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3 Non slip fabric booty resistance band set, Glute Workout Bands: TellGrade ✨

(5 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #2 in category Active Fitness

Original price was: $165.95.Current price is: $87.50.

Ease of Use9.3
Fit for Purpose9.6
Material Quality9
Ease of Travel9.5

Tone it up, sculpt and shape your booty with our 3 Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set! This glute workout band set is the perfect way to tone and tighten your lower body in the comfort of your own home. The knit fabric glute bands are designed for maximum support, allowing you to be comfortable as you get that perfect lift. Each band offers varying levels of resistance, making these bands suitable for all fitness levels.

3 Non slip fabric booty resistance band set, Glute Workout Bands: TellGrade ✨
3 Non slip fabric booty resistance band set, Glute Workout Bands: TellGrade ✨

Original price was: $165.95.Current price is: $87.50.


TellGrade’s Non-Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set for Glute Workout

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

Look­ing to ele­vate your booty gains game? Well, hold on to your buns because Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set is here to take you to the next lev­el! Here, we’ll unveil the secret to a killer booty work­out and why Tell­Grade’s glute resis­tance bands reigns supreme over the com­pe­ti­tion. Get ready to dis­cov­er the ins and outs of this band set, what’s includ­ed, and how it can up your glute game in a major way. Don’t miss out on this booty­li­cious oppor­tu­ni­ty!

Final­ly, here is your secret for a per­fect butt! Our pre­mi­um hip resis­tance band will ensure you max­i­mize your gains through effi­cient, chal­leng­ing, effec­tive and high-per­for­mance train­ing. This is your most afford­able and effi­cient way of get­ting the results you’ve always craved for. Our durable fab­ric resis­tance band set will effec­tive­ly warm-up and strength­en mus­cles of your hips, legs, glutes, quads, thighs and espe­cial­ly your booty.

Our Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set have been test­ed to the high­est stan­dard for func­tion­al­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty and effec­tive­ness. They are designed to aid in stretch­ing, improve flex­i­bil­i­ty and to help per­fect your body form and fig­ure


Unleash your inner fit­ness god­dess and sculpt those glutes to per­fec­tion with the ulti­mate booty weapon — the booty resis­tance band! This elas­tic won­der is the secret to ton­ing and strength­en­ing your glutes like nev­er before. Don’t set­tle for a mediocre work­out — grab a top-qual­i­ty resis­tance band that’ll help you tar­get the right mus­cles while keep­ing you injury-free.

Expe­ri­ence Tell­Grade fab­ric booty resis­tance band set — the talk of the town among fit­ness fanat­ics! Won­der­ing what makes this bad boy stand out from the rest? Stick around, folks — we’re about to reveal all the juicy details and show you how it can ele­vate your glute work­out rou­tine to the next lev­el!

What is the Non-slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set?

Get your sweat on with Tell­Grade’s amaz­ing non-slip fab­ric booty resis­tance band set! This three-piece set is a game-chang­er for any­one look­ing to take their work­outs to the next lev­el. With three dif­fer­ent resis­tance lev­els (light, medi­um, and heavy), you’ll be able to cus­tomize your rou­tine to fit your needs per­fect­ly and tar­get the right mus­cles.

The high-qual­i­ty fab­ric used to make these bands is stretchy, durable, and non-slip, mean­ing you won’t have to wor­ry about slip­ping, slid­ing, or band break­ing dur­ing your intense work­outs. Unlike tra­di­tion­al rub­ber bands that can be a real pain to use, these non-slip fab­ric bands are super com­fort­able and effi­cient.

So, if you’re ready to get fit and look fab­u­lous while doing it, grab your­self a set of Tell­Grade’s fab­ric exer­cise resis­tance bands today! Trust us, your booty will thank you lat­er.

booty band workout before and after

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨
Week One

One week after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set

Week Two

Two weeks after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set.

Week Three

Three weeks after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set.




Take your work­out any­where:  Feel the Free­dom, you’re no longer tied to the gym nor require expen­sive equip­ment for a great work­out. You can use Tell­Grade fab­ric exer­cise bands at home, on hol­i­days or at the office – Get your game on any­where.

Over 400% more glute acti­va­tion: Get over 400% more glute acti­va­tion. You feel the burn right away and see bet­ter results, much, much faster.

