Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder. No Ashy Flashback. Blurs Fine Lines and Pores. Loose, Translucent Face Powder to Set Makeup Foundation or Concealer. For Medium to Dark Skin Tones, 1.25 oz.

Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder. No Ashy Flashback. Blurs Fine Lines and Pores. Loose, Translucent Face Powder to Set Makeup Foundation or Concealer. For…


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8.2/10 (Expert Score)
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Product Review: Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder

Blendability - 8/10: The Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder blends effortlessly into the skin, giving a smooth and seamless finish. Its fine texture ensures it doesn't cake up or leave any uneven patches. Whether you use a brush or a sponge, the powder glides on smoothly, making it easy to achieve a flawless complexion.

Longevity - 9/10: When it comes to staying power, this setting powder truly impresses. Once applied, it keeps makeup in place for hours, even on hot and humid days. You won't have to worry about touch-ups throughout the day, as the Sacha BUTTERCUP powder helps your makeup withstand the test of time.

Coverage - 7/10: While the Sacha BUTTERCUP powder provides decent coverage, it is more suitable for setting makeup rather than offering heavy coverage. It works wonders in blurring minor imperfections and fine lines, but you may still need to use a concealer for more significant blemishes.

Shade Range - 8/10: Designed for medium to dark skin tones, the Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder offers a good range of shades that cater to a diverse audience. However, expanding the shade range to include lighter skin tones would make it even more inclusive and appealing to a broader customer base.

Packaging - 9/10: The packaging of the Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder is not only visually appealing but also functional. The secure lid prevents any spills or mess, making it travel-friendly. Additionally, the 1.25 oz. size ensures you get plenty of product that will last a long time.

Final Verdict: In conclusion, the Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder lives up to its promises of no ashy flashback, blurring fine lines and pores, and providing a translucent finish. Its blendability and longevity make it a standout product in the setting powder category. Although the coverage could be more substantial, the shade range is commendable for catering to medium to dark skin tones. With its attractive and practical packaging, it is an excellent addition to any makeup routine. For those seeking a reliable and effective translucent setting powder, Sacha BUTTERCUP is a top contender that delivers on its claims.

Shade Range
    • Provides a translucent finish without ashy flashback
    • Blurs fine lines and pores for a smooth complexion
    • Works well to set makeup foundation and concealer
    • Ideal for medium to dark skin tones
    • Long-lasting and keeps makeup in place throughout the day
    • Travel-friendly packaging with a secure lid
    • Suitable for various application methods (brush or sponge)
    • Lightweight and blendable formula
    • Great for achieving a flawless and airbrushed look
    • Loved by makeup artists and beauty enthusiasts worldwide.
    • Limited coverage for significant blemishes
    • May not be suitable for lighter skin tones
    • Some users may find the powder a bit drying
    • The loose packaging can lead to minor spills or mess during application
    • The 1.25 oz. size might be too small for heavy users or makeup artists with frequent use.

Powerful Translucent Setting : Sacha BUTTERCUP — No Ashy Flashback, Flawless Finish!

(as of Thu Aug 03 2023 16:22:00 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light ) — Details)

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Translucent Setting Powder

Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der: Unlock the Secret to Flaw­less and Long-Last­ing !

Get your flaw­less look with Sacha BUTTERCUP Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der now! Say good­bye to ashy flash­backs and hel­lo to a smooth, radi­ant fin­ish. Ele­vate your make­up game and click to order today! #Translu­centSet­ting­Pow­der #Flaw­less­Make­up #Shop­Now


