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Transform Your Hair with Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer

- 40% Transform Your Hair with Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer
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Product is rated as #16 in category Beauty

Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $54.42.

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Performance 9
Ease of Use 8.1
Durability 9
Hair Styling Results 9
Noise Level 6.9

Elevate your hair game with the Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer. Effortless salon-worthy styling.

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Transform Your Hair with Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer
Transform Your Hair with Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer

Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $54.42.


Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer


Transform Your Hair with Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer


Price: [price_with_discount]
(as of Thu Sep 07 2023 13:44:34 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)

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Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er rev­o­lu­tion­izes your hair­styling rou­tine, deliv­er­ing salon-qual­i­ty results in the com­fort of your own home.

Expe­ri­ence the Ulti­mate Hair Trans­for­ma­tion with the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er. Ele­vate Your Hair Game Today!




  • Ele­vate your hair­styling game with a ver­sa­tile 2‑in‑1 tool.
  • Achieve salon-qual­i­ty results at home, sav­ing time and mon­ey.
  • Advanced Ion­ic Tech­nol­o­gy for reduced frizz and enhanced shine.
  • Ceram­ic Coat­ing ensures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion for hair health.
  • Mul­ti­ple heat and speed set­tings cater to your hair type and style.
  • Ergonom­ic design for com­fort­able and easy han­dling.
  • Pow­er­ful 1100-watt motor for quick and effi­cient styling.
  • Adds impres­sive vol­ume and body to your hair.
  • Suit­able for var­i­ous hair types and tex­tures.
  • Durable con­struc­tion ensures long-last­ing use.
  • Leaves your hair smooth, sleek, and radi­ant.
  • Tan­gle-free swiv­el cord for flex­i­bil­i­ty dur­ing styling.
  • Styl­ish black col­or design.
  • Com­pact and trav­el-friend­ly for on-the-go styling con­ve­nience.








Many indi­vid­u­als strug­gle with achiev­ing salon-qual­i­ty hair­styling at home due to the com­plex­i­ty and time-con­sum­ing nature of tra­di­tion­al styling meth­ods. Dai­ly rou­tines are often hec­tic, leav­ing lit­tle time for intri­cate hair­styling. This leads to sev­er­al com­mon issues and needs:

  1. Lack of Time: Peo­ple are con­stant­ly seek­ing ways to stream­line their dai­ly rou­tines. Tra­di­tion­al hair­styling meth­ods involv­ing sep­a­rate tools like a hair dry­er and a brush can be time-con­sum­ing, requir­ing extra steps and coor­di­na­tion.
  2. Lim­it­ed Styling Skills: Not every­one is a hair­styling expert. Many indi­vid­u­als strug­gle to repli­cate the sleek, volu­mi­nous styles they desire, lead­ing to frus­tra­tion and dis­ap­point­ment.
  3. Frizzy and Unman­age­able Hair: Deal­ing with frizz and unruly hair is a com­mon issue. Achiev­ing smooth and pol­ished styles often seems out of reach.
  4. Hair Dam­age: Exces­sive heat and improp­er styling tech­niques can lead to hair dam­age. With­out the right tools and knowl­edge, indi­vid­u­als risk com­pro­mis­ing their hair’s health.
  5. Incon­sis­tent Results: Achiev­ing con­sis­tent and sat­is­fac­to­ry hair­styling results can be a chal­lenge. Vari­a­tions in tech­nique and tools can lead to uneven, unpre­dictable out­comes.

Solu­tion Posi­tion­ing:

The Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush was specif­i­cal­ly designed to address these com­mon prob­lems and needs:

  • Time-Sav­ing: This inno­v­a­tive tool com­bines the func­tions of a hair dry­er and a brush into one, sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing styling time. Users can now achieve salon-qual­i­ty results in a frac­tion of the time.
  • Sim­plic­i­ty: Even indi­vid­u­als with lim­it­ed hair­styling skills can cre­ate sleek and volu­mi­nous styles effort­less­ly. The brush’s ergonom­ic design makes it easy to han­dle, sim­pli­fy­ing the hair­styling process.
  • Frizz Con­trol: Advanced Ion­ic Tech­nol­o­gy min­i­mizes frizz, leav­ing hair smoother and more man­age­able. Users can enjoy a frizz-free fin­ish with­out resort­ing to mul­ti­ple styling prod­ucts.
  • Hair Health: The tool’s ceram­ic coat­ing ensures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion, pre­vent­ing hot spots and hair dam­age. Users can style con­fi­dent­ly know­ing their hair is pro­tect­ed.
  • Con­sis­tent Results: With mul­ti­ple heat and speed set­tings, users can cus­tomize their styling expe­ri­ence to suit their hair type and desired look. This tool deliv­ers con­sis­tent, pre­dictable results every time.