Reach your goals: Eas­i­ly attain your goals, whether you’re look­ing to tone, shape, burn fat or pre­vent injury? Tell­Grade cloth resis­tance bands will get you there. You’ll see amaz­ing results in just a few weeks.

What is included in TellGrade’s Non-Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set?

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

Get ready to lev­el up your work­out game with Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set! This set comes packed with three dif­fer­ent resis­tance lev­els — light, medi­um, and heavy — each col­or-cod­ed for easy iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. And the best part? You can take these bands with you wher­ev­er you go, thanks to the includ­ed car­ry­ing bag.

But what real­ly sets these bands apart is their non-slip fab­ric tech­nol­o­gy. No more slip­ping or rolling dur­ing your work­outs — these bands pro­vide a com­fort­able, secure grip. And they’re built to last, too, with a dura­bil­i­ty that puts tra­di­tion­al rub­ber bands to shame.

Ready for the real mag­ic? These bands are ver­sa­tile and easy to use, so you can incor­po­rate them into just about any exer­cise rou­tine. From squats to lunges to glute bridges, these bands tar­get your glutes, ham­strings, and quads for a full-body work­out. Don’t just take our word for it — try it out for your­self!”

What You Get

Lift & firm your booty at your con­ve­nience from home with our Ulti­mate Cloth Resis­tance Bands.

  • Your Dynam­ic Pack­age. You get one of every col­or, giv­ing you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow from one strength lev­el to anoth­er while look­ing cool at it.
  • Set of 3 Resis­tance loop bands – 3 dif­fer­ent lev­els of resis­tance. For Under 120lb = Blue, 120lb – 250lb = Bur­gundy, over 250lb = Yel­low
  • Grow the booty: Fast Results
  • Durable Qual­i­ty hip resis­tance bands, Dou­ble stitched at all joints.
  • Com­fort­able and won’t roll up.
  • Light­weight easy to car­ry.
  • Suit­able for all types of low­er body exer­cis­es
  • Designed for tall, short, heavy or thin body types.
  • For men & women
  • Great for warmups, glute and hip acti­va­tion, Yoga, Pilates and any Beach Body exer­cis­es.
  • Free brand­ed car­ry bag
  • FREE Access to our Exclu­sive FB Sup­port Group & Team of Qual­i­fied Train­ers
  • Join our Newslet­ter for FREE Work­out Videos & Oth­er Train­ing Resources
  • Get Our Results-Proven Work­out Book­let


  • Fab­ric Booty Bands
  • Fab­ric loop resis­tance bands
  • Fab­ric Hip Band
  • Exer­cise Bands for Legs, Abs, Booty, Thigh & Glutes.
  • booty work­out band
  • 3 exer­cise band Set for All Fit­ness Lev­els
  • No Gym Need­ed
  • With Non-slip Elas­tic Grip­py Inner Lay­er

Get Your Booty in Gear: Why TellGrade’s Non-Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set Is a Must-Have Addition to Your Workout!

Look­ing to spice up your fit­ness rou­tine and take your glute gains to the next lev­el? Look no fur­ther than Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set! This pow­er­house set has tak­en the fit­ness world by storm, pro­vid­ing a fun and effec­tive way to tar­get and tone your glutes for that cov­et­ed perky pos­te­ri­or. But the ben­e­fits don’t stop there! Here’s why you need to add Tell­Grade’s hip and core resis­tance bands set to your work­out rou­tine today:

1. Targeted Muscle Groups

Ready to take your glute gains to the next lev­el? Let’s talk tar­get­ed mus­cle groups! The glutes — those three juicy mus­cles that make up your back­side — are essen­tial for hip move­ment, pos­ture, and sta­bi­liza­tion.

With Tell­Grade’s non-slip fab­ric booty resis­tance band set, you can effec­tive­ly tone and strength­en those bad boys. But wait, there’s more! This resis­tance band set does­n’t just tar­get your glutes — oh no, it’s a full-body work­out machine. The bands work their mag­ic on your ham­strings and quads too, improv­ing your strength and endurance like nobody’s busi­ness.

So, what are you wait­ing for? It’s time to unleash the pow­er of your booty with Tell­Grade’s non-slip fab­ric resis­tance band set. Get ready to feel the burn and look damn good doing it.”

