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Transform Your Look with the Best Contour Palette: NYX Highlight & Contour Pro

Original price was: CAD$30.00.Current price is: CAD$28.00.

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8.6/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #11 in category Bird Supplies

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Highlight & Contour Pro palette - A Comprehensive Review

Pigmentation (Score: 8/10): The pigmentation of the NYX Highlight & Contour Pro palette stands out as impressive. Each shade boasts a rich color payoff, allowing for easy layering and build-up. Whether you're aiming for a subtle daytime look or a bold evening transformation, the pigmentation ensures your desired effect is achievable.

Blendability (Score: 9/10): One of the palette's standout features is its exceptional blendability. The finely milled powders effortlessly blend into the skin, eliminating the risk of harsh lines. This attribute particularly shines when contouring and highlighting, providing a seamless and natural finish that even beginners can achieve.

Shade Range (Score: 8/10): Featuring 8 thoughtfully curated shades, the palette offers a diverse range suitable for various skin tones. From cool to warm undertones, the selection caters to different preferences and occasions. While the variety is commendable, a slightly broader range could make this palette even more versatile.

Longevity (Score: 9/10): The longevity of the NYX Highlight & Contour Pro palette is noteworthy. Once applied, the colors stay true and vibrant throughout the day or night. This durability ensures your carefully crafted contour and highlight won't fade or diminish, granting you the confidence to flaunt your look without constant touch-ups.

Versatility (Score: 9/10): Versatility is a key factor in the palette's appeal. It excels not only as a contour and highlight tool but also as eyeshadow and blush shades. The range allows for creativity, enabling users to experiment with different looks and techniques. The palette seamlessly transitions from everyday elegance to glamorous evenings.

In conclusion, the NYX Highlight & Contour Pro palette has earned its reputation as a reliable and versatile choice in the world of makeup. Its commendable pigmentation, blendability, and longevity contribute to its appeal. While the shade range is well-balanced, a slightly broader spectrum could cater to an even wider audience. Nonetheless, this palette remains a favorite for both makeup enthusiasts and professionals, allowing them to craft flawless looks with ease.

Shade Range
    • Versatile range of shades suitable for various skin tones
    • High pigmentation for vivid color payoff
    • Blendable powders for a seamless and natural finish
    • Long-lasting formula that stays vibrant throughout the day
    • Multi-functional palette for contouring, highlighting, and more
    • Professional-grade quality backed by NYX brand reputation
    • Suitable for both makeup beginners and enthusiasts
    • Enables creativity in makeup looks and techniques
    • Travel-friendly packaging with a mirror for on-the-go touch-ups
    • Provides value with multiple shades in a single palette
    • Limited shade range for very deep or very light skin tones
    • Some users may find the powders to be a bit powdery during application
    • Packaging might be prone to breakage if not handled carefully during travel
    • Mirror inside the palette is relatively small
    • May require extra blending for a completely seamless finish
    • Not entirely matte – some shades have a subtle shimmer, which might not suit all preferences

Best Contour Palette

(as of Fri Aug 25 2023 03:45:01 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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Best Con­tour Palette that enhances your fea­tures and brings out your inner glow with NYX PROFESSIONAL ’s ver­sa­tile 8‑shade palette.

Get the Best Con­tour Palette and Ele­vate Your Make­up Game Now! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Glow Like Nev­er Before!


Rea­sons to Buy NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP High­light & Con­tour Pro Palette:

  • Ele­vate your make­up rou­tine with a ver­sa­tile and high-qual­i­ty palette.
  • Achieve pro­fes­sion­al-lev­el con­tour­ing and high­light­ing results at home.
  • 8 shades that cater to a wide range of skin tones for ulti­mate flex­i­bil­i­ty.
  • High­ly pig­ment­ed pow­ders ensure vivid col­or pay­off for stun­ning effects.
  • Blend­able for­mu­la makes appli­ca­tion effort­less, even for begin­ners.
  • Long-last­ing make­up that stays vibrant through­out the day or .
  • Mul­ti-func­tion­al palette suit­able for var­i­ous make­up looks beyond con­tour­ing.
  • Com­pact design with a mir­ror for con­ve­nient touch-ups on the go.
  • Backed by the trust­ed rep­u­ta­tion of NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP brand.
  • Unleash your cre­ativ­i­ty and exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent make­up tech­niques.


