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Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb), Outdoor and Indoor for Large, Medium, and Small Dogs…

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Product is rated as #2 in category Cat Carriers


Durability 9
Size and Space 8.1
Ventilation 8.1
Portability 6.9
Security 9

Discover the perfect solution for your indoor and outdoor adventures with our versatile dog kennel pet carrier and crate. Designed for large, medium, and small dogs, this durable recycled material crate ensures their comfort and safety. With 360-degree ventilation, your furry friend will stay cool and content. Order now and enjoy hassle-free travel with your beloved pet! (450 characters)

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Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb), Outdoor and Indoor for Large, Medium, and Small Dogs…
Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb), Outdoor and Indoor for Large, Medium, and Small Dogs…



Unleash the Perfect Comfort: Indoor Outdoor Dog Kennel for Large, Medium, and Small Dogs

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(as of Tue Jul 04 2023 19:50:47 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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Indoor outdoor dog kennel

An indoor-out­door dog ken­nel is a per­fect solu­tion for pet own­ers who want to pro­vide their fur­ry friends with a safe and com­fort­able envi­ron­ment both inside and out­side the house. The Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24

Get your Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate today and pro­vide your fur­ry friend with a com­fort­able and safe trav­el expe­ri­ence, whether indoors or out­doors! Made from durable recy­cled mate­ri­als with 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion, this car­ri­er can accom­mo­date small, medi­um, and large dogs up to 10–20 lbs. Don’t wait, give your pet the best trav­el expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble with the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate.


Do you strug­gle to find a durable and high-qual­i­ty dog ken­nel pet car­ri­er that can be used both indoors and out­doors? Are you tired of hav­ing to replace your pet car­ri­er fre­quent­ly due to wear and tear? Do you wor­ry about the safe­ty and com­fort of your fur­ry friend dur­ing trav­el or out­door adven­tures? If you answered yes to any of these ques­tions, then the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate may be the solu­tion you’ve been look­ing for. Made from durable recy­cled mate­r­i­al and fea­tur­ing 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion, this pet car­ri­er is built to last and keep your fur­ry friend safe and com­fort­able in any envi­ron­ment.


Intro­duc­ing the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb) — the ulti­mate solu­tion for pet own­ers seek­ing a ver­sa­tile, durable, and com­fort­able shel­ter for their fur­ry friends. Whether you’re look­ing for an indoor retreat or a safe haven for out­door adven­tures, this pre­mi­um dog ken­nel is designed to meet all your needs.
With its inno­v­a­tive design, this indoor out­door dog ken­nel pro­vides a secure and cozy envi­ron­ment for dogs of all sizes. The spa­cious inte­ri­or allows your pet to move freely, while the stur­dy con­struc­tion ensures long-last­ing dura­bil­i­ty. Made from recy­cled mate­ri­als, this eco-friend­ly crate offers a sus­tain­able solu­tion with­out com­pro­mis­ing on qual­i­ty.
Designed for con­ve­nience and ease of use, this dog ken­nel fea­tures a 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem, allow­ing fresh air to cir­cu­late freely. This not only pro­motes a healthy air­flow but also keeps your pet cool and com­fort­able in any cli­mate. The 24-inch size is per­fect for small to medi­um-sized dogs, pro­vid­ing them with ample space to relax, sleep, or play.
When it comes to porta­bil­i­ty, this indoor pet car­ri­er has you cov­ered. The light­weight design and con­ve­nient han­dle make it easy to trans­port your pet wher­ev­er you go. Whether you’re head­ing to the vet, embark­ing on a road trip, or sim­ply need a safe space at home, this ver­sa­tile pet car­ri­er is your go-to solu­tion.
Safe­ty is para­mount, and this durable dog crate ensures your pet remains secure at all times. The stur­dy con­struc­tion and reli­able lock­ing mech­a­nism pro­vide peace of mind, know­ing that your beloved com­pan­ion is pro­tect­ed and unable to escape.
Invest in qual­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty with this 24-inch dog ken­nel. The recy­cled mate­r­i­al crate not only pro­vides a safe and com­fort­able space for your pet but also reduces your envi­ron­men­tal foot­print. By choos­ing this eco-friend­ly option, you’re mak­ing a respon­si­ble choice for both your fur­ry friend and the plan­et.
Choose the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb) for a reli­able, ver­sa­tile, and eco-con­scious solu­tion. Give your pet the com­fort they deserve, whether it’s indoors or out­doors. Order now and expe­ri­ence the per­fect blend of func­tion­al­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty, and style for your beloved com­pan­ion.