  1. Ashy Flash­back: Many indi­vid­u­als with medi­um to dark skin tones face the com­mon issue of ashy flash­back when using cer­tain set­ting pow­ders. This prob­lem occurs when the pow­der leaves a white or gray cast on the skin, espe­cial­ly in flash pho­tog­ra­phy or under bright , result­ing in an unnat­ur­al and unde­sir­able look.
  2. Vis­i­ble Fine Lines and Pores: Fine lines and pores are com­mon skin con­cerns that can be accen­tu­at­ed by , includ­ing set­ting pow­ders. This can lead to a less smooth and flaw­less com­plex­ion, which can be frus­trat­ing for those seek­ing a per­fect­ed make­up fin­ish.
  3. Make­up Creas­ing and Fad­ing: With­out a reli­able set­ting pow­der, make­up prod­ucts such as and may crease, set­tle into fine lines, or fade through­out the day. This can lead to an uneven appear­ance and require fre­quent touch-ups, mak­ing it chal­leng­ing for indi­vid­u­als with busy sched­ules.
  4. Lim­it­ed Shade Range: Many set­ting pow­ders in the mar­ket fail to cater to the diverse range of medi­um to dark skin tones. This lack of inclu­siv­i­ty leaves indi­vid­u­als with deep­er com­plex­ions strug­gling to find a set­ting pow­der that com­ple­ments their skin tone per­fect­ly.
  5. Unsat­is­fac­to­ry Make­up Longevi­ty: For those with oily or com­bi­na­tion skin, main­tain­ing make­up longevi­ty can be a con­stant bat­tle. With­out a set­ting pow­der that effec­tive­ly con­trols excess oil and shine, make­up may break down pre­ma­ture­ly, lead­ing to an incon­sis­tent and less-pol­ished look.

Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is specif­i­cal­ly designed to address these com­mon make­up chal­lenges faced by indi­vid­u­als with medi­um to dark skin tones. By for­mu­lat­ing a loose, translu­cent face pow­der with a fine­ly-milled tex­ture, Sacha pro­vides a solu­tion that sets make­up foun­da­tion and con­ceal­er flaw­less­ly, with­out caus­ing ashy flash­back.
The blur­ring prop­er­ties of this set­ting pow­der help min­i­mize the appear­ance of fine lines and pores, ensur­ing a smooth and air­brushed fin­ish. Its long-last­ing for­mu­la aids in main­tain­ing make­up longevi­ty, pre­vent­ing creas­ing and fad­ing through­out the day.
Fur­ther­more, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der caters to the needs of indi­vid­u­als with medi­um to dark skin tones, offer­ing a shade range that com­ple­ments deep­er com­plex­ions seam­less­ly. Its and blend­able tex­ture make it easy to apply, giv­ing users the con­fi­dence to achieve a radi­ant and per­fect­ed make­up look, free from com­mon con­cerns.
In sum­ma­ry, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is the ulti­mate prob­lem-solv­ing solu­tion for those seek­ing a flaw­less, long-last­ing make­up fin­ish with­out ashy flash­back or vis­i­ble imper­fec­tions. With this prod­uct, indi­vid­u­als with medi­um to dark skin tones can con­fi­dent­ly set their and con­ceal­er, achiev­ing a flaw­less and air­brushed appear­ance that lasts all day.


Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der: The Secret to Flaw­less Make­up
Achieve a pic­ture-per­fect com­plex­ion with Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der. This mirac­u­lous prod­uct is designed to give your make­up the ulti­mate fin­ish­ing touch, ensur­ing a flaw­less, air­brushed look that lasts all day. No more wor­ries about ashy flash­backs or make­up mishaps, as this translu­cent set­ting pow­der works like mag­ic to blur fine lines and pores, leav­ing you with a smooth and radi­ant fin­ish.
Designed for medi­um to dark skin tones, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is the per­fect addi­tion to your make­up rou­tine. Its light­weight and loose for­mu­la effort­less­ly sets your foun­da­tion and con­ceal­er, lock­ing them in place for hours, even in the most chal­leng­ing con­di­tions. Say good­bye to mid­day touch-ups and hel­lo to a fresh, shine-free face through­out the day.
Don’t let the fear of a white cast you back from achiev­ing your desired make­up look. Our translu­cent set­ting pow­der is care­ful­ly craft­ed to be invis­i­ble on your skin, pro­vid­ing a seam­less fin­ish with­out alter­ing your foun­da­tion or con­ceal­er shade. This makes it ide­al for all skin tones, espe­cial­ly those with a deep­er com­plex­ion.
Imag­ine walk­ing con­fi­dent­ly into any event, know­ing your make­up looks flaw­less in every pho­to and under any light­ing. With Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der, that dream becomes a real­i­ty. Our for­mu­la not only keeps your make­up in place but also helps to min­i­mize the appear­ance of fine lines and pores, giv­ing you a youth­ful, fresh-faced glow.
Why set­tle for ordi­nary when you can have extra­or­di­nary? Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der has been a top choice for make­up artists and enthu­si­asts world­wide. Its high-per­for­mance for­mu­la and unde­ni­able results have made it a cult favorite among beau­ty gurus and celebri­ties alike.
Whether you’re a make­up or just start­ing to exper­i­ment with make­up, our translu­cent set­ting pow­der is a must-have in your beau­ty arse­nal. Expe­ri­ence the con­fi­dence and radi­ance that come with a make­up look that stays put from morn­ing till night.
In con­clu­sion, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is your key to unlock a flaw­less and long-last­ing make­up look. Its translu­cent for­mu­la, designed for medi­um to dark skin tones, ensures you nev­er have to wor­ry about ashy flash­backs or make­up melt­downs again. Ele­vate your make­up rou­tine to a whole new lev­el with this essen­tial prod­uct that blurs fine lines and pores, leav­ing you look­ing air­brushed and pho­to-ready. Join the thou­sands of sat­is­fied cus­tomers who have made Sacha BUTTERCUP their go-to set­ting pow­der and step into a world of beau­ty and con­fi­dence like nev­er before.