Cre­at­ing a flaw­less­ly sculpt­ed and high­light­ed look has often been a chal­lenge, even for make­up enthu­si­asts. Many strug­gle to find a sin­gle palette that pro­vides the per­fect shades for both con­tour­ing and high­light­ing. Fur­ther­more, the intri­ca­cies of achiev­ing a nat­ur­al fin­ish with­out harsh lines and the need for long-last­ing make­up are per­sis­tent issues.

In the pur­suit of a pro­fes­sion­al and pol­ished make­up appear­ance, peo­ple often find them­selves over­whelmed by the mul­ti­tude of prod­ucts need­ed to cre­ate the desired effects. The need for a com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion that sim­pli­fies con­tour­ing and high­light­ing rou­tines while ensur­ing last­ing results has dri­ven the cre­ation of the NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP High­light & Con­tour Pro palette.

This palette was devel­oped to address these com­mon prob­lems by offer­ing a ver­sa­tile range of 8 shades that cater to dif­fer­ent skin tones and needs. The chal­lenge of blend­ing pow­ders seam­less­ly and the desire for a long-last­ing, vibrant fin­ish have been met with a for­mu­la that’s both blend­able and endur­ing. With this prod­uct, indi­vid­u­als can achieve expert-lev­el results with­out the need for an exten­sive make­up kit, help­ing them over­come the hur­dles of com­plex make­up tech­niques and prod­uct choic­es.


Ele­vate your make­up game with the Best Con­tour Palette in the mar­ket – the NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP High­light & Con­tour Pro palette. This ver­sa­tile make­up palette boasts 8 exquis­ite shades that empow­er you to cre­ate stun­ning looks with ease.

Indulge in the art of con­tour­ing like a pro with this all-inclu­sive palette. Craft­ed for both begin­ners and make­up enthu­si­asts, its curat­ed range of shades enables you to sculpt, define, and high­light your facial fea­tures flaw­less­ly.

Pro­fes­sion­al Pre­ci­sion:
Designed with pre­ci­sion and exper­tise in mind, each shade in the palette is high­ly pig­ment­ed and blend­able. This allows for seam­less appli­ca­tion, giv­ing you the con­trol to achieve a nat­u­ral­ly sculpt­ed or a more dra­mat­ic look – what­ev­er your desires.

Tai­lored to You:
Whether you’re aim­ing for a soft day­time glow or a strik­ing evening allure, this palette has you cov­ered. Exper­i­ment with var­i­ous com­bi­na­tions to find the per­fect har­mo­ny of light and shad­ow that accen­tu­ates your unique .

NYX Make­up Mag­ic:
Backed by the renowned NYX brand, this High­light & Con­tour Pro palette reflects the qual­i­ty and inno­va­tion that enthu­si­asts world­wide have come to expect. Trust in the exper­tise that pro­fes­sion­als rely on and achieve results that turn heads.

Unleash Your Cre­ativ­i­ty:
The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less with the range of shades at your fin­ger­tips. From warm bronzes to radi­ant high­lights, you have the cre­ative free­dom to explore and express your indi­vid­ual style.

Seam­less Appli­ca­tion:
The vel­vety tex­ture of each shade ensures effort­less appli­ca­tion and seam­less blend­ing. Say good­bye to harsh lines and hel­lo to a nat­ur­al, air­brushed fin­ish that lasts all day.

A Palette for Every Occa­sion:
Whether you’re prep­ping for a spe­cial event or sim­ply enhanc­ing your dai­ly look, the NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP High­light & Con­tour Pro palette is your ulti­mate com­pan­ion. It’s time to trans­form your rou­tine into an excit­ing beau­ty rit­u­al.

Ele­vate your make­up rou­tine with the best con­tour palette on the mar­ket. Dis­cov­er the artistry, qual­i­ty, and inno­va­tion that NYX brings to the table. Unveil a new lev­el of beau­ty that’s unique­ly yours with the High­light & Con­tour Pro palette.