2. Increased Effectiveness

Expe­ri­ence a remark­able advan­tage when it comes to glute work­outs by using a resis­tance band set — the incred­i­ble resis­tance it pro­vides! This band cre­ates ten­sion that con­tin­u­ous­ly press­es on your mus­cles, com­pelling them to work hard­er than they would in a typ­i­cal body­weight exer­cise. Con­se­quent­ly, you get to engage more mus­cle fibers, result­ing in bet­ter mus­cle growth and ton­ing.

What sets Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set apart is its excep­tion­al design that makes it ide­al for glute work­outs. Its non-slip fab­ric tech­nol­o­gy ensures that the band stays put, pre­vent­ing it from slip­ping or rolling up dur­ing exer­cis­es. With the band in place, you can con­cen­trate on main­tain­ing prop­er form and tech­nique, mak­ing each rep even more effec­tive.

An added ben­e­fit of using resis­tance bands for your glute work­out is that they offer a low-impact option to suit your fit­ness lev­el. The resis­tance pro­vid­ed by the bands acti­vates mul­ti­ple mus­cle groups, giv­ing you a full-body work­out that yields great results.

3. Improved Results

Unleash the pow­er of your glutes with Tell­Grade’s fab­ric non slip resis­tance bands! This mag­i­cal work­out acces­so­ry can take your results to the next lev­el by intro­duc­ing a new lev­el of resis­tance to your exer­cis­es. Imag­ine your mus­cles being chal­lenged like nev­er before, result­ing in explo­sive growth and ton­ing that will leave every­one in awe.

But that’s not all! The added resis­tance also cranks up your metab­o­lism, melt­ing away fat and sculpt­ing your body into a mas­ter­piece. Say good­bye to bor­ing, plateau-induc­ing work­outs and hel­lo to a new lev­el of results with this amaz­ing resis­tance band set. It’s time to take your glutes to the next lev­el and unleash your inner fit­ness god­dess!

4. Prevent Injury

This set is not just an excel­lent addi­tion to your glute work­out rou­tine but also a pow­er­ful safe­guard against harm. By pro­vid­ing resis­tance, the bands help to steady your move­ments, there­by mit­i­gat­ing the chance of injury. What’s more, the low-impact nature of resis­tance bands means that they pose less stress on your joints and mus­cles, mak­ing them an ide­al option for any­one with mobil­i­ty issues.

Unlike clunky weights, resis­tance bands offer a more flex­i­ble and adapt­able work­out, mean­ing you can hone in on, spe­cif­ic areas of your body with ease. And with the non-slip fab­ric tech­nol­o­gy used in Tell­Grade’s set, you can rest assured that slips and falls will be a thing of the past — all with­out sac­ri­fic­ing any of the burn.

5. Build a Bigger Firmer Booty

Your booty just like you want it. Glutes are the biggest mus­cles in our body and our hip bands loop bands are per­fect­ly designed to keep them that way! Now build­ing the booty you want is as sim­ple as buy­ing our butt lifter bands, suit­able for all the exer­cis­es you can per­form to help grow and sculpt your booty.

6. Rehabilitation or Starter

Designed to be per­fect for rehab after an injury, build or strength­en a mus­cle group so as to pre­vent future injury. Our fab­ric resis­tance hip bands set of 3 will acti­vate tight and inac­tive mus­cles and help them work syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly to keep you free of injury and at peak per­for­mance. 

booty band before and after pictures

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨
Week One

One week after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set

Week Three

Three weeks after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set.

Week One

One week after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set

Week Three

Three weeks after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set.

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

Premium Luxury Material

We take pride in pro­vid­ing our cus­tomers with qual­i­ty prod­ucts. Our Qual­i­ty Fab­ric Hip and Core Resis­tance Band Set are pecu­liar­ly soft on your skin yet can with­stand heavy duty. They are durable enough to han­dle any type of work­out and dou­ble stitched at all joints to make it last and last and last. 

Who Can Use TellGrade’s Non-Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set?

Tell­Grade Glute Resis­tance Bands Set are the ulti­mate fit­ness tool that caters to every­one! And with Tell­Grade’s fab­ric exer­cise resis­tance bands Set, even the most novice of gym-goers can up their glute game with ease. Fea­tur­ing three resis­tance lev­els, this band set is per­fect for both the begin­ners and the fit­ness junkies.

But wait, there’s more! It’s not just for the gym enthu­si­ast, as it can also be used for phys­i­cal ther­a­py or reha­bil­i­ta­tion. So, whether you’re start­ing your fit­ness jour­ney or just look­ing for a lit­tle extra resis­tance, this band set is sure to be your new best friend.

