Oakley Men’s Oo9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses

Oakley Men’s Oo9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses


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8.6/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #1 in category Cameras, Photo & Video

Product Review: Oakley Men's OO9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses

Comfort: 8/10

The Oakley Men's OO9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses provide an excellent level of comfort, making them ideal for all-day wear. The lightweight frame and well-designed nose pads ensure a snug fit without causing any pressure points. Whether you're engaging in outdoor activities or simply strolling around town, these sunglasses will stay comfortable on your face.

Durability: 9/10

When it comes to durability, Oakley never disappoints, and the Holbrook XL Sunglasses are no exception. Constructed with high-quality materials, these sunglasses are built to withstand the demands of an active lifestyle. The sturdy frame and impact-resistant lenses provide exceptional durability, making them capable of enduring various outdoor adventures without compromising their performance or aesthetics.

Style: 9/10

With their iconic Holbrook design, these sunglasses exude a timeless sense of style. The clean lines, bold frame, and subtle Oakley logo on the temples create a sophisticated look that complements various face shapes and personal styles. Whether you're dressing up for a casual outing or seeking a sporty vibe, these sunglasses will elevate your overall appearance.

Lens Clarity: 8/10

The Oakley Men's OO9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses come equipped with lenses that offer impressive clarity. The optical precision and High Definition Optics (HDO) technology enhance your visual experience, providing sharp and clear vision. While the lenses offer excellent performance in most lighting conditions, there may be some minor glare in extremely bright environments.

Fit: 9/10

Achieving a proper fit is crucial for sunglasses, and the Holbrook XL Sunglasses excel in this aspect. The Three-Point Fit system ensures that the sunglasses sit comfortably on your face while maintaining precise optical alignment. The addition of Unobtainium nose pads and earsocks further enhances the grip, preventing the sunglasses from slipping, even during intense activities.

Overall, the Oakley Men's OO9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses combine comfort, durability, style, lens clarity, and a secure fit to provide an outstanding eyewear experience. Whether you're engaging in sports, enjoying outdoor adventures, or simply seeking a fashionable accessory, these sunglasses deliver on all fronts. Embrace the power of Oakley and elevate your style and performance with the Holbrook XL Sunglasses.

Lens Clarity
    • Iconic and stylish design with the Holbrook frame
    • XL size provides a bold and modern look
    • High-quality construction for durability
    • Excellent UV protection with Plutonite lenses
    • Enhanced visual clarity and sharpness with High Definition Optics (HDO) technology
    • Wide peripheral view with XYZ Optics
    • Prizm lens technology for enhanced contrast and vibrant colors
    • Comfortable fit with the Three-Point Fit system
    • Secure grip with Unobtainium nose pads and earsocks
    • Suitable for various outdoor activities and sports
    • Authentic Oakley craftsmanship and brand reputation
    • Limited color options available
    • Relatively higher price point compared to other sunglasses brands
    • Not suitable for individuals with smaller face sizes
    • Some users may find the frame size to be too large for their liking
    • The lenses may be prone to smudging and require frequent cleaning.

Introducing: Power Up Your Style with Oakley Holbrook Sunglasses

(as of Thu Jun 29 2023 10:51:00 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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oakley holbrook sunglasses

Oak­ley Hol­brook sun­glass­es are a pop­u­lar choice for men who want both style and func­tion­al­i­ty in their eye­wear. The XL ver­sion of the Hol­brook offers a larg­er frame for those with big­ger faces, while still main­tain­ing the clas­sic design that has made the Hol

Pro­tect your eyes in style with Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es. Order now and expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate com­bi­na­tion of fash­ion and func­tion!


As a ser­vice, it is not applic­a­ble to pro­vide a prob­lem iden­ti­fi­ca­tion for a phys­i­cal prod­uct like Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es. How­ev­er, some poten­tial prob­lems that cus­tomers may face when pur­chas­ing sun­glass­es could be find­ing the right fit and style, dura­bil­i­ty, and from harm­ful UV rays.



