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Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade

(25 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #2 in category Beauty

Original price was: $64.95.Current price is: $45.95.

Ease of Use8.5
Visible Results8.7

TellGrade Chest Patch for Wrinkles, Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles! Get ready to say goodbye to wrinkles and sagging skin. Our revolutionary silicone patch technology is designed to smooth out wrinkles while you sleep, ensuring you wake up looking refreshed and younger than ever. With the ability to be reused daily, our chest pad will help you achieve a glamorous complexion effortlessly with no need for expensive creams or treatments.

Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade
Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade

Original price was: $64.95.Current price is: $45.95.


Top Features and Benefits

If you’re like most peo­ple, you want to look your best. You don’t want peo­ple to focus on your wrin­kles and you cer­tain­ly don’t want them to think you’re old­er than you are. Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles can help. This unique prod­uct uses the pow­er of sil­i­cone to tem­porar­i­ly fill in wrin­kles and give your skin a smooth, youth­ful appear­ance.

Reusable med­ical grade sil­i­cone anti-wrin­kle décol­leté pads designed to cor­rect & pre­vent chest wrin­kles.

  • Dis­creet pads to wear any time of day.
  • Made of 100% med­ical grade sil­i­cone
  • Con­tain no aller­gy caus­ing latex, ure­thanes, or adhe­sives.
  • Hypoal­ler­genic
  • Smooths chest wrin­kles
  • See vis­i­ble results in 12 Hours.
  • Tell­Grade Sci­ence – New largest pad design on the Mar­ket
  • Dynam­ic patent pend­ing shape.
  • Lux­u­ri­ous, dis­creet and com­fort­able
  • Reusable Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad : Lasts over 20 days.
  • Long last­ing, Safe, easy to use, main­tain and reuse.

Reusable Anti-Wrin­kle Chest Pad: Chest Wrin­kle Pads: Decol­lete Wrin­kle Pad: Sil­i­cone Chest Pad

Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles

Chest Patch for Wrinkles


The Ulti­mate wrin­kle treat­ment at home using cut­ting edge nanoscale tech­nolo­gies that’s chem­i­cal, cut free and result in boost­ing the body’s nat­ur­al process­es to pro­vide amaz­ing results.

This unique Decol­lete Pad shape is a result of 6 years of research to pro­vide you with the per­fect struc­ture that is soft, breath­able and com­fort­able, with a Size that cov­ers and Smoothens 47% more essen­tial skin area per sin­gle use, than the clos­est com­pe­ti­tion. 


Even those stub­born lines and wrin­kles with a mind of their own that appear and extend to places most hard to reach are no match for this design. The Decol­lete Pad that works beyond your Décol­letage

Rec­om­mend­ed by both der­ma­tol­o­gists and cos­met­ic sur­geons in addi­tion to beau­ty media world­wide, our non-inva­sive Reusable Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad can quick­ly and afford­ably pre­vent and even smooth out wrin­kles fol­low­ing your first use. With even greater results over weeks and months of use.

Results prove we aren’t the only ones who think TellGrade Chest Patch for Wrinkles are great.

  • 9 out of 10 Women said their Skin was Sig­nif­i­cant­ly Smoother after Wear­ing for 16 Hours
  • 92% of Women expe­ri­enced Firmer Skin
  • 84% of Women felt Pos­i­tive that their Over­all Appear­ance had Improved.
  • 89% of Women saw a Reduc­tion in Chest Wrin­kles
  • 93% of Women were con­fi­dent their skin felt smoother.
  • 88% of Women said they would use Tell­Grade Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad Instead of Injecta­bles or Fillers

Fast Acting anti wrinkle decollete silicone pad

Reusable Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad with Deep Skin Smoothing, Rejuvenation & Moisturization

Chest Patch For Wrinkles: Silicone Patch For Chest Wrinkles By Tellgrade

Our Sil­i­cone chest wrin­kle pads use the lat­est advance­ment in nan­otech­nol­o­gy devel­oped in our lab­o­ra­to­ries to com­bine breatha­bil­i­ty, com­pres­sion and deep skin hydra­tion to smooth away exist­ing and pre­vent future wrin­kles.