Booty Bands Butt Lifter Exercise Bands, fabric resistance bands set of 3, thick resistance hip bands for workout, hip bands loop bands

Different Resistance Levels and Who They Are Suitable For

This game-chang­ing fit­ness acces­so­ry is per­fect for any­one seek­ing to sculpt and firm their glutes to per­fec­tion. With three dis­tinct resis­tance lev­els, this set accom­mo­dates vary­ing lev­els of fit­ness enthu­si­asts with ease. So, whether you’re a sea­soned gym-goer or a begin­ner, this ver­sa­tile acces­so­ry will take your work­out rou­tine to the next lev­el!

light resistance band

 If you’re look­ing to dip your toes into the world of glute work­outs, the light resis­tance band is your per­fect match. It’s like a gen­tle whis­per to your glutes, coax­ing them into action and help­ing you achieve that cov­et­ed mus­cle tone with­out any pesky strain or injury. Don’t let inex­pe­ri­ence hold you back from get­ting the booty of your dreams — the light resis­tance band is here to work with you every step of the way!

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

Under 120lb: blue resis­tance band, this would work for begin­ners or casu­al glute acti­va­tion

medium resistance band

 For the sea­soned der­riere devo­tee seek­ing to ele­vate their work­out game and fur­ther tone their mus­cles, Tell­Grade’s medi­um resis­tance band is the ulti­mate weapon of choice.

With its per­fect­ly cal­i­brat­ed lev­el of ten­sion, this band is a ver­i­ta­ble pow­er­house, deliv­er­ing a surge of strength and sculpt­ing pow­er that will leave your mus­cles singing with joy. So, if you’re jerked up and ready to take your glute game to the next lev­el, this band is your tick­et to toned-up glo­ry!

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

120lb – 250lb bur­gundy / Red: Red exer­cise band: Red resis­tance band. This comes in our pre­mi­um sig­na­ture bur­gundy red that stands out unique­ly from the pack and can be used for weight size between 120–250lb i.e. This is for booty band lev­el 2 train­ing.

heavy resistance band

 If you’re a sea­soned fit­ness war­rior, the heavy resis­tance band is your ulti­mate weapon of choice! This band is craft­ed to cater to the most expe­ri­enced glute enthu­si­asts who have already honed their strength and endurance.

Packed with the high­est lev­el of resis­tance, it’s per­fect for unleash­ing your inner beast and tak­ing on the most demand­ing glute, ham­string, and quad exer­cis­es. Are you ready to dom­i­nate your work­outs? Tell­Grade’s heavy resis­tance band is wait­ing for you!

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

Over 250lb yel­low resis­tance band: Yel­low elas­tic exer­cise band 

  • 250 lb resis­tance band
  • 300lb resis­tance band

Not only is Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set an absolute pow­er­house in the fit­ness world, but it also dou­bles as a fan­tas­tic resource for phys­i­cal ther­a­py and reha­bil­i­ta­tion. These bands are the per­fect tool for safe­ly and effec­tive­ly strength­en­ing your glutes and oth­er impor­tant mus­cles, aid­ing in a faster injury recov­ery and over­all mobil­i­ty improve­ment.

No mat­ter where you are on your fit­ness jour­ney, Tell­Grade’s fab­ric exer­cise bands set is a must-have for any­one seek­ing to up their glute game. With three dif­fer­ent resis­tance lev­els, this set is an excel­lent addi­tion to any rou­tine, help­ing you reach your goals with greater effi­cien­cy and speed. Max­i­mize your poten­tial and unleash your inner fit­ness beast with this incred­i­ble band set.

Our booty resis­tance bands are a result of 5 years research to let you tar­get dis­tinct­ly spe­cif­ic mus­cles to work on through­out your body. Suit­able for Use any­where, no gym or weights need­ed.

BUILT STRONG, ENGINEERED TO BE THE VERY BEST RESISTANCE BAND SET: Pre­mi­um booty band for chal­leng­ing, effec­tive and high per­for­mance train­ing, Made entire­ly of durable, soft, light­weight high qual­i­ty stretch fab­ric with rein­forced dou­ble stitched seams, to with­stand the tough­est of work­outs. It is designed to be grip­py, non-slip, easy to use and com­pact with­out pinch­ing or rolling up.