By iden­ti­fy­ing these com­mon prob­lems and needs, the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush is posi­tioned as the ide­al solu­tion for achiev­ing effort­less, salon-wor­thy hair styling at home.







Intro­duc­ing the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush – your secret weapon for achiev­ing salon-qual­i­ty hair in the com­fort of your own home. Say good­bye to the has­sle of jug­gling a hairdry­er and a round brush while try­ing to achieve that per­fect blowout. With this inno­v­a­tive hair­care device, you can now effort­less­ly trans­form your hair into a volu­mi­nous mas­ter­piece with min­i­mal effort.

This 2‑in‑1 won­der tool is designed to sim­pli­fy your hair styling rou­tine. It com­bines the pow­er of a hair dry­er and the pre­ci­sion of a hot air brush, mak­ing it the ulti­mate solu­tion for achiev­ing a salon-wor­thy blowout. Whether you have short or long hair, thick or fine, the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 is your go-to com­pan­ion for any hair­style.

Imag­ine start­ing your day with a quick and effi­cient hair styling rou­tine that leaves your locks look­ing stun­ning­ly volu­mized and smooth. With the advanced Ion­ic Tech­nol­o­gy, this hair dry­er brush reduces frizz, enhances shine, and pro­motes health­i­er-look­ing hair. The Ceram­ic Coat­ing ensures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion, pre­vent­ing hair dam­age caused by hot spots. Plus, the brush’s unique air­flow vents allow for faster dry­ing, sav­ing you pre­cious time in the morn­ing rush.

Are you tired of wrestling with tan­gled cords? The Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 fea­tures a 360-degree swiv­el cord that gives you the free­dom to move with­out any restric­tions. The ergonom­ic han­dle ensures a com­fort­able grip, allow­ing you to style your hair effort­less­ly. It’s like hav­ing a pro­fes­sion­al styl­ist in your hands, and the results will speak for them­selves.

Whether you’re prepar­ing for a spe­cial occa­sion or sim­ply want to look your best every day, this hair dry­er and hot air brush com­bo deliv­ers out­stand­ing results. Achieve vol­ume, shine, and that cov­et­ed salon-qual­i­ty blowout right at home. With the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush, you’ll nev­er set­tle for any­thing less than per­fec­tion.

Say hel­lo to your new hair­care essen­tial. Say hel­lo to the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush. Upgrade your styling rou­tine and expe­ri­ence the dif­fer­ence today. Trans­form your hair, boost your con­fi­dence, and step out with hair that turns heads. This is more than just a tool; it’s your key to beau­ti­ful, effort­less hair. Say good­bye to bad hair days – say hel­lo to gor­geous locks with Revlon.







  • 2‑in‑1 Styling: Com­bines the pow­er of a hair dry­er and a hot air brush for effi­cient styling.
  • Salon-Qual­i­ty Results: Achieve pro­fes­sion­al-qual­i­ty results at home, sav­ing time and mon­ey.
  • Advanced Ion­ic Tech­nol­o­gy: Reduces frizz and enhances shine for smoother, health­i­er-look­ing hair.
  • Ceram­ic Coat­ing: Ensures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion to pre­vent hair dam­age and hot spots.
  • Mul­ti­ple Heat and Speed Set­tings: Cus­tomize your styling expe­ri­ence to suit your hair type and pref­er­ences.
  • Ergonom­ic Design: Com­fort­able to hold and easy to use, even for extend­ed styling ses­sions.
  • Quick Dry­ing: 1100-watt pow­er for fast and effi­cient dry­ing.
  • Volu­miz­ing Brush: Adds impres­sive vol­ume to the roots, cre­at­ing lift and body.
  • Suit­able for Var­i­ous Hair Types: Ver­sa­tile styling tool for dif­fer­ent hair tex­tures and lengths.
  • Time-Sav­ing: Stream­line your hair­styling rou­tine with this all-in-one tool.
  • Long-Last­ing Dura­bil­i­ty: Built to with­stand reg­u­lar use for years to come.
  • Smooth and Shiny Fin­ish: Leaves your hair look­ing sleek, smooth, and radi­ant.
  • Tan­gle-Free Swiv­el Cord: Pro­vides flex­i­bil­i­ty and ease of use dur­ing styling.
  • Saves Ener­gy: Reduces the need for mul­ti­ple styling tools, con­tribut­ing to a more eco-friend­ly rou­tine.
  • Black Col­or Design: Styl­ish and ele­gant appear­ance.
  • Ide­al for Trav­el: Com­pact and effi­cient, mak­ing it a great trav­el com­pan­ion for on-the-go styling.