This new design helps plump and tight­en skin, min­i­mize creepy skin and encour­age rapid repair for max­i­mum anti-age­ing & revi­tal­iz­ing effects. Tell­Grade Anti-Wrin­kle Chest Pads, gives you bet­ter results than you can find on Ama­zon or with oth­er brands

Premium 100% Medical Grade Silicone Pads

TellGrade Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles


This high qual­i­ty 100% med­ical grade sil­i­cone pad will quick­ly remove & pre­vent wrin­kles and lines caused by aging skin, side sleep­ing & even sun dam­age.

Tell­Grade’s Chest Patch for Wrin­kles is deigned to be dynam­ic, allow­ing you to cre­ative­ly apply the decol­lette pad to any wrin­kle skin, chest neck face or back­side and can be worn com­fort­ably dur­ing the day or overnight as you sleep.

Per­fect tool to roll back the years. It holds skin & keeps it firm while you sleep to ensure you wake up to a more radi­ant skin, a more beau­ti­ful you. The only Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles you can use any­where on your body.

with our Silicone Pad For Chest Wrinkles

TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad

Chest Patch For Wrinkles: Silicone Patch For Chest Wrinkles By Tellgrade

Unique­ly con­struct­ed from a cus­tom formed struc­tured sil­i­cone. Our pads increase col­la­gen pro­duc­tion, blood flow & mois­tur­ize your skin ensur­ing that it remains healthy, hydrat­ed, reju­ve­nat­ed and youth­ful for years to come. 

Our prod­ucts are thor­ough­ly researched & test­ed to make sure you receive pads that deliv­er FAST RESULTS and tru­ly stick for over 15 uses if used accord­ing to instruc­tions. We rec­om­mend chang­ing the pads every 2 weeks. The only Chest Patch for Wrin­kles you tru­ely need.


Your TellGrade Advantage
WE SURE Got Your Back!!

TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Silicone Pads

Chest Patch For Wrinkles: Silicone Patch For Chest Wrinkles By Tellgrade

Face it, you’ve got your face, neck and chest wrin­kles under con­trol with Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch but whose got your back?. with Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles your total­ly cov­ered, Front and Back. 

Now you can sleep peace­ful­ly smoothen­ing away age­ing lines know­ing no one will see you age behind your back and wak­ing up to a more beau­ti­ful, radi­ant and youth­ful you chest, face, neck and back­side.

Large Dynamic Multi use design.

One Anti Wrinkle Silicone Pad, Many Options

Chest Patch For Wrinkles: Silicone Patch For Chest Wrinkles By Tellgrade

Use our cutout tem­plate or eas­i­ly design one your­self. Tell­Grade Anti Wrin­kle Chest Patch is designed to allow you to cut a sin­gle pad into small­er pieces to use as anti wrin­kle sil­i­cone patch for face, fore­head or neck pad depend­ing on how you wish to use it.  

When cut cor­rect­ly one Chest Wrin­kle Pad equals 2 sil­i­cone neck pads, eye and lash­es pad, fore­head patch and mouth & smile patch. How ever you decide to use your decol­lete pads, you’re sure to get amaz­ing results.

Premium Chest Wrinkle Pads,

TellGrade Decollette Pad

Chest Patch For Wrinkles: Silicone Patch For Chest Wrinkles By Tellgrade

Unbeat­able RESULTS FROM FIRST USE. Non-absorbent, soft, con­tains no aller­gy caus­ing latex or Ure­thanes. TOUCH UP ANYTIME, TREATMENT ANYWHERE. At work or play these clear pads will stay in place so they can smooth wrin­kles while being unno­ticed. 