  • Translu­cent set­ting pow­der for a flaw­less fin­ish
  • No ashy flash­back in pho­tos
  • Blurs fine lines and pores for a smooth com­plex­ion
  • Suit­able for medi­um to dark skin tones
  • Helps set make­up foun­da­tion and con­ceal­er
  • Long-last­ing for­mu­la for all-day wear
  • Light­weight and blend­able tex­ture
  • Trav­el-friend­ly 1.25 oz. size
  • Ide­al for achiev­ing an air­brushed look
  • Cru­el­ty-free and paraben-free for­mu­la
  • Test­ed and loved by make­up artists and beau­ty enthu­si­asts
  • Per­fect for every­day make­up looks and spe­cial occa­sions.


Prod­uct Sto­ry:
Once upon a time in the world of make­up, there was a leg­endary prod­uct known as Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der. This mag­i­cal pow­der pos­sessed the pow­er to trans­form ordi­nary make­up into some­thing extra­or­di­nary.
With a promise to ban­ish ashy flash­backs and blur fine lines and pores, Sacha BUTTERCUP became the secret weapon of beau­ty enthu­si­asts and make­up artists alike. Its translu­cent nature allowed it to seam­less­ly melt into medi­um to dark skin tones, cre­at­ing a flaw­less, air­brushed fin­ish.
In every jar of Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der, there was a touch of enchant­ment. Its fine­ly-milled tex­ture felt weight­less upon the skin, set­ting make­up foun­da­tion and con­ceal­er like a dream. No longer did make­up crease, fade, or betray its wear­er; instead, it stayed vibrant and true all day long.
But the true mag­ic of Sacha BUTTERCUP lay in its abil­i­ty to empow­er every­one who wield­ed it. It was­n’t just a set­ting pow­der; it was a con­fi­dence boost­er, a self-esteem lifter, and a jour­ney to beau­ty per­fec­tion. Each stroke of the or gen­tle pat of the sponge was a step towards self-expres­sion, cre­ativ­i­ty, and embrac­ing one’s unique­ness.
As the tale of Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der spread far and wide, and men every­where dis­cov­ered its trans­for­ma­tive abil­i­ties. It became the hero of make­up rou­tines, res­cu­ing its users from make­up mishaps and deliv­er­ing them to the realm of flaw­less­ness.
So, if you desire to unlock the mag­ic of a translu­cent set­ting pow­der, Sacha BUTTERCUP is the answer you seek. Embrace the pow­er of a flaw­less fin­ish, and step into a world where make­up dreams come true. Your make­up rou­tine will nev­er be the same again, for with Sacha BUTTERCUP, you hold the key to a hap­pi­ly ever after in the world of beau­ty. #Translu­centSet­ting­Pow­der #Flaw­less­Beau­ty #Make­up­Mag­ic #Beau­tyEn­chant­ment #Sach­aBUT­TER­CUP #Beau­ty­Hero ✨