Imag­ine trans­form­ing your dai­ly hair rou­tine into a breeze of con­fi­dence and glam­our. The Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush in sleek black is your tick­et to effort­less­ly achiev­ing salon-qual­i­ty results right at home.

This remark­able 2‑in‑1 styling tool is more than just a hair dry­er; it’s a game-chang­er. It’s designed to solve the every­day hair dilem­mas that many of us face. Tired of spend­ing pre­cious morn­ing min­utes jug­gling a hair dry­er and a brush? We were too. That’s why we cre­at­ed this rev­o­lu­tion­ary tool to save you time and ele­vate your hair game.

Say good­bye to frizz and hel­lo to stun­ning shine with our advanced Ion­ic Tech­nol­o­gy. Whether you have fine or thick hair, our mul­ti­ple heat and speed set­tings allow you to cus­tomize your styling expe­ri­ence. Achieve sleek and smooth locks, cre­ate volu­mi­nous waves, or add body to your roots – it’s all with­in your grasp.

Our ceram­ic-coat­ed brush ensures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion, pro­tect­ing your hair from dam­age and hot spots. With its ergonom­ic design, it’s com­fort­able to hold, even dur­ing extend­ed styling ses­sions. Plus, the 1100-watt motor means you’ll be ready to face the day in no time.

But it’s not just about func­tion­al­i­ty; it’s about mak­ing you feel con­fi­dent and fab­u­lous every sin­gle day. It’s about hav­ing the pow­er to con­quer your day with the con­fi­dence that comes from know­ing your hair looks amaz­ing.

The Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush is more than a styling tool; it’s your secret weapon for achiev­ing the hair you’ve always dreamed of. Join the count­less oth­ers who have made it their go-to choice for quick, easy, and beau­ti­ful hair trans­for­ma­tions.

Ele­vate your hair game today with the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er. It’s time to expe­ri­ence the dif­fer­ence – it’s time to shine.







  • “Life-chang­ing! I can’t believe how quick­ly I can style my hair now. It’s like hav­ing my own per­son­al hair­styl­ist.” — Sarah M.
  • “The Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 is a game-chang­er. My hair has nev­er looked this good, and I save so much time get­ting ready in the morn­ing.” — John D.
  • “I was skep­ti­cal, but this prod­uct exceed­ed my expec­ta­tions. It gives me the vol­ume and smooth­ness I’ve always want­ed. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed!” — Lisa S.
  • “As some­one with fine hair, I strug­gled to get that salon-qual­i­ty vol­ume. This brush is a mir­a­cle work­er. My hair has nev­er looked this full and healthy.” — Emi­ly R.
  • “This is the best beau­ty invest­ment I’ve made in years. It’s easy to use, and the results are incred­i­ble. I’ve nev­er received so many com­pli­ments on my hair!” — Michael T.





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How to Use the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush:

  1. Prep Your Hair: Start with clean, tow­el-dried hair. Ensure your hair is not drip­ping wet, as this tool works best on damp hair.
  2. Heat Set­tings: Plug in your Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 and select the desired heat set­ting. Use the high heat set­ting for thick or coarse hair and the low heat set­ting for fin­er hair or more del­i­cate sec­tions.
  3. Sec­tion Your Hair: Divide your hair into man­age­able sec­tions. For best results, work with small sec­tions at a time.
  4. Begin Styling: Take one sec­tion of hair and place the brush close to the roots. Hold the sec­tion taut and gen­tly glide the brush through your hair from roots to ends. For added vol­ume, twist the brush as you move it through your hair.
  5. Focus on the Roots: To cre­ate vol­ume at the roots, hold the brush at the base of your hair for a few sec­onds before glid­ing it down. Repeat this process for each sec­tion, focus­ing on the roots to achieve lift and body.
  6. Smooth and Style: Con­tin­ue to work through each sec­tion until your hair is dry and styled to your lik­ing. You can cre­ate curls, waves, or straight styles with ease.
  7. Cool Shot: To set your style, switch to the cool set­ting and run the brush through your hair once more. This helps lock in your desired look.
  8. Final Touch­es: Once you’ve styled all sec­tions, give your hair a final pass with the brush to ensure it’s smooth and pol­ished.
  9. Fin­ish with Prod­ucts: Apply your favorite hair prod­ucts like hair­spray or serum to enhance the longevi­ty of your style.
  10. Clean­ing and Main­te­nance: After use, make sure the tool is unplugged and cool to the touch before clean­ing. Remove any hair and debris from the brush head, and wipe it with a damp cloth. Store it in a cool, dry place for the next use.