Suit­able for all skin tones and types. Get your anti-aging, anti-wrin­kle, mois­tur­iza­tion and deep skin reju­ve­na­tion ther­apy round-the-clock. They can be eas­i­ly trimmed to any size desired for full com­fort. Designed to be your go-to anti-wrin­kle decol­lete sil­i­cone pad.


Reusable Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad

Chest Patch For Wrinkles: Silicone Patch For Chest Wrinkles By Tellgrade

Our patent pend­ing struc­tured sil­i­cone tech­nol­o­gy improves breatha­bil­i­ty allow­ing your skin breath while in use, improv­ing our decol­lete pads adher­ence to skin by 62% allow­ing the pads to stay put overnight and hold their adhe­sive­ness for longer. Designed to most effec­tive­ly & effi­cient­ly cov­er the widest chest & cleav­age area as well as stick to skin com­pared to any oth­er in the mar­ket. 

The pads are con­toured in such a way as to even allow you eas­i­ly cut them into diverse shapes and use on any part of the body, includ­ing fore­head and neck. Mak­ing these the most ver­sa­tile Skin Pad in the mar­ket. 

One Chest Patch for Wrin­kles, Many Solu­tions. An advan­tage you won’t find with pads on ebay or any­where else online.


TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad


All our users agree to one thing, if used prop­er­ly, you can get well over 25 days of usage from this prod­uct. Fol­low the usage direc­tions pro­vid­ed on the prod­uct and see the ulti­mate trans­for­ma­tion of your skin to that youth­ful soft­ness and smooth­ness you so desire. 

It’s not just a wrin­kle pad, we made it one of the BEST ANTI-WRINKLE AND ANTI-AGEING DECOLLETE PAD mon­ey can buy. Designed to SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVE SELF-ADHESIVENESS to the skin, MOVE AS YOU WANT & IT WON’T COME OFF! Pre­mi­um Qual­i­ty Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles made to last and last.  

Tellgrade Professional Hair Straightener &Amp; Curler 2 In 1 Flat Iron For Hair Styling


We make prod­ucts so good you have to tell oth­ers. Backed by our inter­na­tion­al Award win­ning cus­tomer care ser­vice. Each Pack­age comes with Tell­Grade wor­ry free Guar­an­tee. Pur­chase with con­fi­dence.

Tellgrade Professional Hair Straightener &Amp; Curler 2 In 1 Flat Iron For Hair Styling


Cur­rent­ly High­ly Dis­count­ed as an intro­duc­to­ry offer you wont ever find again, so Hur­ry before the price goes up. Buy 2 and Get FREE SHIPPING,  BUY 5 and Get 6th  FREE, or Pick up one of our dis­count­ed Bun­dles.

Pick up all you need for this sum­mer and Go for those dar­ing out­fits! You’re TOTALLY COVERED by our 100% “No Wrin­kle” Tell­Grade Guar­an­tee. Click Add to Cart now to wake to a beau­ti­ful smooth chest, cleav­age, ster­num & Back­side skin.

9.4Expert Score
Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade
Magical Results
Get remarkable results fast. This product ticks all the boxes required for exceptional performance and quality. You are guaranteed results. Excels the competition by far.
Ease of Use
Visible Results
  • Design: Unique design solution, makes this the most adaptable pad in the market.
  • Adhesiveness: With proper use you will get well over 20 days of use with strong adhesiveness.
  • Feel: Made of new structured silicone making it soft and very convenient.
  • Color : Colorless design with very little outline, usable day or night.
  • Effect: Deep skin rejuvenation, Moisturization, Improved collagen production, Skin Smoothing and brightening.
  • Results: Visible results in less than 48 hours
  • Price: Lower priced than competition with less value.
  • Quality: Made of 100% medical grade silicone.