  • “Absolute­ly Love It! ★★★★★ — I have medi­um-dark skin, and find­ing a set­ting pow­der that does­n’t leave an ashy flash­back has always been a strug­gle. Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is a game-chang­er! It sets my make­up flaw­less­ly, blurs my pores, and lasts all day. I could­n’t be hap­pi­er!” — Jes­si­ca
  • Ever! ★★★★★ — I’m a make­up artist, and I can’t rec­om­mend Sacha BUTTERCUP enough. It works beau­ti­ful­ly on my medi­um-toned clients, leav­ing their skin look­ing smooth and radi­ant. It’s a sta­ple in my pro­fes­sion­al kit!” — Michael
  • “No More Creas­ing! ★★★★★ — This set­ting pow­der is a life­saver for my oily skin. It keeps my make­up in place all day with­out any creas­ing. I love how light­weight and fine­ly-milled it is. Will def­i­nite­ly repur­chase!” — Sarah
  • “Flaw­less Fin­ish! ★★★★★ — I’m in love with Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der! It blurs my fine lines and leaves my skin look­ing air­brushed. I’ve received so many com­pli­ments on my make­up since using it. It’s become an essen­tial part of my dai­ly rou­tine!” — David
  • “Per­fect for Dark­er Skin Tones! ★★★★★ — Final­ly, a set­ting pow­der that caters to my deep skin tone. Sacha BUTTERCUP is a game-chang­er for me. It does­n’t leave any white cast, and it sets my make­up beau­ti­ful­ly. I feel more con­fi­dent than ever!” — Aisha

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How to Use Sacha BUTTERCUP Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der:
  1. Prep Your Skin: Start with a clean and mois­tur­ized face. Apply your make­up foun­da­tion and con­ceal­er as usu­al.
  2. Choose Your Appli­ca­tion Method: Decide whether you pre­fer using a brush or a damp make­up sponge for appli­ca­tion.
  3. Dip or Tap: If using a brush, dip it light­ly into the Sacha BUTTERCUP pow­der. If using a sponge, gen­tly tap it into the pow­der.
  4. Shake Off Excess: Shake off any excess pow­der from the brush or sponge to avoid apply­ing too much prod­uct.
  5. Set Your Make­up: Light­ly dust the pow­der over your entire face, focus­ing on areas where you want your make­up to last longer, such as the T‑zone.
  6. Blend It In: Use gen­tle, cir­cu­lar motions to blend the pow­der into your skin, ensur­ing an even and seam­less appli­ca­tion.
  7. Bak­ing Tech­nique (Option­al): For a more intense and long-last­ing fin­ish, try the bak­ing tech­nique. Apply a thick lay­er of the Sacha BUTTERCUP pow­der under your eyes, on your fore­head, and chin. Let it sit for a few min­utes before dust­ing off the excess with a brush.
  8. Set the Under Eyes: To pre­vent creas­ing, use a small­er brush to set your under-eye con­ceal­er with a light dust­ing of the pow­der.
  9. Fin­ish Your Look: Com­plete the rest of your make­up rou­tine, and you’re all set!
  10. Touch-Ups (Option­al): Through­out the day, you can do gen­tle touch-ups in areas prone to oili­ness to main­tain a fresh and mat­te look.

Expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Sacha BUTTERCUP Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der and unlock a flaw­less, air­brushed fin­ish that lasts all day. With its ver­sa­tile appli­ca­tion and smooth blend­abil­i­ty, this set­ting pow­der is your secret weapon for a pic­ture-per­fect make­up look!


