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Silicone Pads: The Science Behind Them, Why They Work & Much More

Silicone pads, Best Silicone Pad, Anti Wrinkle Pads, Decollete Pad, Chest Wrinkle Pads, Decollete Wrinkle Pad, Silicone Chest Pad


We all know that as we get old­er, the more wrin­kles start to creep up on our face, neck and check to count the most promi­nent places. It all starts from your chest and works it way up your face. Before you know it, they say age has caught up on you. Why is the ques­tion here and how can you stop this. If your like us you prob­a­bly have spent a for­tune of time and mon­ey on facial reg­i­men.… and despite all, now this. The good news is that there is a new solu­tion in town that will cost you less and mere­ly add noth­ing more than a minute to your night­ly rou­tine. This has been the secret of plas­tic sur­geons and beau­ti­cians for years, with strong roots in sci­ence and mul­ti­ple appli­ca­tions in the med­ical fields, sil­i­cone has been very use­ful in treat­ing skin con­di­tions, work­ing swift­ly and effec­tive­ly to give silky smooth décol­leté, neck or facial skin desired.

What Are Silicone Chest Pads?

Sil­i­cone chest pads or décol­leté pads come com­mon­ly as tri­an­gu­lar, hour­glass shaped, fun­nel stick on patch­es that you stick to the area of skin need­ed to be treat­ed, most­ly face, chest, col­lar bone down to the cleav­age. These are very effec­tive anti-aging skin­care tools that help smooth, mois­tur­ize skin, and vis­i­bly iron­ing out wrin­kles, marks and fine lines. They not only smooth out present wrin­kles, they also pre­vent the décol­leté from grow­ing new lines and wrin­kles by hold­ing the skin firm and pre­vent­ing fric­tion and fold­ing. Fur­ther­more they help lock in mois­ture, hydrat­ing and draw­ing up draw­ing up mois­ture from deep with­in the skin to plump skin, reju­ve­nate and sup­ple skin sur­face tex­ture

Benefits Of Silicone Chest Pads

Judg­ing from real world results and tes­ti­monies received world over from peo­ple just like you who have expe­ri­enced the gen­tle but far reach­ing actions of a Sil­i­cone Chest Pad, there are lots of rea­sons to love the sil­i­cone pad. Lets look at the 3 most impor­tant

Silicone Pads Smooth Existing Fine Lines

The skin of your décol­letage is del­i­cate and prone to dry­ness and thin­ning as we age. Sleep­ing on your side, expo­sure to direct sun­light and just plain dai­ly stress­es all affect your skin tex­ture and it’s main­ly among the first skin parts of the body to start show­ing signs of aging. Sil­i­cone is not new in the world of der­ma­tol­ogy. In fact, sil­i­cone gel sheets have been used as med­ical treat­ment for skin con­di­tions involv­ing scar­ing for decades, mean­ing its heal­ing prop­er­ties have been well known for some time. Luck­i­ly, in recent years, com­pa­nies like Tell­Grade in the beau­ty indus­try has tak­en it a step fur­ther and har­nessed the pow­er of struc­tured sil­i­cone to deeply reju­ve­nate loose or creased skin. Sim­ply mak­ing use of an anti-wrin­kle chest pad for just one night can make Hugh vis­i­ble dif­fer­ence in the appear­ance of crepey skin, sleep­ing com­pres­sion lines and scars—but use for a week or more, and the result­ing changes to your skin can be real­ly stun­ning.

Anti Wrinkle Pads Prevent New Wrinkles From Forming

A wom­an’s décol­leté is specif­i­cal­ly prone to wrin­kles due the weight of the breast and our per­sis­tent habit of sleep­ing on our side. Chest wrin­kles are caused by the forces of grav­i­ty and fric­tion that acts between the skin and the bed we sleep. The more busty a woman is the more prone to chest wrin­kles the woman tends to be. Every night presents an oppor­tu­ni­ty for pre­ven­tion since sleep­ing on ones side or stom­ach is the sure way of devel­op­ing wrin­kles, com­pres­sion lines or crepey skin on the décol­leté, due to the breasts press­ing against each oth­er and against the bed. Using the pro­tec­tion of a sil­i­cone pad, its now pos­si­ble to pre­vent the skin from fold­ing and creas­ing while also main­tain­ing skin hydra­tion, which help pro­tect against dry skin, crepey skin and also help bounce back already aging skin.

Decollete Pads Deeply Hydrate and Rejuvenate

We all know that prop­er­ly hydrat­ed skin looks cuter, younger and fresh­er— and a sil­i­cone pad may just be the pass to a more youth­ful com­plex­ion on your décol­leté skin. The key behind silicone’s unique pow­ers is in the under­lin­ing sci­ence. Sil­i­cone is made through the com­bi­na­tion of sil­i­con, oxy­gen atoms, car­bon and hydro­gen, plus some­times oth­er ele­ments to con­di­tion the Sil­i­cone atoms. Tell­Grade has tak­en this tech­nol­o­gy fur­ther to pro­duce a tru­ly remark­able prod­uct. Sil­i­cone’s unique mol­e­c­u­lar struc­ture cre­ates a kind of micro­cli­mate which forms a pro­tec­tive lay­er, a skin bar­ri­er which pulls mois­ture from deep with­in the low­er tis­sues and skin lay­ers. So in con­clu­sion, by wear­ing Tell­Grade hydrat­ing sil­i­cone pads you will not only improve your skin tex­ture in short term, but will also make your skin firmer, much soft­er, very more live­ly-look­ing skin over the long term.

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Best Anti Wrinkle Chest Pads, Chest Wrinkle Pads, Decollete Wrinkle Pad, Silicone Chest Pad✨

TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Chest Pads, Chest Wrinkle Pads, Decollete Wrinkle Pad, Silicone Chest Pad ✨

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