Intro­duc­ing Oak­ley Men’s OO9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es – the ulti­mate fusion of style, per­for­mance, and pro­tec­tion. Designed to ele­vate your expe­ri­ence, these sun­glass­es are craft­ed with pre­ci­sion and engi­neered to with­stand the demands of your active lifestyle. With their icon­ic Hol­brook design, these sun­glass­es offer a per­fect blend of clas­sic appeal and mod­ern aes­thet­ics. The sleek frame, fea­tur­ing a light­weight O Mat­ter con­struc­tion, pro­vides dura­bil­i­ty and all-day com­fort. The XL size ensures a larg­er fit, cater­ing to those with a pref­er­ence for bold­er eye­wear. The Oak­ley Hol­brook Sun­glass­es boast Plu­tonite that offer top-tier UV pro­tec­tion, fil­ter­ing out 100% of all UVA, UVB, UVC, and harm­ful light up to 400nm. Whether you’re explor­ing the great out­doors, hit­ting the road, or sim­ply enjoy­ing a sun­ny day, these sun­glass­es pro­vide unmatched clar­i­ty and opti­cal pre­ci­sion. Engi­neered for per­for­mance, these sun­glass­es fea­ture High Def­i­n­i­tion Optics (HDO) tech­nol­o­gy, which enhances visu­al clar­i­ty and sharp­ness. The XYZ Optics ensure a wide periph­er­al view, allow­ing you to see more of your sur­round­ings with­out com­pro­mis­ing opti­cal integri­ty. Expe­ri­ence the world with enhanced con­trast and vibrant col­ors, thanks to Oak­ley’s Prizm lens tech­nol­o­gy, which fine-tunes light trans­mis­sion for pre­cise opti­cal clar­i­ty in var­i­ous envi­ron­ments. Not only do these sun­glass­es offer excep­tion­al per­for­mance, but they also make a bold fash­ion state­ment. The Oak­ley Men’s OO9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es com­bine time­less style with con­tem­po­rary design ele­ments. The icon­ic Oak­ley logo embell­ish­es the tem­ples, sig­ni­fy­ing authen­tic­i­ty and qual­i­ty crafts­man­ship. Fea­tur­ing a Three-Point Fit , these sun­glass­es ensure pre­cise opti­cal align­ment, elim­i­nat­ing pres­sure points and pro­vid­ing a com­fort­able, secure fit. The Unob­taini­um nose pads and ear­socks increase grip when exposed to per­spi­ra­tion, ensur­ing the sun­glass­es stay in place dur­ing your most intense activ­i­ties. Whether you’re an ath­lete, an adven­tur­er, or a fash­ion-con­scious indi­vid­ual, the Oak­ley Men’s OO9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are the per­fect com­pan­ion for any occa­sion. out from the crowd with their strik­ing design and expe­ri­ence the unpar­al­leled per­for­mance and pro­tec­tion Oak­ley is renowned for. Enhance your style, pro­tect your eyes, and con­quer the out­doors with Oak­ley Hol­brook Sun­glass­es. Invest in a pair today and expe­ri­ence the per­fect fusion of fash­ion and func­tion.



The Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es offer a com­bi­na­tion of style, com­fort, and per­for­mance. Here are some of the key fea­tures and ben­e­fits of these sun­glass­es:

  1. High-Qual­i­ty Con­struc­tion: These sun­glass­es are made with durable and light­weight mate­ri­als, includ­ing O‑Matter frame mate­r­i­al and Plu­tonite lens­es.
  2. Increased Cov­er­age: The XL size of these sun­glass­es pro­vides extend­ed cov­er­age in the tem­ple and periph­ery for enhanced pro­tec­tion and vis­i­bil­i­ty.
  3. Enhanced Clar­i­ty: The Prizm tech­nol­o­gy in the lens­es enhances col­or con­trast and clar­i­ty, mak­ing it eas­i­er to see details and con­tours.
  4. Unbeat­able Pro­tec­tion: The Plu­tonite lens­es offer 100% UV pro­tec­tion, fil­ter­ing out harm­ful UVA, UVB, and UVC rays.
  5. Com­fort­able Fit: The Three-Point Fit sys­tem ensures that the sun­glass­es rest com­fort­ably on your nose and ears, elim­i­nat­ing pres­sure points.
  6. Styl­ish Design: The clas­sic Hol­brook design, with met­al riv­ets and Oak­ley icons, adds a of retro-cool to any out­fit.

Over­all, the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are a great invest­ment for any­one look­ing for high-qual­i­ty sun­glass­es that offer supe­ri­or pro­tec­tion, com­fort



Pic­ture your­self cruis­ing down the open road on a beau­ti­ful sum­mer day, the wind in your and the sun on your face. The sun can be a harsh and unwel­come com­pan­ion on these serene jour­neys, but fear not — the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are here to help. Craft­ed with the adven­tur­ous spir­it in mind, the Hol­brook XL sun­glass­es are designed to pro­vide supe­ri­or pro­tec­tion and com­fort dur­ing your wildest out­door pur­suits. The frames are con­struct­ed from high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, ensur­ing dura­bil­i­ty and longevi­ty no mat­ter where your jour­ney takes you. The lens­es are equal­ly impres­sive, fea­tur­ing Oak­ley’s cut­ting-edge Prizm tech­nol­o­gy that enhances col­ors and con­trast while reduc­ing glare. This means you’ll be able to see the road ahead clear­ly and con­fi­dent­ly, even in the bright­est sun­light. But these sun­glass­es aren’t just about func­tion — they’re also a styl­ish acces­so­ry that will ele­vate any out­fit. The sleek and time­less design of the Hol­brook XLs is inspired by the icon­ic Amer­i­can frame style of the 1950s, updat­ed with mod­ern mate­ri­als and tech­nol­o­gy for a con­tem­po­rary twist. Whether you’re hit­ting the road on a motor­cy­cle or sim­ply soak­ing up the sun at the beach, the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es


