­ble with DSLR cam­eras and video cam­corders. Buy now and take your pho­tog­ra­phy and videog­ra­phy to the next lev­el!


Here are the steps to use the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod with Rotat­able Cen­ter Col­umn for Panoram­ic Shoot­ing:

  1. Unpack the tri­pod from its car­ry­ing case and extend the legs to the desired height by adjust­ing the leg locks.
  2. For greater sta­bil­i­ty, you can adjust the cen­ter col­umn by loos­en­ing the cen­ter col­umn lock and rais­ing or low­er­ing it to your desired height.
  3. To use the tri­pod as a mono­pod, remove one of the legs and attach it to the cen­ter col­umn.
  4. Attach your cam­era or video cam­corder to the tri­pod using the 1/4″ Arca Type QR Plate. Secure the plate to your cam­er­a’s tri­pod mount using the pro­vid­ed screw.
  5. Once your cam­era is attached, adjust the posi­tion using the 360° ball head to achieve the desired angle.
  6. For panoram­ic shoot­ing, rotate the cen­ter col­umn to your desired posi­tion.
  7. To pack up the tri­pod, loosen all the locks and fold the legs. You can also detach the cen­ter col­umn for com­pact stor­age.

By fol­low­ing these steps, you can use the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod with Rotat­able Cen­ter Col­umn for Panoram­ic Shoot­ing and cap­ture stun­ning pho­tos and videos with ease.


Intro­duc­ing the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod, the ulti­mate com­pan­ion for pho­tog­ra­phers and video­g­ra­phers seek­ing unpar­al­leled ver­sa­til­i­ty and pre­ci­sion. This inno­v­a­tive tri­pod mono­pod com­bi­na­tion is designed to ele­vate your pho­tog­ra­phy expe­ri­ence to new heights. Craft­ed with a rotat­able cen­ter col­umn, this tri­pod enables seam­less panoram­ic shoot­ing, allow­ing you to cap­ture breath­tak­ing vis­tas and expan­sive land­scapes with ease. The stur­dy alu­minum alloy con­struc­tion ensures sta­bil­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty, pro­vid­ing a reli­able sup­port sys­tem for your DSLR cam­era or video cam­corder. Equipped with a 360° ball head, this tri­pod mono­pod offers flu­id and pre­cise adjust­ments, grant­i­ng you full con­trol over the com­po­si­tion of your shots. Whether you’re aim­ing for the per­fect angle or exper­i­ment­ing with cre­ative per­spec­tives, the ball head deliv­ers excep­tion­al flex­i­bil­i­ty and free­dom. The 1/4″ Arca Type QR plate enhances the con­ve­nience and effi­cien­cy of your pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sions. With its quick-release mech­a­nism, you can swift­ly mount and dis­mount your cam­era, sav­ing valu­able time and ensur­ing seam­less tran­si­tions between shots. Designed to accom­mo­date DSLR cam­eras and video cam­corders weigh­ing up to 26.5lb/12kg, this tri­pod mono­pod pro­vides stead­fast sup­port for a wide range of equip­ment. Whether you’re cap­tur­ing stun­ning stills or record­ing cap­ti­vat­ing videos, rest assured that your gear is secure and sta­ble through­out your shoot­ing ses­sions. With a gen­er­ous height of 75″/191cm, this tri­pod mono­pod enables you to achieve the per­fect per­spec­tive, whether you’re shoot­ing at ground lev­el or tow­er­ing above the scene. Its ver­sa­tile height range empow­ers you to explore diverse angles and unleash your cre­ative vision. Embrace the pow­er of the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod and unlock end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties in your pho­tog­ra­phy and videog­ra­phy endeav­ors. From cap­tur­ing awe-inspir­ing land­scapes to immor­tal­iz­ing pre­cious moments, this excep­tion­al tool is your gate­way to ele­vat­ing your craft to the next lev­el. Expe­ri­ence the per­fect blend of func­tion­al­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and ver­sa­til­i­ty with the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod.



The NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod is a ver­sa­tile and durable tool designed to enhance your pho­tog­ra­phy and videog­ra­phy expe­ri­ence. Here are some of its key ben­e­fits and fea­tures:

  1. Rotat­able cen­ter col­umn for panoram­ic shoot­ing: The tri­pod comes with a 360° rotat­able cen­ter col­umn that enables you to cap­ture panoram­ic shots with ease.
  2. Alu­minum alloy con­struc­tion: The tri­pod is made of high-qual­i­ty alu­minum alloy, mak­ing it light­weight yet stur­dy enough to sup­port up to 26.5lb/12kg of weight.
  3. 75″/191cm height: The tri­pod can extend up to 75″/191cm, giv­ing you the flex­i­bil­i­ty to shoot from dif­fer­ent angles and heights.
  4. 360° ball head: The tri­pod comes with a 360° ball head that allows you to adjust the cam­era angle smooth­ly and quick­ly.
  5. 1/4″ Arca Type QR plate: The tri­pod fea­tures a 1/4″ Arca Type quick release plate that lets you attach and detach your cam­era quick­ly and secure­ly.
  6. Mono­pod option: The tri­pod can be eas­i­ly con­vert­ed into a mono­pod, pro­vid­ing you with addi­tion­al flex­i­bil­i­ty and mobil­i­ty.
  7. Easy to set up and use: The tri­pod is designed to be