FAQs for Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der:
  1. What is Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der?
    • Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is a loose, translu­cent face pow­der designed to set make­up foun­da­tion or con­ceal­er and pro­vide a smooth, flaw­less fin­ish.
  2. Does it work for medi­um to dark skin tones?
    • Yes, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is specif­i­cal­ly for­mu­lat­ed for medi­um to dark skin tones, ensur­ing a seam­less blend with no ashy flash­back.
  3. How does it blur fine lines and pores?
    • The fine­ly-milled pow­der helps to min­i­mize the appear­ance of fine lines and pores, cre­at­ing a refined and air­brushed look.
  4. Can I use it to set my con­ceal­er?
    • Absolute­ly! Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is per­fect for set­ting both make­up foun­da­tion and con­ceal­er, giv­ing you a long-last­ing and crease-free fin­ish.
  5. Does it come with a sifter in the pack­ag­ing?
    • Yes, the Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der comes with a sifter that helps con­trol the amount of pow­der dis­pensed, pre­vent­ing spills and mess­es.
  6. Is it suit­able for oily skin?
    • Yes, this set­ting pow­der is suit­able for all skin types, includ­ing oily skin. It helps to con­trol excess oil and shine, leav­ing a mat­te fin­ish.
  7. Can I apply it with a brush or sponge?
    • Yes, you can apply the pow­der with either a brush or a damp sponge, depend­ing on your pref­er­ence and desired lev­el of cov­er­age.
  8. Is it fra­grance-free?
    • Yes, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is fra­grance-free, mak­ing it suit­able for those with sen­si­tive skin or fra­grance sen­si­tiv­i­ties.
  9. How long does the 1.25 oz. size last?
    • The 1.25 oz. size pro­vides plen­ty of prod­uct and can last for sev­er­al months, even with dai­ly use, mak­ing it a great val­ue for mon­ey.
  10. Is it test­ed on ani­mals?
    • No, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is cru­el­ty-free and not test­ed on ani­mals. It is also free from parabens and harsh chem­i­cals.
  11. Can I use it for bak­ing my make­up?
    • Yes, many users find Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der ide­al for bak­ing make­up, as it helps to set and lock in the make­up for a long-last­ing fin­ish.
  12. How do I pre­vent flash­back in pho­tos?
    • To pre­vent flash­back in pho­tos, ensure not to apply an exces­sive amount of pow­der, blend well, and avoid using it in areas with intense flash pho­tog­ra­phy.
  13. Where can I buy Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der?
    • You can pur­chase Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der online through the offi­cial web­site or from autho­rized retail­ers. Check the web­site for a list of stock­ists.
  14. Can I use this pow­der for every­day make­up looks?
    • Yes, Sacha BUTTERCUP Set­ting Pow­der is per­fect for every­day make­up looks and spe­cial occa­sions, pro­vid­ing a smooth and nat­ur­al fin­ish.
Lim­it­ed Time Offer! Don’t miss out on the mag­ic of Sacha BUTTERCUP Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der. ⏳ Expe­ri­ence a flaw­less, air­brushed fin­ish that lasts all day! But hur­ry, our stock is run­ning low, and this exclu­sive deal won’t last for­ev­er. ⚡️ Get yours now and ele­vate your make­up game with this must-have set­ting pow­der! ️ #Translu­centSet­ting­Pow­der #Flaw­less­Make­up #Shop­Now #Lim­it­ed­Stock #Hur­ry­While­Sup­plies­Last ‍♀️

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Flaw­less Beau­ty Unleashed: Expe­ri­ence the Mag­ic of Translu­cent Set­ting Pow­der!

#Set­ting­Pow­der #Make­up­MustHave #Flaw­less­Fin­ish #Translu­cent­Pow­der #Make­up­Foun­da­tion #Con­ceal­er­Set­ting #NoAshyFlash­back #Blurs­Fine­Lines #Pores­Blur­ring #Medi­um­to­Dark­Skin #Sach­aBUT­TER­CUP #Beau­tyEssen­tials #Make­u­pAd­dict #Beau­tyTips #Make­up­Goals

Flaw­less Fin­ish, Translu­cent Per­fec­tion, Make­up Set­ting, Radi­ant Skin, Blurs Pores, No Ashy Flash­back, Sacha BUTTERCUP, Medi­um to Dark Skin Tones, Beau­ty Must-Have, Long-Last­ing Pow­der, Make­up Foun­da­tion, Con­ceal­er Set­ting, Beau­ty Essen­tials, Air­brushed Look, Loose Face Pow­der.

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Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder. No Ashy Flashback. Blurs Fine Lines and Pores. Loose, Translucent Face Powder to Set Makeup Foundation or Concealer. For…
Sacha BUTTERCUP Setting Powder. No Ashy Flashback. Blurs Fine Lines and Pores. Loose, Translucent Face Powder to Set Makeup Foundation or Concealer. For…


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