Additional information

Specification: Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade



Weight 0.70 kg
Dimensions 23 × 20 × 0.3 cm

Reviews (25)

25 reviews for Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade

4.8 out of 5
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  1. Avatar Of Sadye


    I always look to prod­uct reviews before buy­ing any­thing — this one seri­ous­ly works! I’m just 27 but was get­ting chest wrin­kles as I sleep on my side so need­ed a solu­tion. It def­i­nite­ly works best in the begin­ning, I get at least 15 good nights out of it then it starts to lose it’s stick a lit­tle but con­tin­ues to work to an extent say a lit­tle longer than 30 days depend­ing on how you store it. After a while it will just fall off in the mid­dle of the night. Wish it was a bit cheap­er and last­ed longer but if you can afford it this will get rid of the begin­nings of chest wrin­kles!

    + PROS: Incredible product. Great designfast action better than others i have usedlast longeramazing product.
    - CONS: not available in usa
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  2. Avatar Of Hotandsleek


    Love these pads, they are sim­ply the best you can find, like every­one else has said, this real­ly works. A lot of peo­ple com­plain about the low shelf life of the adhe­sive, what has worked for me is to NOT put it on the sheet pro­vid­ed because that is just one more time stick­ing and rip­ping mean­ing 30 times a month is clos­er to 60 times. When I am done I place it adhe­sive side up on a plate and a small bowl over it to keep any­thing off of it… month two and still going strong!

    + PROS: Best shapebest sizebest adhesivefast acting
    - CONS: Hey there, You have done a great job. I will definitely digg it and personally recommend to my friends.I'm sure they will be benefited from this web site.
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  3. Avatar Of Abcya


    when you wear it, you can hard­ly see it on and the first time i wore it I woke up with hard­ly any wrin­kles, the more I use it the bet­ter and there were 35 years of deep creased wrin­kles. thank you

    + PROS: It works, just works
    - CONS: you tell me
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  4. Avatar Of Sarahh


    when you wear it, you can hard­ly see it on and the first time i wore it I woke up with hard­ly any wrin­kles, the more I use it the bet­ter and there were 35 years of deep creased wrin­kles. thank you

    + PROS: it really works
    - CONS: you tell me
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  5. Avatar Of Amanda


    I was real­ly pleas­ant­ly sur­prised to find this real­ly works. I try to sleep on my back but if I have a bad night and I have to snug­gle in my side, I get up and stick this on! I’m beau­ti­ful­ly smooth in the morn­ing instead of a load of wrinkly ugli­ness. It’s still just as sticky after about 14 nights use so far. Will def­i­nite­ly buy anoth­er when this no longer works.

    + PROS: cover more skinunique shapeyou can cut into small pieces and use for other body parts like neck and face.
    - CONS: price is somewhat high compared to the popular not working ones, but i guess i paid for quality.
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  6. Avatar Of Fatia


    I love this item but it does lose its stick­i­ness and because I sleep on my side my chest dips quite far in so when it los­es it’s stick­i­ness it’s not as effec­tive at stay­ing com­plete­ly on but still a real­ly good prod­uct total­ly gets rid of my lines. A lit­tle expen­sive but it does exact­ly what you want it to, will be buy­ing again

    + PROS: usable over 20 dayslargest size i have seenworks fast with visible results by second daygood quality
    - CONS: expensivedifficult to find
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  7. Avatar Of Analine


    Unbe­liev­able! Bought this from the uk, A dra­mat­ic improve­ment in one night. I find these last at least 3 months and have now bought again. Very very hap­py with this mir­a­cle cure for my wrin­kles

    + PROS:

    + PROS: quick resultslong lastingtop quality
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  8. Avatar Of Heather


    I’ve been nev­er writ­ten an online review before, but I was amazed by how quick­ly this worked. After one sin­gle night my chest wrin­kles reduced dra­mat­i­cal­ly.
    I’ve just ordered anoth­er.
    High­ly rec­om­mend­ed.

