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Transform Your Workouts with Nike Women’s Pro 3 Training Shorts

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Product is rated as #11 in category Bath & Body


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Comfort 9
Durability 8.1
Fit 9
Style 8.1

Elevate your fitness game with Nike Women's Pro 3 Training Shorts – the ultimate blend of style and performance.

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Transform Your Workouts with Nike Women’s Pro 3 Training Shorts
Transform Your Workouts with Nike Women’s Pro 3 Training Shorts



Nike Women’s Pro 3 Training Shorts


Transform Your Workouts with Nike Women’s Pro 3 Training Shorts


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(as of Fri Sep 29 2023 02:58:30 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts rede­fine work­out com­fort and style.

Ele­vate your work­out with Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts. Grab your pair today and expe­ri­ence the dif­fer­ence!




  • Ulti­mate Com­fort: Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts offer unpar­al­leled com­fort for your work­outs.
  • Enhanced Per­for­mance: Mois­ture-wick­ing fab­ric keeps you dry, allow­ing you to focus on your fit­ness goals.
  • Styl­ish Design: These shorts com­bine func­tion­al­i­ty with fash­ion, mak­ing you look great while you work out.
  • Durable Con­struc­tion: Built to last, these shorts can with­stand rig­or­ous work­outs.
  • Ver­sa­tile: Suit­able for a vari­ety of activ­i­ties, from run­ning to yoga, mak­ing them a ver­sa­tile addi­tion to your activewear col­lec­tion.
  • Women-Cen­tric Design: Tai­lored to pro­vide the sup­port and style active women need.
  • Mul­ti­ple Size Options: Avail­able in var­i­ous sizes to ensure a per­fect fit.
  • Easy Care: Machine wash­able for con­ve­nient main­te­nance.
  • Ide­al for Warm Weath­er: The breath­able fab­ric keeps you cool and com­fort­able dur­ing hot work­outs.
  • Trust­ed Brand: Nike is a rep­utable brand known for qual­i­ty sports­wear.







— Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts

Need: Com­fort­able Work­out Gear

  • Many women strug­gle to find work­out shorts that offer both com­fort and style. Tra­di­tion­al shorts can be restric­tive, caus­ing dis­com­fort and lim­it­ing move­ment dur­ing exer­cise.

Prob­lem: Mois­ture and Dis­com­fort

  • Women often expe­ri­ence dis­com­fort dur­ing work­outs due to exces­sive sweat­ing. Reg­u­lar shorts tend to trap mois­ture, lead­ing to chaf­ing, irri­ta­tion, and an over­all unpleas­ant expe­ri­ence.

Issue: Inad­e­quate Sup­port

  • Some work­out shorts lack the nec­es­sary sup­port, caus­ing dis­com­fort dur­ing high-inten­si­ty activ­i­ties like run­ning or intense gym ses­sions.

Solu­tion: Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts

  • Nike rec­og­nized these com­mon issues and designed the Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts to address them effec­tive­ly. These shorts are tai­lored to pro­vide the com­fort, mois­ture-wick­ing prop­er­ties, and sup­port that active women need dur­ing their work­outs.


  • Ulti­mate Com­fort: These shorts offer unpar­al­leled com­fort for all types of exer­cis­es, allow­ing free­dom of move­ment.
  • Enhanced Per­for­mance: Mois­ture-wick­ing fab­ric keeps the body dry and irri­ta­tion-free, even dur­ing intense work­outs.
  • Styl­ish Design: These shorts com­bine func­tion­al­i­ty with fash­ion, mak­ing women feel great about their appear­ance dur­ing work­outs.
  • Durable Con­struc­tion: Built to last, these shorts can with­stand rig­or­ous work­outs, pro­vid­ing long-term val­ue.
  • Ver­sa­tile: Suit­able for var­i­ous activ­i­ties, from run­ning to yoga, they become a ver­sa­tile addi­tion to any activewear col­lec­tion.
  • Women-Cen­tric Design: Tai­lored to pro­vide the sup­port and style active women need.


  • Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts posi­tion them­selves as the solu­tion to the com­mon dis­com­fort and incon­ve­nience expe­ri­enced dur­ing work­outs. They offer a com­bi­na­tion of com­fort, style, and per­for­mance, ensur­ing that active women can stay focused on their fit­ness goals with­out any hin­drance. These shorts are designed to meet the needs of women seek­ing com­fort­able and styl­ish activewear, mak­ing them a top choice for ath­letes and fit­ness enthu­si­asts.







