Frequently Asked Questions
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
We ship by CanaÂda post, DHL, FedEx, agreed shipÂping method with any of our venÂdors or through our affilÂiÂate partÂners.
Do You Ship Internationally?
Yes we ship interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly. Please conÂtact us for supÂport if you encounter any issue with regards to makÂing your order.
How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?
DependÂing on the shipÂping option selectÂed and shipÂping address locaÂtion, we estiÂmate withÂin 2 to 7 days — This does not apply to interÂnaÂtionÂal shipÂments.
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
We accept all credÂit cards, Apple pay through Square secure payÂment sysÂtem and PayÂPal.
Is Buying On-Line Safe?
Our sysÂtems are totalÂly secure, with sevÂerÂal layÂers of encrypÂtion. Be rest assured your in a comÂpleteÂly secure enviÂronÂment. Our payÂment partÂners Square and PayÂPal have been choÂsen for their top notch secuÂriÂty in the payÂment sysÂtems indusÂtry.
Order & Retunrs
How do I place an Order?
Select any item you like, add it to cart. Repeat the process with othÂer prodÂucts you want to buy and click checkÂout. At checkÂout, proÂvide your address and payÂment details and click place order. For affilÂiÂate partÂner prodÂucts you will be secureÂly re-directÂed to make payÂment on partÂner webÂsite.
How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?
To canÂcel an order, log into your account and navÂiÂgate to your order list. Select parÂticÂuÂlar order you want to canÂcel and click canÂcel order. Please note that this is only applicÂaÂble to orders that have not been packed for shipÂment.
Do I need an account to place an order?
No, you don’t need an account to place an order. Although, openÂing an account proÂvide added benÂeÂfits of trackÂing your order, order listÂings, wishÂlist’s, comÂpare prodÂuct and much more.…
How Do I Track My Order?
Log into your account, navÂiÂgate to my order lists and click track order. You can also track your order by folÂlowÂing the link proÂvidÂed in the conÂfirÂmaÂtion e‑mail sent to you when your order shipped.
How Can I Return a Product?
Except for cerÂtain beauÂty and body prodÂucts, cusÂtomers have a 30 day periÂod to return prodÂucts they are disÂsatÂisÂfied with.
We’re Here to Help ! ConÂtact us