    + PROS: highly recommended
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  9. Avatar Of Kim Mconn

    Kim Mconn

    Worked with­in a few days for me and now I can’t live with­out it. My marks were real­ly bad, too. I had been using a boob pil­low for years, but while that kept the boob twins sep­a­rat­ed, it real­ly did­n’t keep the skin from wrin­kling in between. The pad keeps the skin taut and with­in a very short peri­od of time, the lines dis­ap­peared. The patch does most of the work. I’m also one of those peo­ple that does­n’t like for­eign things on me, so I DID have trou­ble get­ting used to using it as a fore­head patch (and sub­se­quent­ly, a neck patch, i just cut it along the lines), but using it for the decol­lette is less both­er­some. Bot­tom line is that it works and how often can you say THAT about a prod­uct?

    + PROS: it works
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  10. Avatar Of Marta


    This is the best pad of this type. I’ve tried sev­er­al. This one is the only one that holds it stick for at least two weeks. I cut it in half (before you remove the pro­tec­tive film). I place the half sheet in the space between my breasts where it wrin­kles the most when I sleep. It real­ly works great and actu­al­ly stays on bet­ter as it sticks bet­ter in the crevice than all the oth­ers i have used.

    + PROS: best padunlike others this is multi functionalyou can use on any body partgreat quality
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  11. Avatar Of Mia


    Does not last 4 weeks but its the best one I found. It real­ly works. After a few days, the wrin­kles all disappear.A must to wash chest area to remove excess oil and dont add any lotion or prod­ucts to chest area. Also its good to wash it off after a few uses as skin that sheds starts build­ing up on it. This prod­uct has last­ed me from 2–3 weeks. I know its not a long time but I think its worth not to have chest wrin­kles as I am a side sleeper.I eas­i­ly rec­om­mend it.

    + PROS: It worksBest amongst them all and i have nearly used all brands.
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  12. Avatar Of M&Amp;Mm


    My expe­ri­ence with this prod­uct is very sim­i­lar to that of oth­er users. It absolute­ly does work! I only need to wear it for about 10–15 min­utes for it to smooth out my chest wrin­kles caused from sleep­ing on my side. When I first received the pad, I wore it faith­ful­ly every night. With­in a few days, the out­er edges became loose and stopped stick­ing, which is no big deal. I washed it at least every oth­er use and it did help some, but I can’t say it main­tained its stick­i­ness for an entire month. Some nights it would­n’t stay on the whole night. I real­ly wish they were a lit­tle cheap­er so it would­n’t be such an expense to replace every time they start­ed to wear out. For now, I’m keep­ing the one I have and using it for occa­sion­al “touch ups” when I’m wear­ing a low cut shirt or dress.

    + PROS: simply the best out there
    - CONS: little expensive
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  13. Avatar Of Aubery


    I hate hav­ing to use this but it total­ly works. I am an aggres­sive side sleep­er… arms up cre­at­ing even more pres­sure of my skin and the pad… it still says. It’s impres­sive. Only gave 4 because I feel it could be stick­i­er… but maybe it would be too dif­fi­cult to pull off. I’ll keep buy­ing them as they loose adhe­sion.

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  14. Avatar Of Georgia


    I am the biggest skep­tic to this stuff but being that I am a side sleep­er, I was sick of wak­ing up & see­ing the deep lines in my chest. Used this & woke up the next day with­out them after wear­ing it all night. You have to keep it clean & make sure your chest doesn’t have any oils or creams but this adhe­sive pad real­ly does work. I rarely write reviews but I felt this deserved it because it tru­ly tru­ly works (you have to use it every night though).

