Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We ship by Cana­da post, DHL, FedEx, agreed ship­ping method with any of our ven­dors or through our affil­i­ate part­ners.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes we ship inter­na­tion­al­ly. Please con­tact us for sup­port if you encounter any issue with regards to mak­ing your order.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Depend­ing on the ship­ping option select­ed and ship­ping address loca­tion, we esti­mate with­in 2 to 7 days — This does not apply to inter­na­tion­al ship­ments.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept all cred­it cards, Apple pay through Square secure pay­ment sys­tem and Pay­Pal.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Our sys­tems are total­ly secure, with sev­er­al lay­ers of encryp­tion. Be rest assured your in a com­plete­ly secure envi­ron­ment. Our pay­ment part­ners Square and Pay­Pal have been cho­sen for their top notch secu­ri­ty in the pay­ment sys­tems indus­try.

Order & Retunrs

How do I place an Order?

Select any item you like, add it to cart. Repeat the process with oth­er prod­ucts you want to buy and click check­out. At check­out, pro­vide your address and pay­ment details and click place order. For affil­i­ate part­ner prod­ucts you will be secure­ly re-direct­ed to make pay­ment on part­ner web­site.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

To can­cel an order, log into your account and nav­i­gate to your order list. Select par­tic­u­lar order you want to can­cel and click can­cel order. Please note that this is only applic­a­ble to orders that have not been packed for ship­ment.

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you don’t need an account to place an order. Although, open­ing an account pro­vide added ben­e­fits of track­ing your order, order list­ings, wish­list’s, com­pare prod­uct and much more.…

How Do I Track My Order?

Log into your account, nav­i­gate to my order lists and click track order. You can also track your order by fol­low­ing the link pro­vid­ed in the con­fir­ma­tion e‑mail sent to you when your order shipped.

How Can I Return a Product?

Except for cer­tain beau­ty and body prod­ucts, cus­tomers have a 30 day peri­od to return prod­ucts they are dis­sat­is­fied with.
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