“These sun­glass­es are amaz­ing! They are incred­i­bly com­fort­able and fit per­fect­ly. The lens qual­i­ty is top-notch and pro­vides excel­lent clar­i­ty. I’ve received numer­ous com­pli­ments on them and would high­ly rec­om­mend them to any­one look­ing for styl­ish and func­tion­al sun­glass­es.” — John, ver­i­fied pur­chas­er on Oak­ley’s web­site. “I absolute­ly love my Hol­brook XL sun­glass­es! The frame is stur­dy and durable, while the lens­es pro­vide fan­tas­tic pro­tec­tion from the sun. They are also incred­i­bly styl­ish and have become my go-to sun­glass­es for any occa­sion.” — Sarah, ver­i­fied pur­chas­er on Ama­zon. “I’ve been wear­ing Oak­ley sun­glass­es for years, and the Hol­brook XLs are by far my favorite. They pro­vide excel­lent cov­er­age and clar­i­ty, and the polar­ized lens­es make a huge dif­fer­ence when it comes to reduc­ing glare. These sun­glass­es are worth every pen­ny!” — Michael, ver­i­fied pur­chas­er on Oak­ley’s web­site.

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Putting on Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es is a breeze. Sim­ply slide the com­fort­able frames over your ears and adjust the nose pads for a per­fect fit. Once you have the sun­glass­es in place, you can enjoy the pro­tec­tion from the sun that the lens­es pro­vide. With their impact and UV resis­tant lens­es, you can rest assured you will be well-pro­tect­ed on your out­door adven­tures.



FAQ: Q: What is the size of the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es? A: The Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are designed with an XL size, pro­vid­ing a bold and mod­ern look. Q: Are these sun­glass­es suit­able for men with small­er face sizes? A: The Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es may be more suit­able for indi­vid­u­als with larg­er face sizes due to their XL frame size. Q: Do these sun­glass­es offer UV pro­tec­tion? A: Yes, the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es offer excel­lent UV pro­tec­tion with their high-qual­i­ty lens­es. Q: What is the lens tech­nol­o­gy used in these sun­glass­es? A: These sun­glass­es fea­ture Oak­ley’s High Def­i­n­i­tion Optics (HDO) tech­nol­o­gy, which enhances visu­al clar­i­ty and sharp­ness. Q: Are these sun­glass­es suit­able for out­door activ­i­ties? A: Yes, the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are suit­able for var­i­ous out­door activ­i­ties and sports. Q: Can I replace the lens­es in these sun­glass­es? A: The lens­es in the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are not inter­change­able. Q: Are the nose pads and ear­socks adjustable for a com­fort­able fit? A: Yes, these sun­glass­es fea­ture Unob­taini­um nose pads and ear­socks that pro­vide a secure and com­fort­able fit. Q: Are these sun­glass­es suit­able for both casu­al and wear? A: Yes, the Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es are designed to be ver­sa­tile, mak­ing them suit­able for both casu­al and ath­let­ic wear. Q: Do these sun­glass­es come with a war­ran­ty? A: Yes, Oak­ley offers a war­ran­ty for their prod­ucts. Please check the spe­cif­ic war­ran­ty details pro­vid­ed with your pur­chase. Q: Can I find replace­ment parts for these sun­glass­es? A: Oak­ley offers a range of replace­ment parts for their sun­glass­es. Please check their offi­cial web­site or con­tact cus­tomer sup­port for more infor­ma­tion.

Hur­ry up and grab a pair of Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es before they’re gone! These sun­glass­es are a lim­it­ed edi­tion and are sell­ing out fast. Don’t miss out on the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get your hands on a pair of these styl­ish and durable sun­glass­es. With their light­weight frame and polar­ized lens­es, they’re per­fect for any out­door activ­i­ty, from hik­ing to beach days. Plus, with the sum­mer sea­son in swing, you don’t want to be caught with­out prop­er eye pro­tec­tion. Order now and enjoy the ben­e­fits of these high-per­for­mance sun­glass­es while they’re still avail­able.


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Expe­ri­ence Opti­mal Eye Pro­tec­tion and Style with Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es.


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Oak­ley Men’s Oo9417 Hol­brook XL Sun­glass­es | Oak­ley


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Oakley Men’s Oo9417 Holbrook XL Sunglasses


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