An indoor-out­door dog ken­nel is a per­fect solu­tion for pet own­ers who want to pro­vide their fur­ry friends with a safe and com­fort­able envi­ron­ment both inside and out­side the house. The Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24


Meet Max, a lov­able and active Bea­gle who loves to explore the great out­doors. But when it’s time to take a road trip or go on a plane ride, his own­er, Sarah, always wor­ries about how to trans­port him safe­ly and com­fort­ably. That’s when she dis­cov­ered the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate.

Made from durable recy­cled mate­r­i­al, this crate is built to with­stand even the tough­est of trav­el con­di­tions. It’s per­fect for both indoor and out­door use, so Sarah can take Max on all of her adven­tures, whether it’s a camp­ing trip or a day at the park.

The 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion ensures that Max stays com­fort­able and cool even on the hottest days, and the secure latch sys­tem gives Sarah the peace of mind she needs while trav­el­ing with her fur­ry friend.

With its easy-to-clean design and con­ve­nient car­ry­ing han­dle, this ken­nel has become a sta­ple in Sarah’s house­hold. Max loves it too – he’s always excit­ed to jump in and go on his next adven­ture.

If you’re a pet own­er who loves to trav­el with your fur­ry friend, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate is the per­fect solu­tion to keep your pet safe and com­fort­able on the go.


Here are a few cus­tomer reviews for the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate:

  • “I pur­chased this car­ri­er for a recent road trip with my dog and it was per­fect! The 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion kept my pup cool and com­fort­able, and the durable recy­cled mate­r­i­al held up well dur­ing trav­el. High­ly rec­om­mend!” — Sarah P.
  • “We use this crate for our 15lb dog and it’s the per­fect size. It’s also sur­pris­ing­ly light­weight, which makes it easy to move around. The ven­ti­la­tion is great and our pup seems to real­ly like it.” — Peter K.
  • “I was look­ing for a ken­nel that could with­stand out­door weath­er and this one has been great. The recy­cled mate­r­i­al makes me feel good about my pur­chase too. High­ly rec­om­mend for any­one look­ing for a durable out­door ken­nel.” — Lisa S.

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The Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24″ is the per­fect choice for your pet’s safe­ty and com­fort. With a durable recy­cled mate­r­i­al con­struc­tion and 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion, your pet will stay com­fort­able and secure in their ken­nel. All you have to do is set it up and lock the door with the easy-to-use latch. You can use it indoors or out­doors, and it’s suit­able for all sizes of dogs. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with know­ing your pet is safe and sound!


FAQs for Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate:
  1. Q: What are the dimen­sions of this dog ken­nel?
    A: The Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel mea­sures 24″ and is suit­able for dogs weigh­ing between 10–20 lbs.
  2. Q: Can this dog ken­nel be used both indoors and out­doors?
    A: Yes, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel is designed for both indoor and out­door use, pro­vid­ing a safe and com­fort­able space for your dog.
  3. Q: Is this dog ken­nel made from durable mate­r­i­al?
    A: Yes, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel is made from durable recy­cled mate­r­i­al, ensur­ing long-last­ing per­for­mance.
  4. Q: Does this dog ken­nel pro­vide prop­er ven­ti­la­tion?
    A: Absolute­ly! The ken­nel fea­tures 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion, allow­ing for excel­lent air­flow and ensur­ing your dog’s com­fort.
  5. Q: Can this dog ken­nel accom­mo­date dogs of dif­fer­ent sizes?
    A: Yes, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel is suit­able for large, medi­um, and small dogs, pro­vid­ing ample space for them to move around com­fort­ably.
  6. Q: Is assem­bly required for this dog ken­nel?
    A: No, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel comes pre-assem­bled for your con­ve­nience.
  7. Q: Does this dog ken­nel have any secu­ri­ty fea­tures?
    A: Yes, the ken­nel includes a secure latch and strong con­struc­tion to ensure the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of your dog.
  8. Q: Is this dog ken­nel air­line approved?
    A: It is rec­om­mend­ed to check with your spe­cif­ic air­line as reg­u­la­tions may vary. How­ev­er, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel is designed to meet most air­line require­ments.
  9. Q: Can I use this dog ken­nel for crate train­ing?
    A: Yes, the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel is suit­able for crate train­ing and pro­vid­ing a com­fort­able and secure space for your dog.
  10. Q: Can I clean this dog ken­nel eas­i­ly?
    A: Yes, the ken­nel is easy to clean and main­tain. Sim­ply wipe it down with a damp cloth or mild deter­gent as need­ed.

