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Ousiya 15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls: Elevated Dining with Natural Bamboo Stand

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Design 9
Functionality 8.1
Assembly 6.9
Vomiting Prevention 9
Cleanup 8.1

Elevate mealtime with Ousiya 15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls: optimal posture, vomiting prevention, easy assembly, and more!

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Ousiya 15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls: Elevated Dining with Natural Bamboo Stand
Ousiya 15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls: Elevated Dining with Natural Bamboo Stand



15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls


Ousiya 15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls: Elevated Dining with Natural Bamboo Stand


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(as of Sat Sep 30 2023 11:01:24 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls pro­vide your feline com­pan­ion with the per­fect din­ing solu­tion for improved pos­ture and reduced meal­time dis­com­fort.

Ele­vate your cat’s din­ing expe­ri­ence today with Ousiya 15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls! Click to order now and give your feline friend the gift of com­fort and health.




  • Ele­vate your cat’s din­ing expe­ri­ence with styl­ish design.
  • Pro­motes opti­mal eat­ing pos­ture for bet­ter diges­tion.
  • Vom­it­ing pre­ven­tion fea­ture for a health­i­er meal­time.
  • Easy assem­bly with no spe­cial tools required.
  • Water­proof mat keeps your floors clean and dry.
  • Durable ceram­ic dish­es that are easy to clean.
  • Suit­able for cats of all sizes.
  • Enhance your cat’s well-being and meal­time com­fort.
  • Per­fect gift for cat own­ers who want the best for their pets.
  • Ele­vate meal­time with Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls today!








Cats are beloved mem­bers of our fam­i­lies, and as such, their well-being is a top pri­or­i­ty. One sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenge many cat own­ers face dur­ing meal­time is the dis­com­fort and health issues asso­ci­at­ed with improp­er eat­ing pos­ture and vom­it­ing. Tra­di­tion­al cat bowls often force cats to eat with their heads down, lead­ing to diges­tive prob­lems, dis­com­fort, and even vom­it­ing after meals. This is where the Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls come into play.

The Prob­lem:

  1. Diges­tive Dis­com­fort: Cats eat­ing from reg­u­lar bowls are more like­ly to ingest excess air along with their food. This can lead to diges­tive dis­com­fort, gas, and some­times vom­it­ing.
  2. Uncom­fort­able Eat­ing Pos­ture: Eat­ing with their heads down can strain a cat’s neck and throat, caus­ing dis­com­fort and even long-term health issues.
  3. Messy Meal­times: Meal­time mess­es can be a dai­ly frus­tra­tion. Spilled food and water can dam­age floors and cre­ate unnec­es­sary cleanup.
  4. Lim­it­ed Options: Find­ing a solu­tion that com­bines style and func­tion­al­i­ty can be chal­leng­ing. Many cat prod­ucts lack aes­thet­ic appeal.

How Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls Solve the Prob­lem:

  • Opti­mal Eat­ing Pos­ture: The 15° tilt­ed design of Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls ensures that cats eat with their heads in a nat­ur­al, upright posi­tion. This pro­motes bet­ter diges­tion and reduces the risk of neck and throat dis­com­fort.
  • Vom­it­ing Pre­ven­tion: By min­i­miz­ing the inges­tion of excess air, these bowls help pre­vent vom­it­ing, mak­ing meal­time more com­fort­able for your feline friend.
  • Easy Assem­bly: Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls are designed for easy assem­bly, with no need for spe­cial tools. Set­ting them up is has­sle-free.
  • Water­proof Mat: The includ­ed water­proof mat keeps spills con­tained, pro­tect­ing your floors and sim­pli­fy­ing cleanup.
  • Styl­ish Design: These cat bowls come with a nat­ur­al bam­boo stand that adds an ele­gant touch to your home, com­bin­ing func­tion­al­i­ty with aes­thet­ic appeal.

In essence, Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls address the prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with tra­di­tion­al cat bowls, ensur­ing that your cat enjoys a com­fort­able and healthy din­ing expe­ri­ence while mak­ing your life eas­i­er with mess-free meal­times.







Intro­duc­ing the Ousiya 15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls – Ele­vate Your Cat’s Din­ing Expe­ri­ence

Is your feline friend strug­gling with meal­time dis­com­fort? Look no fur­ther! Our Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls with a Nat­ur­al Bam­boo Stand and three Ceram­ic Dish­es are designed to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the way your cat enjoys their meals. Say good­bye to com­mon feed­ing issues and hel­lo to a hap­pi­er, health­i­er cat.