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨
  • 🏃‍♀️TRAIN HARDER & TARGET ALL THE MAJOR MUSCLES THE BODY: Exer­cise loop bands tar­gets all the biggest and most impor­tant mus­cles in the body from Glutes, Adduc­tors, Abduc­tors, Hip Flex­ors, Ham­strings, Quads, exter­nal rota­tors to TFL and Calves ensur­ing all are acti­vat­ed and strength­ened with use of the fab­ric resis­tance bands;
  • Helps pre­vent injuries, burn more calo­ries dur­ing your work­outs like lat­er­al walks, hip thrusts, Hip Abduc­tion Adduc­tion, Squats, High Knees, Leg Press, Glute Bridges, kick­backs, lunges, dead­lifts, cross­fit and per­for­mance train­ing. Tone and sculpt your butt and legs very effec­tive­ly and effi­cient­ly.
  • 🍑GROW THE BOOTY: The Secret to the per­fect butt! Build a big­ger and stronger booty through care­ful­ly select­ed resis­tance fit­ness exer­cis­es tar­get­ing the abduc­tors, hips, glutes, thigh. Helps improve form and well­be­ing by allow­ing greater range of motion, great­ly improv­ing squat depth and flex­i­bil­i­ty, suit­able for begin­ners and advanced users

Tips for Using TellGrade’s Non-Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set for a Glute Workout

Shake up your glute game and ampli­fy the poten­cy of your fit­ness reg­i­men with Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set. This gem of a prod­uct can do won­ders for your work­out rou­tine. To make the most of your invest­ment, take heed of these handy point­ers:

1, Prop­er tech­nique for using the resis­tance band set: A vital aspect of using the resis­tance band set like a pro is nail­ing down the right tech­nique to pre­vent injury and max­i­mize results. Wrap the band around your legs just above your knees or ankles and keep a steady ten­sion through­out your move­ments. Don’t for­get to engage your core and put your glutes to work by squeez­ing them tight!

2, Dif­fer­ent exer­cis­es that can be per­formed with the resis­tance band set: Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set is a ver­sa­tile tool that can be used for a vari­ety of exer­cis­es that tar­get your glutes. You can try out some fan favorites like squats, glute bridges, side-lying leg lifts, and fire hydrants. Intro­duce the resis­tance band to these moves for an added chal­lenge and up the ante on your work­out.

3, Rec­om­men­da­tions for incor­po­rat­ing the resis­tance band set into your exist­ing work­out rou­tine: If you’re already in the process of work­ing your glutes, Eas­i­ly, you can inte­grate the resis­tance band set into your rou­tine. It’s an excel­lent way to lev­el up your exist­ing work­outs and enhance your results. Give it a try and feel the burn!


Rev up your glute game with the Tell­Grade Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set! This dynam­ic trio will bump your work­out to the next lev­el by tar­get­ing on your glutes and giv­ing them the strength and tone, they deserve.

Don’t just go through the motions — mas­ter the tech­nique with these tips, mix it up with a vari­ety of exer­cis­es, and watch the mag­ic hap­pen as you incor­po­rate this fab­ric booty bands set into your rou­tine. Your booty will thank you!

How to Care for Your TellGrade’s Non-Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set

Unlock the Secret to Long-Last­ing Suc­cess with Your Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set! Give your work­out regime the love it deserves by pro­vid­ing the prop­er care to your trusty resis­tance band set. Fol­low these essen­tial tips to keep your beloved gear in tip-top con­di­tion:

Instruc­tions for clean­ing the resis­tance band set:

• Wipe down the resis­tance band set with a damp cloth after each use to remove any sweat or dirt.
• For a deep­er clean, you can hand wash the resis­tance band set with mild soap and water, then air dry it.

Prop­er stor­age for the resis­tance band set:

• Store your resis­tance band set in a cool, dry place away from direct sun­light and heat.
• You can keep the resis­tance band set in its orig­i­nal pack­ag­ing or in a small bag to pro­tect it from dust and mois­ture.

Tips for pro­long­ing the life of the resis­tance band set:

• Avoid expos­ing the resis­tance band set to extreme tem­per­a­tures, as this can cause it to degrade or lose its elas­tic­i­ty.
• Don’t stretch the resis­tance band set beyond its lim­its, as this can cause it to break or lose its shape.
• Rotate the resis­tance band set among dif­fer­ent exer­cis­es to pre­vent overuse of any one band.
• Replace your resis­tance band set if you notice any signs of wear and tear, such as fray­ing or stretch­ing.