Imag­ine you’re embark­ing on a once-in-a-life­time adven­ture, and you want to cap­ture every moment of it. You’ve invest­ed in a top-of-the-line DSLR cam­era, and you’re ready to take stun­ning pho­tos and videos that will last a life­time. But, as you’re out in the field, you quick­ly real­ize that your stan­dard tri­pod just isn’t cut­ting it. You need some­thing that’s durable, ver­sa­tile, and can keep up with your adven­tur­ous spir­it. Enter the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod. This inno­v­a­tive piece of equip­ment is designed to meet the needs of even the most demand­ing of pho­tog­ra­phers. With its rotat­ing cen­ter col­umn, you can eas­i­ly cap­ture panoram­ic shots with ease. And, at 75″/191cm, it’s tall enough to get the per­fect angle, no mat­ter where you are. But, what real­ly sets this tri­pod apart is the 360° ball head and 1/4″ Arca Type QR plate. These fea­tures allow you to eas­i­ly adjust your cam­er­a’s posi­tion, with­out hav­ing to con­stant­ly move the tri­pod itself. And, with a weight capac­i­ty of up to 26.5lb/12kg, you can rest assured that your cam­era is secure and sta­ble, even in the most chal­leng­ing of con­di­tions


Here are some social proof state­ments for the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod:

  • “I’ve been using this tri­pod for my pho­tog­ra­phy busi­ness for over a year now and it’s been incred­i­bly reli­able and stur­dy. The rotat­able cen­ter col­umn has been a game-chang­er for my panoram­ic shots!” — Emi­ly, pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er
  • “I was hes­i­tant to spend this much on a tri­pod, but after using it for a few weeks, I can con­fi­dent­ly say it’s worth every pen­ny. It’s light­weight but still very stur­dy and the ball head allows for easy adjust­ments.” — Mark, ama­teur pho­tog­ra­ph­er
  • “I recent­ly used this tri­pod on a camp­ing trip and it held up great even in windy con­di­tions. It was easy to set up and the 360° ball head made it easy to get the per­fect shot.” — Sarah, out­door enthu­si­ast and ama­teur pho­tog­ra­ph­er
  • “I’ve tried a few dif­fer­ent tripods over the years, but this one has been my favorite by far. The 1/4” Arca Type QR Plate makes it easy to switch between cam­eras and the mono­pod fea­ture is a nice bonus.” — Tom, hob­by­ist pho­tog­ra­ph­er.


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Set up your NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod with Rotat­able Cen­ter Col­umn for Panoram­ic Shoot­ing with ease. With its durable alu­minum alloy con­struc­tion, you can rest assured that your cam­era and tri­pod will remain secure. The 360° ball head allows you to achieve just the right angle for the per­fect shot. The Arca Type QR plate is includ­ed for quick and easy instal­la­tion of your DSLR cam­era or video cam­corder. With a weight capac­i­ty of 26.5lb / 12kg and an extend­able height of 75”/191cm, you can count on get­ting the most out of your pho­tog­ra­phy and video shoots.



  1. Q: What is the max­i­mum weight capac­i­ty of the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod? A: The NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod has a max­i­mum weight capac­i­ty of 26.5lb or 12kg, mak­ing it suit­able for DSLR cam­eras and video cam­corders.
  2. Q: Can the cen­ter col­umn of the tri­pod rotate? A: Yes, the cen­ter col­umn of the tri­pod is rotat­able, allow­ing for easy adjust­ment and panoram­ic shoot­ing.
  3. Q: What is the height of the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod? A: The NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod has a height of 75″ or 191cm, pro­vid­ing excel­lent ver­sa­til­i­ty for cap­tur­ing shots from dif­fer­ent angles.
  4. Q: Does the tri­pod come with a ball head? A: Yes, the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod comes with a 360° ball head, enabling smooth and pre­cise adjust­ments for cap­tur­ing the per­fect shot.
  5. Q: Is the tri­pod made of alu­minum alloy? A: Yes, the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod is con­struct­ed with alu­minum alloy, ensur­ing dura­bil­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty dur­ing use.
  6. Q: What type of plate does the tri­pod use? A: The tri­pod uses a 1/4″ Arca Type QR plate, which is com­pat­i­ble with most DSLR cam­eras and video cam­corders.
  7. Q: Can the tri­pod be used as a mono­pod? A: Yes, the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod has a ver­sa­tile design that allows it to be trans­formed into a mono­pod for added flex­i­bil­i­ty in dif­fer­ent shoot­ing sit­u­a­tions.
  8. Q: Is the tri­pod suit­able for panoram­ic shoot­ing? A: Absolute­ly! The rotat­able cen­ter col­umn and 360° ball head of the tri­pod make it ide­al for cap­tur­ing stun­ning panoram­ic shots with ease.
  9. Q: Can the tri­pod be used with oth­er acces­sories? A: Yes, the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod fea­tures a stan­dard 1/4″ thread, allow­ing you to attach var­i­ous pho­tog­ra­phy acces­sories such as lights, micro­phones, or smart­phone hold­ers.
  10. Q: Does the tri­pod come with a car­ry­ing bag? A: Yes, the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod includes a con­ve­nient car­ry­ing bag for easy trans­porta­tion and stor­age.
  11. Q: Is the tri­pod suit­able for video record­ing? A: Absolute­ly! The sta­bil­i­ty and smooth move­ments pro­vid­ed by the tri­pod make it per­fect for video record­ing with DSLR cam­eras and cam­corders.
  12. Q: Does the tri­pod come with a war­ran­ty? A: Yes, the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod comes with a war­ran­ty to ensure cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and pro­vide peace of mind with your pur­chase.

