It’s no secret that short hair can be difÂfiÂcult to style. But with the right tools and a litÂtle bit of know-how, you can achieve any look you want! Here are some tips for using a curlÂing iron to get those pesky strands under conÂtrol
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Curling Iron Tips for Short Hair
Short hair can be hard to curl
If you have short hair, you know the strugÂgles of tryÂing to curl it. It can seem imposÂsiÂble to get those pesky strands under conÂtrol, but we’re here to help.
We’ve roundÂed up the best curlÂing iron tips for short hair, so you can achieve the perÂfect curl every time. Short hair can be difÂfiÂcult to curl because there’s less surÂface area for the heat to grip onto.
The key is to use a smallÂer barÂrel curlÂing iron and take smallÂer secÂtions of hair. This will help you creÂate tighter, more defined curls. AnothÂer tip is to use a hairÂspray or othÂer styling prodÂuct before you curl your hair.
This will help hold the shape of your curls and keep them from falling flat. So, if you’re lookÂing for perÂfect curls, folÂlow these tips and you’ll be on your way.
Time and Temperature
When it comes to curlÂing short hair, time and temÂperÂaÂture setÂtings on your curlÂing iron can make all the difÂferÂence in the world. Here are a few tips to help you get those pesky strands under conÂtrol:
First, take into account the thickÂness of your hair. If you have thickÂer hair, you’ll want to use a highÂer temÂperÂaÂture setÂting on your curlÂing iron. This will help to ensure that your curls turn out nice and bounÂcy.
Next, pay attenÂtion to the size of the barÂrel on your curlÂing iron. The largÂer the barÂrel, the loosÂer the curl will be. So if you’re lookÂing for tighter, more defined curls, go with a smallÂer barÂrel size.
FinalÂly, keep in mind that it’s imporÂtant not to overÂdo it with the curlÂing iron.
The Right Size Iron
Right Barrel Size
A good curlÂing iron size for short hair is three-quarÂters of an inch to one inch. But the right size depends on the length and style of your hair. If you have very short hair, a three-quarÂter inch curlÂing iron will give you the best results.
This size curlÂing iron will give you loose curls or waves. It is also a good choice if you want to add volÂume to your hair.
If you have short, layÂered hair, a one-inch curlÂing iron is a good choice. This size curlÂing iron can creÂate tighter curls and waves. It can also help to add defÂiÂnÂiÂtion to your layÂers.
If you are not sure what size curlÂing iron to use, ask your stylÂist for advice. They can help you choose the right size based on your hair type and the style you want to achieve.
Curling Iron Tips
Best Curling Iron Tips for Short Hair
- Use a smallÂer barÂrel curlÂing iron. The smallÂer the barÂrel of the curlÂing iron, the more curls you’ll be able to creÂate in a shortÂer amount of time.
- Hold the curlÂing iron by the barÂrel and use your free hand to grip onto a piece of hair.
- Curl only about two inchÂes of your hair at once, using quick cirÂcuÂlar motions.
- ConÂtinÂue curlÂing the same secÂtion of hair until it’s all curled.
- GenÂtly release your hair from the barÂrel and allow it to fall freely.
- Pick up anothÂer small secÂtion of hair and repeat the process again.
- Once you’ve curled the whole head, go back over the curls with a fine-tooth comb to smooth out any flyÂaways and make your curls look more polÂished.
- Set the curls by sprayÂing them with hairÂspray and letÂting them air dry.
- Once your curls are dry, apply a litÂtle hairÂspray to them one more time and let the curls fall natÂuÂralÂly.
Get the look
video tutorial : how to use the curling iron
Here’s a great video tutoÂrÂiÂal on how to use the curlÂing iron (the same techÂnique applies to hot rollers
Pros & Cons
Pros and Cons of the Curling Iron Method
Pros: This method is quick, easy and creÂates soft curls with a lot of body.
Cons: It’s hard to get the curls to look smooth and conÂsisÂtent unless you have a lot of expeÂriÂence using this tool.