Ele­vate your work­out game with Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts — the ulti­mate blend of style and per­for­mance in ath­let­ic wear. These shorts are designed to empow­er you dur­ing every train­ing ses­sion, offer­ing unbeat­able com­fort and sup­port.

Unmatched Com­fort
Craft­ed from pre­mi­um, mois­ture-wick­ing fab­ric, these Nike train­ing shorts keep you cool and dry, no mat­ter how intense your work­out gets. The 3‑inch inseam pro­vides the per­fect bal­ance between free­dom of move­ment and cov­er­age, allow­ing you to focus on your fit­ness goals with­out any dis­trac­tions.

Styl­ish and Func­tion­al
With their sleek design and the icon­ic Nike Swoosh logo, these shorts are a state­ment piece in wom­en’s sports­wear. The Pro series activewear is known for its dura­bil­i­ty, and these shorts are no excep­tion. They’re built to with­stand the rig­ors of your tough­est work­outs while main­tain­ing their shape and col­or.

Ver­sa­tile Per­for­mance
Whether you’re hit­ting the gym, going for a run, or prac­tic­ing yoga, these shorts are your per­fect work­out com­pan­ion. Their ver­sa­tile design and excel­lent fit make them suit­able for a wide range of activ­i­ties. Say good­bye to uncom­fort­able work­out gear and hel­lo to the per­fect fit.

Designed for Women, by Nike
Nike under­stands the unique needs of active women, and these shorts reflect that under­stand­ing. They pro­vide the sup­port you need with­out com­pro­mis­ing on style. The elas­tic waist­band ensures a secure fit, and the flat seams reduce chaf­ing, so you can focus on push­ing your lim­its.

Vari­ety of Options
Avail­able in a range of col­ors and sizes, you can choose the per­fect pair to match your style and body type. Express your­self and boost your con­fi­dence with Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts.

In sum­ma­ry, Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts are more than just work­out gear – they’re a state­ment of your com­mit­ment to an active and healthy lifestyle. Ele­vate your per­for­mance, look great, and feel con­fi­dent with every stride, lunge, and jump. Whether you’re a sea­soned ath­lete or just start­ing your fit­ness jour­ney, these shorts are the ide­al choice.

Upgrade your work­out wardrobe today with Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts and expe­ri­ence the per­fect fusion of fash­ion and func­tion. Don’t set­tle for less when you can have the best. Order now and take your train­ing ses­sions to the next lev­el. Remem­ber, it’s not just about the work­out; it’s about how you feel while doing it. Choose Nike for excel­lence in every step of your fit­ness jour­ney.







  • Ulti­mate Com­fort: These shorts are designed for max­i­mum com­fort dur­ing work­outs, thanks to their soft and breath­able fab­ric.
  • Enhanced Per­for­mance: The mois­ture-wick­ing mate­r­i­al keeps you dry, allow­ing you to focus on your fit­ness goals with­out dis­trac­tion.
  • Per­fect Fit: With a 3‑inch inseam and an elas­tic waist­band, these shorts offer a secure yet flex­i­ble fit for var­i­ous body types.
  • Ver­sa­tile: Whether you’re hit­ting the gym, going for a run, prac­tic­ing yoga, or just run­ning errands, these shorts are ver­sa­tile enough for all your activ­i­ties.
  • Durable: Built to with­stand rig­or­ous work­outs, these shorts are made to last, ensur­ing long-term use.
  • Styl­ish Design: The icon­ic Nike Swoosh logo and a range of col­ors make these shorts a styl­ish addi­tion to your ath­let­ic wardrobe.
  • Easy Care: These shorts are machine wash­able, mak­ing them easy to clean and main­tain.
  • Women-Cen­tric Design: Nike under­stands the unique needs of active women, and these shorts are tai­lored to pro­vide the sup­port and style you need.
  • Mul­ti­ple Size Options: Avail­able in var­i­ous sizes, you can find the per­fect fit for your body.
  • Ide­al for Warm Weath­er: The breath­able fab­ric makes these shorts ide­al for work­outs in hot weath­er, keep­ing you cool and com­fort­able.