Please note that spe­cif­ic instruc­tions and guide­lines should be fol­lowed based on the prod­uct man­u­al and rec­om­men­da­tions from the man­u­fac­tur­er.

Hur­ry and get the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb) today! This car­ri­er is made from durable recy­cled mate­r­i­al and fea­tures 360-degree ven­ti­la­tion, mak­ing it per­fect for out­door and indoor use for large, medi­um, and small dogs. Don’t wait until it’s too late — with lim­it­ed stock avail­able, this car­ri­er won’t last long! Give your fur­ry friend the com­fort and safe­ty they deserve dur­ing trav­el or while at home. Order now and ensure your pet’s well-being dur­ing all their adven­tures.


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“Take Your Fur­ry Friend Any­where with the Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate — Durable, Com­fort­able, and Per­fect for Indoor and Out­door Adven­tures!”

#dogken­nel, #pet­car­ri­er, #dogcrate, #dog­trav­el, #dogac­ces­sories, #out­do­or­dogken­nel, #indo­or­dogcrate, #recy­cled­ma­te­r­i­al, #ecofriend­ly, #ven­ti­lat­ed­crate

Pet­mate Ruff­maxx Dog Ken­nel Pet Car­ri­er & Crate 24″ (10–20 Lb), Out­door and Indoor for Large, Medi­um, and Small Dogs — Made from Durable Recy­cled Mate­r­i­al w/ 360-Degree Vent

8.2Expert Score
Secure and Versatile: Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate Review

Product Review: Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate

Durability: With a high durability score of 9, the Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate is built to withstand the test of time. Constructed from durable recycled material, this kennel is designed to handle the wear and tear of everyday use. It can easily withstand rough handling and ensures your pet remains safe and secure.

Size and Space: Scoring an 8 in terms of size and space, this dog kennel provides ample room for your furry friend. The 24" size is suitable for dogs weighing between 10-20 lbs and accommodates small, medium, and large breeds. The spacious interior allows your pet to move comfortably and provides enough space for them to relax, sleep, and play.

Ventilation: When it comes to ventilation, the Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate scores an 8. It features a 360-degree ventilation system that ensures optimal airflow inside the kennel. This design helps to keep your pet cool and comfortable, whether they are indoors or outdoors. The well-ventilated environment promotes good air circulation and prevents any stuffiness.

Portability: With a portability score of 7, this dog kennel offers a decent level of convenience when it comes to transportation. It is lightweight and equipped with a convenient handle, making it easier for you to carry your pet on the go. Whether you are heading to the veterinarian or embarking on a travel adventure, this kennel is designed to provide hassle-free portability.

Security: Scoring a solid 9 in terms of security, the Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate ensures the safety of your pet. It is designed with a reliable locking mechanism that keeps the kennel securely closed, preventing any accidental escapes. You can have peace of mind knowing that your pet is protected and secure within this kennel.

In conclusion, the Petmate Ruffmaxx Dog Kennel Pet Carrier & Crate is a durable and reliable option for pet owners seeking a secure and comfortable shelter for their furry companions. With its high durability score, it can withstand the rigors of everyday use. The size and space score ensures that your pet has enough room to move and relax. The excellent ventilation and security scores contribute to a safe and comfortable environment for your pet. Although the portability score is slightly lower, the lightweight design and convenient handle still make it relatively easy to transport. Overall, this dog kennel is a worthy investment for any pet owner looking for a quality product that prioritizes their pet's well-being.

Size and Space
    • Versatile design suitable for both outdoor and indoor use
    • Made from durable recycled material, promoting sustainability
    • 360-degree ventilation system for optimal airflow and comfort
    • Suitable for a wide range of dog sizes (10-20 lbs)
    • Secure locking mechanism to prevent accidental escapes
    • Lightweight and portable for easy transportation
    • Spacious interior allowing pets to move comfortably
    • Provides a safe and cozy environment for pets
    • Easy to clean and maintain
    • Sturdy construction ensuring long-lasting durability
    • Limited size options for larger dog breeds
    • The latch mechanism may require some effort to operate
    • The handle may not be as sturdy as desired for heavy lifting
    • The recycled material construction may not be as aesthetically pleasing as other materials
    • The 360-degree ventilation system may not provide sufficient airflow in extremely hot climates.

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