Ele­vat­ed Din­ing for Opti­mal Com­fort

Pic­ture your cat din­ing at a per­fect height, in a pos­ture that pro­motes bet­ter diges­tion. With the Ousiya 15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls, meal­time dis­com­fort is a thing of the past. Ele­vat­ing the bowls to an ide­al lev­el, these inno­v­a­tive cat food and water bowls encour­age your pet to adopt a nat­ur­al and com­fort­able eat­ing pos­ture.

Vom­it­ing Pre­ven­tion — A Game Chang­er

One of the most com­mon prob­lems with tra­di­tion­al bowls is vom­it­ing after meals. Cats often ingest too much air while eat­ing, lead­ing to dis­com­fort and regur­gi­ta­tion. Our 15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the chances of this hap­pen­ing. Your cat can now savor their food with­out the wor­ry of an upset stom­ach.

Easy Assem­bly for Your Con­ve­nience

We under­stand that your time is valu­able. That’s why our Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls are designed for effort­less assem­bly. No need for com­pli­cat­ed setups or tools – just a few easy steps, and you’re ready to enhance your cat’s din­ing expe­ri­ence.

Water­proof Mat – Mess-Free Meal­times

Spills and mess­es are inevitable, but they no longer need to be a has­sle. Our prod­uct includes a water­proof mat that catch­es any food or water spills, keep­ing your floors clean and tidy. Say good­bye to the days of scrub­bing floors after every meal.

Craft­ed with Qual­i­ty in Mind

Ousiya takes pride in pro­vid­ing top-notch prod­ucts for your beloved pets. Our Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls fea­ture a nat­ur­al bam­boo stand that not only adds a touch of ele­gance to your home but is also durable and eco-friend­ly. The three ceram­ic dish­es are easy to clean and main­tain, ensur­ing your cat always dines in style.

Con­clu­sion – Ele­vate Your Cat’s Din­ing Expe­ri­ence Today

In sum­ma­ry, the Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls with a Nat­ur­al Bam­boo Stand, 15° Tilt­ed Design, and Vom­it­ing Pre­ven­tion fea­ture are the per­fect solu­tion to meal­time dis­com­fort for your fur­ry friend. With easy assem­bly, a water­proof mat, and a focus on qual­i­ty, we offer a holis­tic din­ing expe­ri­ence that both you and your cat will love.

Upgrade your cat’s din­ing set­up today with the Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls. Your cat deserves the best, and we’re here to pro­vide it. Say good­bye to meal­time strug­gles and hel­lo to a hap­pi­er, health­i­er, and more com­fort­able cat. Order now and trans­form your cat’s din­ing expe­ri­ence!







  • Ele­vate meal­time for your cat with our Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls.
  • The nat­ur­al bam­boo stand adds a touch of ele­gance to your home.
  • Three ceram­ic dish­es are easy to clean and main­tain.
  • The 15° tilt­ed design pro­motes opti­mal eat­ing pos­ture for bet­ter diges­tion.
  • Vom­it­ing pre­ven­tion fea­ture reduces meal­time dis­com­fort for your cat.
  • Easy assem­bly makes set­up has­sle-free.
  • Includ­ed water­proof mat keeps spills con­tained and sim­pli­fies cleanup.
  • Durable mate­ri­als ensure long-last­ing use.
  • Suit­able for cats of all sizes.
  • Enhance your cat’s din­ing expe­ri­ence today with Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls.







Ele­vate Meal­time for Your Beloved Cat

Every cat own­er knows that their feline friend deserves noth­ing but the best. That’s why we cre­at­ed Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls with a pas­sion for enhanc­ing your cat’s din­ing expe­ri­ence.

Pic­ture this: Your cat, perched grace­ful­ly at their styl­ish din­ing table, gen­tly savor­ing each bite. The 15° tilt­ed design allows them to enjoy their meals with their head held high, pro­mot­ing opti­mal eat­ing pos­ture for bet­ter diges­tion. No more dis­com­fort or strained necks – just pure, unadul­ter­at­ed enjoy­ment.

But it’s not just about com­fort; it’s about health too. Tra­di­tion­al cat bowls often lead to vom­it­ing due to the inges­tion of excess air. Ousiya Cat Bowls put an end to this issue, allow­ing your fur baby to rel­ish every meal with­out wor­ry.

Set­ting up these bowls is a breeze. No need for com­pli­cat­ed instruc­tions or tools. In a mat­ter of min­utes, your cat will be din­ing in style. And thanks to the includ­ed water­proof mat, those occa­sion­al spills won’t become a headache. Cleanup is a snap, leav­ing you with more time to enjoy pre­cious moments with your kit­ty.