Main Types
Ceramic vs. Metal curling irons
When it comes to curlÂing irons, there are two main types: ceramÂic and metÂal. Both have their own unique benÂeÂfits that can make your hair look its best. Here’s a quick runÂdown of the pros and cons of each type:
CeramÂic curlÂing irons are ideÂal for those with short hair. The smooth surÂface of the barÂrel helps to creÂate tight, defined curls withÂout damÂagÂing the hair. And, because ceramÂic heats evenÂly, you won’t have to worÂry about hot spots that can burn your hair.
They also creÂate less frizz and staÂtÂic than metÂal curlÂing irons. HowÂevÂer, they can be more expenÂsive than metÂal curlÂing irons. MetÂal curlÂing irons are perÂfect for creÂatÂing loose, beachy waves.
The barÂrels of these irons are usuÂalÂly coatÂed with a mateÂrÂiÂal like TourÂmaÂline or TitaÂniÂum, which helps to reduce frizz and add shine. And, because they heat up quickÂly, you can achieve the perÂfect curl in no time.
MetÂal curlÂing irons are best for those with thick or coarse hair. They take longer to heat up than ceramÂic curlÂing irons, but they can hold a curl betÂter.
MetÂal curlÂing irons can also be less expenÂsive than ceramÂic ones. You can find out which type of curlÂing iron is best for your hair by doing some research on the types, how they work and how best to use them.
Curl Direction
Curl in or Curl Out
When it comes to curlÂing your hair, the direcÂtion in which you curl it can make all the difÂferÂence. Here are a few tips on which direcÂtion to curl your hair for difÂferÂent results:
For loose, beachy waves, curl your hair away from your face. To achieve this look, take small secÂtions of hair and wrap them around the barÂrel of the curlÂing iron, makÂing sure to curl each secÂtion in the same direcÂtion.
For tighter curls or ringlets, curl your hair towards your face. This will give your curls more defÂiÂnÂiÂtion and hold.
Again, take small secÂtions of hair and wrap them around the barÂrel of the curlÂing iron, but this time curl each secÂtion in towards your face. If you want a more natÂurÂal-lookÂing curl, alterÂnate between curlÂing secÂtions of hair towards and away from your face.
Hold the Curl
Clip or no clip?
If you’re one of the many women with short hair who have a love-hate relaÂtionÂship with their curlÂing iron, we feel your pain. It’s not always easy to get those short hair strands under conÂtrol, but we’re here to help. Here are some tips to help keep your curls in place once they’re creÂatÂed:
- Start with clean, dry hair. If your hair is dirty or even slightÂly damp, it will be more difÂfiÂcult to curl and the results won’t be as long-lastÂing.
- Use a heat proÂtecÂtant spray before you start curlÂing. This will help preÂvent damÂage to your hair from the heat of the curlÂing iron.
- When you’re curlÂing your hair, wrap each secÂtion around the barÂrel tightÂly and hold for a few secÂonds before releasÂing. The tighter the curl, the longer it will stay in place.
- For extra hold, spray a shine serum or hairÂspray on your curls just before you’re ready to leave the house. This will help keep frizz at bay and keep your hair lookÂing smooth and shiny all day long.
- If you have a hard time curlÂing your bangs, try curlÂing them under instead of over. This will give you the same curled look withÂout messÂing up your hair as much.
- If you have straight hair, try using a curlÂing iron with a largÂer barÂrel. This will give your hair more volÂume and keep it from lookÂing flat.
- If you have curly hair, try using a curlÂing iron with a smallÂer barÂrel. This will help give your hair some bounce and keep it from lookÂing stringy.
- 8. If you want curls to last all day, spray your hair with hairÂspray before you set the curl in place.
Go Have Fun
When it comes to curlÂing short hair, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
First, use a smallÂer barÂrel curlÂing iron for tighter curls.
SecÂondÂly, don’t forÂget to use heat proÂtecÂtant before you start styling.
And finalÂly, be sure to hold the curlÂing iron in place for 10–15 secÂonds before release.
Now that you’ve got the basics down, go ahead and experÂiÂment with difÂferÂent styles. Try tight ringlets one day and big, loose waves the next.
Have fun with it and see what looks best on you!
Curling Irons for Short Hair
Here are some of the best hair straightÂenÂers for short hair in the marÂket you can buy at affordÂable prices.

Also, check out the best décolÂleté pads in the marÂket in the next post.