By fol­low­ing these tips, you can help ensure that your Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set stays in great con­di­tion and con­tin­ues to pro­vide an effec­tive work­out for your glutes.

Product Specs:

Tell­Grade’s Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set is a ver­sa­tile exer­cise tool designed to help strength­en and tone the glutes. The exer­cise band is made from high-qual­i­ty fab­ric mate­r­i­al that pro­vides a non-slip sur­face, so as to ensur­ing that it stays in place dur­ing exer­cise. The set comes with three dif­fer­ent resis­tance lev­els name­ly: light, medi­um, and heavy.

Cus­tomers can choose from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions of the prod­uct, includ­ing sin­gle bands or sets of three. The sin­gle bands come in either light, medi­um, or heavy resis­tance, while the set of three includes one of each resis­tance lev­el.

Over 60,000 women LOVE their Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Strength Resis­tance Bands! Here’s why…

★★★ Ultimate booty resistance bands set ★★★

Reviews from Our Awesome Customers

Our Non-Slip Fab­ric Booty Resis­tance Band Set has been a hit with our cus­tomers! They’re rav­ing about the supe­ri­or qual­i­ty of the fab­ric and how effec­tive the resis­tance lev­els are. And the best part? They’re see­ing results in just a mat­ter of weeks!

Our hap­py cus­tomers are say­ing things like, “These cloth resis­tance bands are absolute­ly amaz­ing!” and “The non-slip fea­ture is a game-chang­er dur­ing my work­outs.” They’re also lov­ing the vari­ety of resis­tance lev­els that allow them to push them­selves to the next lev­el.

We’ve heard a few cus­tomers men­tion that the bands tend to roll up dur­ing use. The solu­tion is sim­ple! We sug­gest using the bands with bare skin or over tight cloth­ing to keep them in place.

Over­all, we’re so thrilled to see so much pos­i­tive feed­backs from our cus­tomers. You guys are kick­ing booty and we’re so hap­py to see many cus­tomers report­ing a notice­able improve­ment in their glute strength and tone.

★★★ Tell­Grade All in One Booty Work­out Band Set ★★★

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨
Week Three

Three weeks after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set

Week One

One week after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set.

Week Three

Three weeks after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set

Week One

One week after start­ing use of booty resis­tance bands set.

Why Invest in TellGrade Elastic Exercise Bands?

★★★ Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Resis­tance Band Set ★★★

Dura­bil­i­ty: NEVER break, NEVER replace. It just works and works

Extreme Com­fort: Lux­u­ri­ous­ly Soft Fab­ric is soft­er against the skin, ensur­ing no dig­ging in, no pinch­ing or pulling hairs.

No Rolling Guar­an­tee: Tell­Grade Hip Resis­tance bands come with thick width and non slip inner grip strips. No more frus­trat­ing ses­sions with you tug­ging, hold­ing or pulling on your bands. These exer­cise bands stay in place dur­ing ALL your exer­cis­es.

All in One Band Fits All: Oth­er brands have uncom­fort­ably “heavy” bands that are usu­al­ly too small or an “easy” band that comes too loose. Tell­Grade booty bands come in 3 sizes. We also vary the resis­tance of the fab­ric so as to change the exer­cise band strength lev­els. This results in a per­fect fit every time plus a much bet­ter work­out!

Get Extra Stretch: Each Tell­Grade Fab­ric Exer­cise band con­tains thou­sands of our patent pend­ing elas­tic strands woven in with strong yet soft fab­ric. This gives our bands abil­i­ty to stretch more than oth­er brands, allow­ing for a wider range of motion in your work­outs.

Here are the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for TellGrade’s non-slip fabric booty resistance band set:

3 Non Slip Fabric Booty Resistance Band Set, Glute Workout Bands: Tellgrade ✨

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: We offer a 30 Day replace­ment war­ran­ty for all our prod­ucts. Con­tact us for a refund or replace­ment with­in 30 Days. This war­ran­ty is only valid when pur­chased through Tell­Grade offi­cial Site or our Ama­zon or Ebay Sell­er Page. Click “Add to Cart” to take your work­outs and fig­ure to the next lev­el. THIS IS NO LONGER SOLD ON AMAZON OR EBAY. BUY RESISTANCE BAND HERE ON TELLGRADE OFFICIAL SITE

 If you’re on the look­out for a booty-boost­ing work­out aid that’s ver­sa­tile and effi­cient, Tell­Grade’s non-slip fab­ric resis­tance band set is the way to go!
This top-qual­i­ty resis­tance bands for glutes set are per­fect for any­one who want to add some resis­tance to their fit­ness rou­tine, and with var­i­ous resis­tance lev­els and a non-slip design, this band set is a wise invest­ment for any­one look­ing to enhance their over­all fit­ness and health.