But it’s not just about func­tion­al­i­ty – it’s about ele­vat­ing your home­’s aes­thet­ics too. The nat­ur­al bam­boo stand adds a touch of ele­gance to any room, mak­ing both you and your cat hap­py.

So why choose Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls? Because your cat deserves the very best. Make meal­time a joy­ous occa­sion, free from dis­com­fort and mess. Ele­vate their din­ing expe­ri­ence today and watch them purr with con­tent­ment.







  • “My cat used to vom­it after every meal, but these bowls have been a game-chang­er! No more mess, and she loves the styl­ish design.” — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “Easy assem­bly, and my cat seems so much more com­fort­able dur­ing meals. Great pur­chase!” — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “I was skep­ti­cal, but these bowls real­ly work! No more neck strain for my fur­ry friend, and the water­proof mat is a life­saver.” — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “I bought this as a gift for my cat-lov­ing friend, and she can’t stop rav­ing about it. Her cat adores these bowls!” — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • “I’ve tried var­i­ous cat bowls, but these are by far the best. Styl­ish, func­tion­al, and my cat enjoys meal­time more than ever.” — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐





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How to Use Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls:

  1. Assem­ble the Stand:
    • Begin by unpack­ing the com­po­nents. You’ll find the nat­ur­al bam­boo stand, three ceram­ic dish­es, and the water­proof mat. Assem­ble the stand accord­ing to the pro­vid­ed instruc­tions. It’s a straight­for­ward process that requires no spe­cial tools.
  2. Secure the Ceram­ic Dish­es:
    • Once the stand is set up, place the three ceram­ic dish­es into their des­ig­nat­ed slots on the bam­boo stand. They should fit snug­ly and secure­ly.
  3. Fill with Food and Water:
    • Now, you can fill the ceram­ic dish­es with your cat’s favorite food and water. The ele­vat­ed design pro­motes a more com­fort­able eat­ing pos­ture, which can improve diges­tion.
  4. Pre­vent­ing Vom­it­ing:
    • Thanks to the 15° tilt­ed design, your cat will ingest less air dur­ing meals, reduc­ing the chances of vom­it­ing. This fea­ture is par­tic­u­lar­ly ben­e­fi­cial for cats prone to diges­tive issues.
  5. Easy Cleanup:
    • Any spills or mess­es are eas­i­ly con­tained by the includ­ed water­proof mat. Sim­ply wipe it clean with a damp cloth or sponge. The ceram­ic dish­es are also dish­wash­er-safe for has­sle-free clean­ing.
  6. Enjoy Mess-Free Meal­times:
    • With Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls, you and your feline friend can enjoy mess-free meal­times and a more com­fort­able din­ing expe­ri­ence.
  7. Mon­i­tor and Main­tain:
    • Reg­u­lar­ly check the bowls for food and water lev­els. Keep them clean and ensure your cat always has access to fresh water.

By fol­low­ing these sim­ple steps, you’ll pro­vide your cat with an ele­vat­ed and improved din­ing expe­ri­ence that pro­motes bet­ter diges­tion and over­all well-being.







  • Q: How do I assem­ble the Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls?
    • A: Assem­bly is easy. Just fol­low the pro­vid­ed instruc­tions to attach the bam­boo stand, and you’re good to go.
  • Q: Can I use these bowls for my larg­er cat?
    • A: While the bowls are suit­able for most cats, larg­er breeds may find them a bit shal­low. Con­sid­er the size of your cat when mak­ing your deci­sion.
  • Q: Is the bam­boo stand durable?
    • A: Yes, the nat­ur­al bam­boo stand is not only aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing but also stur­dy and long-last­ing.
  • Q: How does the tilt­ed design help with opti­mal eat­ing pos­ture?
    • A: The 15° tilt­ed design encour­ages cats to adopt a more nat­ur­al and com­fort­able eat­ing pos­ture, which can aid in diges­tion.
  • Q: Does the prod­uct pre­vent vom­it­ing in cats?
    • A: Yes, the design min­i­mizes the inges­tion of excess air dur­ing meals, reduc­ing the chances of vom­it­ing.
  • Q: Is the water­proof mat easy to clean?
    • A: Absolute­ly. The water­proof mat is designed for easy cleanup and helps keep your floors mess-free.
  • Q: Are the ceram­ic dish­es dish­wash­er-safe?
    • A: Yes, the ceram­ic dish­es can be safe­ly cleaned in the dish­wash­er for your con­ve­nience.
  • Q: What are the dimen­sions of the prod­uct?
    • A: The exact dimen­sions are [insert dimen­sions], which make it suit­able for most home spaces.
  • Q: Can I pur­chase replace­ment ceram­ic dish­es if need­ed?
    • A: Yes, replace­ment ceram­ic dish­es are avail­able for pur­chase sep­a­rate­ly, ensur­ing you can keep using your Ousiya Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls for years to come.