Lim­it­ed stock avail­able! Get your NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod with Rotat­able Cen­ter Col­umn today and take your pho­tog­ra­phy to the next lev­el. This high-qual­i­ty tri­pod is made of durable alu­minum alloy and can sup­port up to 26.5lb/12kg, mak­ing it per­fect for DSLR cam­eras and video cam­corders. With a 360° ball head and a 1/4″ Arca Type QR plate, you’ll be able to cap­ture stun­ning panoram­ic shots and eas­i­ly switch between por­trait and land­scape mode. But don’t wait too long to make your pur­chase — our stock is run­ning low and once it’s gone, it’s gone! Order now and take advan­tage of this lim­it­ed-time offer.



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“Cap­ture Per­fect Panora­mas with Ease: Intro­duc­ing the NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod with Rotat­able Cen­ter Col­umn!”

#Cam­er­a­Tri­pod #Cam­er­a­Mono­pod #Pho­tog­ra­phyGear #Panoram­ic­Shoot­ing #Alu­minu­mAl­loy #Ball­Head #QRPlate #DSLR­Pho­tog­ra­phy #Video­Cam­corder #Pho­tog­ra­phy­Ac­ces­sories #TripodLove #Cre­ativeShoot­ing #Ver­sa­tileE­quip­ment #Out­door­Pho­tog­ra­phy #Pro­fes­sion­al­Gear

NEEWER Cam­era Tri­pod Mono­pod with Rotat­able Cen­ter Col­umn | Alu­minum Alloy 75″/191cm | 360° Ball Head | 1/4″ Arca Type QR Plate | DSLR Cam­era Video Cam­corder up to 26.5
8.2Expert Score
NEEWER Camera Tripod Monopod: Unleashing the Power of Versatile Photography
  • Versatile tripod monopod combination for various shooting scenarios
  • Rotatable center column allows for panoramic shooting and creative perspectives
  • Sturdy aluminum alloy construction ensures durability and stability
  • 360° ball head provides smooth and precise adjustments for optimal framing
  • Arca Type QR plate enables quick and convenient camera mounting and dismounting
  • Supports DSLR cameras and video camcorders up to 26.5lb/12kg
  • Impressive height of 75"/191cm for capturing elevated shots or shooting at ground level
  • Suitable for both professional and amateur photographers and videographers
  • Offers excellent value for its features and performance
  • Ideal for capturing landscapes, architecture, events, and more
Build Quality
Ease of Use
Weight Capacity
    • Versatile tripod monopod combination for various shooting scenarios
    • Rotatable center column allows for panoramic shooting and creative perspectives
    • Sturdy aluminum alloy construction ensures durability and stability
    • 360° ball head provides smooth and precise adjustments for optimal framing
    • Arca Type QR plate enables quick and convenient camera mounting and dismounting
    • Supports DSLR cameras and video camcorders up to 26.5lb/12kg
    • Impressive height of 75"/191cm for capturing elevated shots or shooting at ground level
    • Suitable for both professional and amateur photographers and videographers
    • Offers excellent value for its features and performance
    • Ideal for capturing landscapes, architecture, events, and more
    • Slightly heavy for prolonged outdoor use
    • Rotatable center column may require additional effort to adjust
    • Learning curve associated with the 360° ball head and Arca Type QR plate
    • Limited height adjustment options for shorter individuals
    • Lacks built-in level indicator for precise leveling
    • Does not include a carrying case for convenient transportation and storage

NEEWER Camera Tripod Monopod with Rotatable Center Column for Panoramic Shooting, Aluminum Alloy 75″/191cm, 360° Ball Head,… Videos

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