So why wait? Get your hands on Tell­Grade’s non-slip fab­ric booty resis­tance band set today and wit­ness the mag­ic for your­self!

★★★ Tell­Grade All in One Booty Work­out Band Set ★★★

Get your Tell­Grade Hip Bands — Booty Bands Butt Lifter Exer­cise Bands — today! No longer avail­able on Ama­zon !!!

9.4Expert Score
Premium All in One Fabric Resistance Band Set
As a fitness enthusiast, you know that regular exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle. One way to make exercising easier is by using resistance bands. Resistance bands are versatile tools that can be used for a variety of exercises. With TellGrade set of premium quality resistance bands, you can get the most out of your workouts. These set come with bands of various resistances, making them perfect for a wide range of users. Additionally, these sets are designed to be durable and easy to use, made from high-quality fabric, so it will last long and provide consistent resistance.
Ease of Use
Fit for Purpose
Material Quality
Ease of Travel
  • Workout anywhere, anytime
  • Set of 3 for all muscle groups
  • Easy to use, no additional tool requirements
  • Stretchy material allows for all exercises
  • Super Strong, double-stitched at all joints
  • Quick results: burn calories and fat fast
  • Results 2x faster than traditional methods
  • Lightweight easy to carry for all exercise
  • Great for upper body and core workouts
  • Perfect for pull-ups, push-ups, curls, and more
  • Durable: long lasting, won't tear or break
  • Quality: made of premium cotton, won't stretch out
  • Comfortable: won t roll up or pinch
  • Great for travel, so you can stay fit on the road

Additional information

Specification: 3 Non slip fabric booty resistance band set, Glute Workout Bands: TellGrade ✨



Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 25.5 × 15.5 × 4.5 cm

Reviews (5)

5 reviews for 3 Non slip fabric booty resistance band set, Glute Workout Bands: TellGrade ✨

5.0 out of 5
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  1. Avatar Of Evitelner50


    I’m so glad I got the Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Resis­tance Band Set! The fit­ness exer­cise booty bands are per­fect for my work­out rou­tine. They’re easy to use and real­ly help me focus on my form. I can def­i­nite­ly feel the burn when I use them!

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  2. Avatar Of Brokolly.1992


    The Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Resis­tance Band Set is a great fit­ness set for those look­ing to get a work­out in at home. The resis­tance bands are col­or-cod­ed accord­ing to resis­tance lev­el, so it’s easy to find the right one for your fit­ness lev­el. The set also comes with a door anchor and an instruc­tion book­let with exer­cis­es. I’m real­ly hap­py with this pur­chase!

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  3. Avatar Of Weneagle95


    I’m real­ly excit­ed about the Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Resis­tance Band Set! This is a great fit­ness set that comes with three dif­fer­ent resis­tance lev­els, so you can real­ly cus­tomize your work­out. The bands are also real­ly easy to set up and take down, which is great for busy peo­ple. I high­ly rec­om­mend this set for any­one look­ing to get a great work­out in!

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  4. Avatar Of Boesechelbezmaski


    I was so excit­ed to try out the Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Resis­tance Band Set! The set comes with three dif­fer­ent bands for vary­ing lev­els of resis­tance and it’s per­fect for all my booty build­ing needs. I love that I can take it any­where and the qual­i­ty is great- the bands are super stur­dy and don’t slip. It’s also a great way to switch up my work­outs, as the dif­fer­ent lev­els of resis­tances give me a lot of vari­abil­i­ty. High­ly rec­om­mend this prod­uct!

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  5. Avatar Of Framp58


    I recent­ly pur­chased the Tell­Grade Ulti­mate Resis­tance Band Set and I’m so glad I did! They are great for work­outs that tar­get your legs and glutes. The bands are super com­fort­able to wear and they have a lot of resis­tance. I can feel the burn with every rep! I love that they come in three dif­fer­ent col­ors and four dif­fer­ent lev­els of resis­tance. It’s awe­some to be able to switch it up depend­ing on the work­out or my mood. High­ly rec­om­mend!

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