Intro­duc­ing Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts – Where Com­fort Meets Per­for­mance!

Are you tired of work­out shorts that just don’t cut it? We’ve got the solu­tion you’ve been wait­ing for!

Pic­ture this: You’re gear­ing up for your dai­ly work­out, and you reach for your Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts. As you slip them on, you imme­di­ate­ly notice the soft, breath­able fab­ric that feels like a sec­ond skin. It’s a feel­ing of com­fort you’ve nev­er expe­ri­enced before in work­out gear.

But it does­n’t stop there. These shorts are not just about com­fort; they’re about tak­ing your per­for­mance to the next lev­el. With a mois­ture-wick­ing fab­ric that keeps sweat at bay, you can push your lim­its with­out dis­trac­tion. No more dis­com­fort, no more irri­ta­tion – just pure focus on your fit­ness goals.

And the style? It’s a game-chang­er. The icon­ic Nike Swoosh logo adds a touch of sporty ele­gance, mak­ing you look and feel fan­tas­tic dur­ing every work­out. With a vari­ety of col­ors to choose from, you can express your unique style with every step, lunge, or jump.

But these shorts aren’t just for the gym. They’re ver­sa­tile enough to accom­pa­ny you on your dai­ly adven­tures – from a morn­ing run to an evening stroll or even just relax­ing at home.

Don’t set­tle for less when it comes to your work­out gear. Ele­vate your fit­ness jour­ney with Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts and expe­ri­ence the per­fect blend of com­fort, style, and per­for­mance.

Ready to make a state­ment in your work­outs? Get your pair today and rewrite the sto­ry of your fit­ness jour­ney! ‍♀️ #NikePro3 #Ele­vateY­our­Work­out







  • “These shorts are a game-chang­er! The com­fort and style are unmatched. I wear them for every work­out.” — Sarah
  • “I love how these shorts keep me dry dur­ing intense work­outs. No more dis­com­fort from sweat!” — Emi­ly
  • “The fit is per­fect, and they’re so ver­sa­tile. I wear them for run­ning, yoga, and just run­ning errands.” — Jes­si­ca
  • “I’ve tried many work­out shorts, but these are the best by far. Durable, styl­ish, and worth every pen­ny.” — Maria
  • “I can’t imag­ine my work­outs with­out these shorts. They pro­vide the sup­port I need and look great!” — Lisa





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How to Use Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts:

  1. Choos­ing the Right Size: Before using your Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts, refer to Nike’s size chart to select the per­fect fit for your body type. A prop­er fit ensures com­fort and per­for­mance.
  2. Putting Them On: Slip into your shorts as you would with any reg­u­lar pair of ath­let­ic shorts. The elas­tic waist­band will pro­vide a secure fit.
  3. Ver­sa­tile Work­outs: These shorts are ver­sa­tile and suit­able for var­i­ous work­outs, includ­ing run­ning, yoga, gym ses­sions, and more. Sim­ply choose the activ­i­ty that suits your fit­ness goals.
  4. Stay Dry: The mois­ture-wick­ing fab­ric will keep you dry dur­ing your work­outs by effi­cient­ly draw­ing sweat away from your body. Feel free to push your lim­its; these shorts will keep you com­fort­able.
  5. Main­te­nance: After each work­out, machine wash your Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts accord­ing to the care instruc­tions on the label. This will help main­tain their qual­i­ty and per­for­mance.
  6. Casu­al Wear: While pri­mar­i­ly designed for work­outs, these shorts can also be worn casu­al­ly. Pair them with your favorite top for a sporty and com­fort­able every­day look.
  7. Styl­ish Choic­es: Express your style by choos­ing from the vari­ety of col­ors avail­able. Coor­di­nate your shorts with your work­out gear or per­son­al fash­ion pref­er­ences.
  8. Enjoy the Com­fort: Above all, enjoy the com­fort and style these shorts bring to your work­outs. Move freely, stay dry, and look great while pur­su­ing your fit­ness goals.







Q1: What is the inseam length of these shorts?
A1: The Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3″ Train­ing Shorts have a 3‑inch inseam.

Q2: Are these shorts suit­able for run­ning?
A2: Yes, these shorts are designed for run­ning and var­i­ous oth­er work­out activ­i­ties.