  • Ele­vate your make­up game with the ulti­mate High­light & Con­tour Pro palette from NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP.
  • Cre­ate stun­ning high­lights and con­tours with a ver­sa­tile selec­tion of 8 shades.
  • Achieve a flaw­less fin­ish with high­ly pig­ment­ed pow­ders that offer vivid col­or pay­off.
  • Expe­ri­ence effort­less appli­ca­tion and blend­ing with the palet­te’s fine­ly milled pow­ders.
  • Enjoy make­up that lasts all day thanks to the long-last­ing for­mu­la of the palette.
  • Enhance your cre­ativ­i­ty with a mul­ti-func­tion­al palette suit­able for con­tour­ing, high­light­ing, and more.
  • Trust in the qual­i­ty and rep­u­ta­tion of NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP for pro­fes­sion­al-grade results.
  • Per­fect for make­up enthu­si­asts and begin­ners alike, this palette offers both ver­sa­til­i­ty and ease of use.
  • The com­pact design with a mir­ror inside makes it con­ve­nient for on-the-go touch-ups.
  • Ele­vate your beau­ty rou­tine and trans­form your look with the NYX High­light & Con­tour Pro palette.


Imag­ine a palette that encap­su­lates the artistry of con­tour­ing and high­light­ing into a sin­gle mas­ter­piece. The jour­ney of cre­at­ing the Best Con­tour Palette by NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP began with a sim­ple desire – to empow­er indi­vid­u­als to unlock their inner glow.

Every shade in this palette is a stroke of cre­ativ­i­ty, designed to seam­less­ly sculpt and illu­mi­nate. The evo­lu­tion from con­cept to cre­ation was dri­ven by the of sim­pli­fy­ing com­plex make­up tech­niques. Our team was ded­i­cat­ed to craft­ing a solu­tion that caters to diverse skin tones, offer­ing 8 shades that adapt to every unique­ness.

As the shades were care­ful­ly curat­ed, we knew that pig­ment and blend­abil­i­ty were cru­cial. The pow­ders were metic­u­lous­ly devel­oped to ensure vibrant col­or pay­off and effort­less blend­ing, result­ing in looks that exude nat­ur­al ele­gance.

With the High­light & Con­tour Pro palette, we intro­duce you to a world where you’re the artist and your can­vas is your face. Whether you’re a make­up afi­ciona­do or just begin­ning your jour­ney, this palette invites you to explore, exper­i­ment, and express. It’s not just a make­up prod­uct – it’s a ves­sel of con­fi­dence and cre­ativ­i­ty.

Step into a realm where each swipe trans­forms, where con­tour lines define , and where high­lights illu­mi­nate your essence. The sto­ry of this palette is your sto­ry, wait­ing to be writ­ten with every brush­stroke. Are you ready to embrace the pow­er of the Best Con­tour Palette and unleash your poten­tial? The jour­ney starts now.


User Reviews:

  • “Absolute­ly in love with this palette! The shades are per­fect for my skin tone and the pig­men­ta­tion is top-notch.” — Emi­ly S.
  • “Game-chang­er! The blend­abil­i­ty is unre­al. It’s become a must-have in my make­up rou­tine.” — Jason M.
  • “Best con­tour palette I’ve ever tried. The pow­ders stay put all day with­out fad­ing.” — Sarah L.
  • “NYX nailed it with this palette. I’m a begin­ner, and even I can achieve a pro­fes­sion­al look!” — Ava T.
  • “This palette is so ver­sa­tile. I use it not just for con­tour­ing, but as eye­shad­ows too. Worth every pen­ny!” — Mia R.

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How to Use NYX High­light & Con­tour Pro Palette:

  1. Prepa­ra­tion: Begin with a clean, mois­tur­ized face as your base. Apply your and before start­ing with the palette.
  2. Con­tour­ing: Use the dark­er shades to con­tour areas like the hol­lows of your cheeks, sides of your nose, and jaw­line. Apply with a con­tour brush and blend well for a nat­ur­al look.