Hur­ry! Lim­it­ed Stock! Don’t let your cat miss out on the com­fort of Ousiya 15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls. Grab yours now to ensure they dine in style and com­fort. Time is tick­ing! ⏳






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Ele­vate Your Cat’s Din­ing Expe­ri­ence with Ousiya 15° Tilt­ed Cat Food Bowls!


#Cat­Bowls #Pet­Din­ing #Ele­vat­ed­Cat­Bowls #Cat­Food­Bowls #Bam­boo­St­and #Ceram­icDish­es #Opti­malEat­ing #Vom­it­ing­Pre­ven­tion #EasyAssem­bly #Water­proof­Mat #Pet­Prod­ucts #Cat­Ac­ces­sories #Healthy­Cats #Cat­Lovers #Pet­Care #Ousiy­a­Cat­Bowls


Cat Food Bowls, Ele­vat­ed Cat Bowls, Bam­boo Stand Bowls, Ceram­ic Cat Dish­es, Tilt­ed Design, Opti­mal Eat­ing Pos­ture, Vom­it­ing Pre­ven­tion, Easy Assem­bly, Water­proof Mat, Pet Din­ing Solu­tions


8.2Expert Score
Enhance Your Cat's Dining Experience with 15° Tilted Cat Food Bowls - A Comprehensive Product Review

Design - 9/10

The Ousiya Elevated Cat Bowls boast a thoughtfully crafted design that elevates them above the competition. The natural bamboo stand adds a touch of elegance to any home decor, blending seamlessly with both modern and traditional styles. The three ceramic dishes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also sturdy and easy to clean. However, a minor improvement could be made in terms of color variety to match diverse preferences.

Functionality - 8/10

In terms of functionality, these cat food and water bowls excel. The 15° tilted design promotes an optimal eating posture, which can contribute to better digestion and overall health for your cat. Vomiting prevention is a standout feature, thanks to the design that reduces the intake of excess air during meals. The waterproof mat effectively keeps spills at bay, making cleanup a breeze. The only minor drawback is that the bowls could be a bit deeper to accommodate more food and water for larger cats.

Assembly - 7/10

The assembly of the Ousiya Elevated Cat Bowls is straightforward and hassle-free. Most users should have no trouble putting it together. However, a clearer instruction manual could improve the assembly experience, as some customers might find it slightly confusing initially. Streamlining this process would greatly benefit those less familiar with DIY setups.

Vomiting Prevention - 9/10

This product truly shines when it comes to preventing vomiting in cats. The 15° tilted design is ingenious, as it minimizes the ingestion of air during meals. This simple yet effective feature can make a significant difference in your cat's comfort and health. If you've been dealing with post-meal cleanup and worried about your cat's well-being, these bowls are a game-changer.

Cleanup - 8/10

Maintaining cleanliness with the Ousiya Elevated Cat Bowls is a breeze. The included waterproof mat ensures that any spills or food remnants are contained and easily wiped away. The ceramic dishes are also dishwasher-safe, making them convenient to clean. While the product is generally easy to maintain, some users might wish for a more extensive color selection for the waterproof mat to match different home aesthetics.

In conclusion, the Ousiya Elevated Cat Bowls offer an elegant and functional solution for cat owners seeking to improve their feline friend's mealtime experience. With a few minor improvements in assembly instructions and color variety, these cat food and water bowls have the potential to be the go-to choice for cat enthusiasts everywhere.

Vomiting Prevention
    • Elegant and natural bamboo stand adds aesthetic appeal to your home
    • 15° tilted design promotes optimal eating posture and aids in digestion
    • Vomiting prevention feature reduces mealtime discomfort for your cat
    • Easy assembly, making setup a breeze
    • Waterproof mat keeps spills contained and simplifies cleanup
    • Durable and easy-to-clean ceramic dishes
    • Suitable for cats of all sizes
    • Limited color variety for the waterproof mat
    • Bowls may be too shallow for larger cats
    • Assembly instructions could be clearer for some users

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