Q3: What is the mate­r­i­al of these shorts?
A3: These shorts are made from a mois­ture-wick­ing fab­ric that keeps you dry dur­ing work­outs.

Q4: Do these shorts have pock­ets?
A4: No, these shorts do not have pock­ets.

Q5: How do I choose the right size?
A5: You can refer to Nike’s size chart to find the per­fect fit for you.

Q6: Can I machine wash these shorts?
A6: Yes, these shorts are machine wash­able. Please fol­low the care instruc­tions on the label.

Q7: Are there col­or options avail­able?
A7: Yes, these shorts come in a vari­ety of col­ors to suit your style.

Q8: Do they have a draw­string for adjust­ing the waist­band?
A8: No, these shorts have an elas­tic waist­band for a secure fit with­out a draw­string.

Q9: Are these shorts suit­able for yoga?
A9: Yes, these shorts are ver­sa­tile and suit­able for yoga and oth­er fit­ness activ­i­ties.

Q10: Can I wear these casu­al­ly, or are they strict­ly for work­outs?
A10: While pri­mar­i­ly designed for work­outs, these shorts can also be worn casu­al­ly for a com­fort­able, sporty look.


Lim­it­ed Time Offer! Don’t Miss Out!

Grab your Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts now and expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate in com­fort and style! Hur­ry, stocks are run­ning out fast! ⏳ Don’t wait, make your move today and ele­vate your work­out game! ️ #NikePro3 #Fit­ness­Fash­ion






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Rev­o­lu­tion­ize Your Work­outs with Nike Wom­en’s Pro 3 Train­ing Shorts


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Nike Train­ing Shorts, Wom­en’s Ath­let­ic Appar­el, Per­for­mance Work­out Cloth­ing, Pro Series Activewear, 3‑Inch Inseam Shorts, Gym Exer­cise Gear, Run­ning and Train­ing Appar­el, Wom­en’s Sports­wear, Fit­ness Work­out Shorts, Nike Work­out Gear


7.8Expert Score
Unveiling the Ultimate Nike Women's Pro 3 Training Shorts Review

Comfort (Score: 9/10): These Nike Women's Pro 3" Training Shorts excel in the comfort department. The soft and breathable fabric feels gentle against the skin, allowing for unrestricted movement during workouts. Whether you're running, squatting, or stretching, these shorts offer a cozy fit that stays comfortable even during extended exercise sessions.

Durability (Score: 8/10): These shorts are built to last, thanks to Nike's commitment to quality. The durable stitching and high-quality materials ensure they can withstand the rigors of regular exercise. However, some users might find that the color fades slightly over time with repeated washing.

Fit (Score: 9/10): Nike has nailed the fit of these training shorts. They provide a snug yet flexible fit that stays in place during dynamic movements. The elastic waistband keeps them secure without feeling too tight, and the 3-inch inseam strikes the perfect balance between coverage and freedom of movement.

Style (Score: 8/10): These shorts combine functionality with fashion. The sleek design and the iconic Nike Swoosh logo make a statement in the gym or on the track. They come in a variety of colors to suit your personal style. While they're stylish for workout wear, some users might prefer a more versatile look for casual wear.

Moisture-Wicking (Score: 9/10): Sweating during a workout is inevitable, but these shorts have you covered. The moisture-wicking fabric efficiently pulls sweat away from your body, keeping you dry and comfortable. It's a crucial feature for intense workouts or hot weather.

In conclusion, Nike Women's Pro 3" Training Shorts are a solid choice for active women seeking both comfort and performance in their workout gear. With high scores in comfort, fit, and moisture-wicking, they're tailored for those who want to push their limits during exercise while feeling stylish. The only minor drawback is a potential fading of color over time. These shorts are a testament to Nike's commitment to delivering quality sportswear, and they're sure to become a go-to piece in your workout wardrobe.

    • Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you dry during workouts.
    • Comfortable and flexible fit for unrestricted movement.
    • Durable construction ensures longevity.
    • Stylish design with the iconic Nike Swoosh logo.
    • Versatile for various activities, from running to yoga.
    • Limited color options
    • Slightly higher price point
    • Some users may prefer longer inseam for more coverage
    • Not suitable for very cold weather
    • May require delicate care to maintain color vibrancy

Transform Your Workouts with Nike Women’s Pro 3 Training Shorts Videos

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