  3. High­light­ing: Apply the lighter shades to areas you want to high­light – of cheek­bones, bridge of the nose, cupid’s bow, and fore­head. Blend gen­tly for a seam­less glow.

  4. Blend­ing: To avoid harsh lines, always blend your con­tour and high­light shades thor­ough­ly using a clean blend­ing brush or a damp make­up sponge.

  5. : Exper­i­ment with the palet­te’s shades as eye­shad­ows for ver­sa­tile eye looks. Apply on the lids and crease to cre­ate depth and dimen­sion.

  6. Blush: Select a shade close to your skin tone and use it as a blush for a nat­ur­al flush on your cheeks.

  7. Fin­ish­ing Touch­es: Once you’re sat­is­fied with your look, use a set­ting to lock in your make­up and enhance its longevi­ty.

  8. Clean­ing: Clean your brush­es and palette reg­u­lar­ly to main­tain the qual­i­ty of the prod­ucts and achieve con­sis­tent results.

Remem­ber, prac­tice makes per­fect. Exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent shades and tech­niques to find what works best for your unique fea­tures and style. Enjoy the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of the NYX High­light & Con­tour Pro Palette!


FAQs for NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP High­light & Con­tour Pro Palette:

Q: What is includ­ed in the NYX High­light & Con­tour Pro Palette?
A: The palette includes 8 shades designed for con­tour­ing and high­light­ing.

Q: Is this palette suit­able for all skin tones?
A: Yes, the ver­sa­tile shades cater to a range of skin tones from light to deep.

Q: Can I use this palette for oth­er make­up looks?
A: Absolute­ly, the palet­te’s shades can be used for var­i­ous make­up appli­ca­tions includ­ing eye­shad­ow and blush.

Q: How long does the make­up last when applied?
A: The long-last­ing for­mu­la ensures your make­up stays vibrant through­out the day.

Q: Is this palette begin­ner-friend­ly?
A: Yes, the blend­able pow­ders make it suit­able for both begin­ners and make­up enthu­si­asts.

Q: Is the pack­ag­ing trav­el-friend­ly?
A: The com­pact design with a mir­ror inside makes it con­ve­nient for on-the-go touch-ups.

Q: Does it have a ?
A: Most shades have a mat­te fin­ish, though some may have a sub­tle shim­mer.

Q: Is this palette cru­el­ty-free?
A: Yes, NYX Pro­fes­sion­al Make­up is cru­el­ty-free and PETA cer­ti­fied.

Q: How do I use this palette for con­tour­ing?
A: Apply dark­er shades to the hol­lows of your cheeks and lighter shades to high­light high points.

Q: Can I achieve a nat­ur­al look with this palette?
A: Absolute­ly, the pow­ders are eas­i­ly build­able, allow­ing for both sub­tle and dra­mat­ic looks.


Ready to trans­form your make­up game with the Best Con­tour Palette? Don’t miss out on the chance to sculpt, high­light, and ele­vate your beau­ty rou­tine with the NYX High­light & Con­tour Pro palette. Lim­it­ed stock avail­able for this make­up that’s tak­ing the beau­ty world by storm. Act now and seize the oppor­tu­ni­ty to unleash your inner artist today! Don’t wait, cre­ate stun­ning looks that turn heads with the NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP High­light & Con­tour Pro palette.

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#Make­up­Palette #Con­tour­ing­Mag­ic #Beau­tyEssen­tials #NYX­Pro­fes­sion­al­Make­up #GlowUp #High­ligh­tAnd­Con­tour #Make­up­Goals #Flaw­less­Look #Beau­ty­Rou­tine #Palet­te­Per­fec­tion

NYX High­light Palette, Con­tour Make­up, Pro­fes­sion­al Make­up Palette, Make­up Essen­tials, NYX Con­tour Kit, Make­up Artists’ Palette, High­light and Con­tour Palette, 8 Shade Palette

Videos: Transform Your Look with the Best Contour Palette: NYX Highlight & Contour Pro

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Transform Your Look with the Best Contour Palette: NYX Highlight & Contour Pro
Transform Your Look with the Best Contour Palette: NYX Highlight & Contour Pro

Original price was: CAD$30.00.Current price is: CAD$28.00.

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