    + PROS: the best out there
    - CONS: nothing
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  15. Avatar Of Emanuel


    Excel­lent prod­uct, con­grat­u­la­tions on sales. Its very much worth it

    + PROS: Your information is of great quality, thanks for sharing. 34264304
    - CONS: Your information is of great quality, thanks for sharing. 76722140
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  16. Avatar Of Nikole


    I nev­er thought I would find a prod­uct that would help get rid of my wrin­kles, but I was wrong. Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch is the best anti wrin­kle chest pads I have ever used. They are easy to apply and real­ly work. My wrin­kles are almost gone!

    + PROS: My best buy of the year
    - CONS: Just loove it
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  17. Avatar Of Hope


    I’m so hap­py I found these anti wrin­kle chest pads! I’ve been look­ing for some­thing to help with my wrin­kles and these work great. They’re easy to use and real­ly help to reduce the appear­ance of wrin­kles. I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend them to any­one look­ing for an anti wrin­kle solu­tion.

    + PROS: great, i love it
    - CONS: cant find any
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  18. Avatar Of Darktimemarksman29


    These sil­i­cone wrin­kle patch­es are awe­some! I’ve only been using them for a few days, but I can already see a dif­fer­ence in the appear­ance of my skin. They are real­ly easy to use and they stay in place all day. I’m excit­ed to see how my skin looks after using them for a longer peri­od of time.

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  19. Avatar Of Scout1992


    The Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad Decol­lette Pad is a great prod­uct! I have been using it for a few weeks now and have noticed a big dif­fer­ence in the appear­ance of my skin. My wrin­kles are much less notice­able and my skin feels soft­er and smoother. I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend this prod­uct to any­one look­ing for a good anti-wrin­kle solu­tion.

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  20. Avatar Of Antontoha7


    These pads are awe­some! I was a lit­tle skep­ti­cal at first, but they real­ly do work. I noticed a dif­fer­ence after just one use. My chest wrin­kles were much less notice­able. I will def­i­nite­ly be using these reg­u­lar­ly from now on.

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  21. Avatar Of Kidenn9


    If you’re look­ing for an anti-wrin­kle solu­tion that real­ly works, you need to try Tell­Grade’s Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch! I was a lit­tle skep­ti­cal at first, but after using it for just a few days I could real­ly see a dif­fer­ence in the appear­ance of my skin. The patch is made of sil­i­cone and is real­ly easy to apply — you just peel and stick it on your chest or decol­lette area.

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  22. Avatar Of Bridg5


    I’m real­ly excit­ed about these Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pads! I’ve been using them for a few weeks now and I can def­i­nite­ly see a dif­fer­ence in the appear­ance of my skin. They are real­ly easy to use, just apply them to your chest and let them work their mag­ic. I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend these to any­one look­ing for an easy and effec­tive way to reduce wrin­kles.

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  23. Avatar Of Domirek157


    I’m excit­ed to try out the Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad Decol­lette Pad. I’ve been see­ing a lot of ads for sim­i­lar prod­ucts recent­ly and I’m curi­ous to see if this one lives up to the hype. So far, I’m impressed! The chest pad is made of sil­i­cone and feels real­ly soft and smooth. It’s easy to apply and does­n’t leave any residue on my skin.

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  24. Avatar Of Crazylady-96


    I recent­ly tried the Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad Decol­lette Pad and was amazed by the results! After just a few weeks of using this prod­uct, I noticed a dra­mat­ic decrease in my wrin­kles. The sil­i­cone is com­fort­able to wear and fits per­fect­ly around my chest. It’s also easy to wash and reuse. I would high­ly rec­om­mend this prod­uct to any­one look­ing for a great way to reduce wrin­kles!

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  25. Avatar Of Freak34Shield


    I recent­ly pur­chased the Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad Decol­lette Pad and I’m so glad I did! It’s been a game chang­er for my skin care rou­tine. After just a few days of using it, I can already see a dif­fer­ence in the tex­ture of my skin. The mate­r­i­al is soft and com­fort­able to wear, and it’s easy to apply. High­ly rec­om­mend this prod­uct for any­one who wants smooth and youth­ful look­ing skin!

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