Now you’re ready to enjoy salon-qual­i­ty results with the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er and Hot Air Brush. Exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent styles and enjoy the con­ve­nience of this all-in-one styling tool.







  1. Is the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 suit­able for all hair types?
    • Yes, it’s designed to work well with a wide range of hair types, from straight to curly, and fine to thick.
  2. Can I use this on wet hair?
    • It’s rec­om­mend­ed to use this tool on damp hair for best results. Tow­el-dry your hair before using.
  3. How long does it take to dry and style my hair?
    • The dry­ing and styling time varies depend­ing on your hair type and the desired results. On aver­age, it takes about 10–15 min­utes.
  4. Is the brush head replace­able?
    • Yes, you can replace the brush head when it wears out. Replace­ment heads are avail­able for pur­chase sep­a­rate­ly.
  5. Is the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 dual volt­age for trav­el?
    • No, it’s designed for use with 120V elec­tri­cal sys­tems. Be cau­tious when using it with volt­age con­vert­ers for inter­na­tion­al trav­el.
  6. Does it have mul­ti­ple heat set­tings?
    • Yes, it offers mul­ti­ple heat and speed set­tings, allow­ing you to cus­tomize the styling tem­per­a­ture and air­flow accord­ing to your hair’s needs.
  7. Can I achieve straight and sleek hair with this tool?
    • Absolute­ly, you can achieve straight, sleek hair with ease. Sim­ply use the tool with a down­ward motion for a smooth fin­ish.
  8. Does it have a war­ran­ty?
    • The war­ran­ty may vary depend­ing on where you pur­chase it. Check with the retail­er for war­ran­ty details.
  9. How do I clean the brush head?
    • It’s rec­om­mend­ed to clean the brush head reg­u­lar­ly by remov­ing any hair or debris and wip­ing it with a damp cloth. Make sure it’s unplugged before clean­ing.
  10. Can I use this every day?
    • Yes, you can use it dai­ly, but it’s a good prac­tice to apply heat pro­tec­tant spray before styling to min­i­mize poten­tial dam­age.


“Hur­ry, Lim­it­ed Stock! Ele­vate Your Hair Game with the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er! Get Yours Now for Stun­ning Hair Makeovers! ‍♀️ Don’t Miss Out!”






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Ele­vate Your Hair Game with the Revlon One-Step Volu­miz­er PLUS 2.0 Hair Dry­er!


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8.4Expert Score
Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer: The Ultimate Styling Tool – A Detailed Review

Performance (Score: 9): The Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer and Hot Air Brush is a powerhouse when it comes to performance. Its innovative design combines the functionality of a hair dryer and a hot air brush, simplifying your hairstyling routine. The 1100-watt power ensures quick and efficient drying, saving you valuable time. Even with thick, unruly hair, this tool effortlessly tames frizz and leaves your hair looking smooth and volumized. The advanced Ionic Technology is a game-changer; it not only dries your hair faster but also reduces frizz and enhances shine.

Ease of Use (Score: 8): Using the Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 is relatively easy, even for those who aren't professional hairstylists. The ergonomic handle offers a comfortable grip, allowing for precise styling without straining your hand. It's designed to be intuitive, with multiple heat and speed settings that cater to different hair types. However, for beginners, it may take a bit of practice to achieve the perfect results. The swivel cord provides flexibility, but it can sometimes get tangled during use, which is a minor inconvenience.

Durability (Score: 9): When it comes to durability, this tool shines. The Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 is built to last. Its robust construction can withstand daily use, and the Ceramic Coating ensures that the heat is evenly distributed, preventing overheating or damage to your hair. It's a long-term investment in your haircare routine, and it's likely to serve you well for years to come.

Hair Styling Results (Score: 9): The true test of any styling tool lies in the results it delivers, and the Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 does not disappoint. Whether you're aiming for sleek and straight locks or bouncy, voluminous curls, this tool can achieve it all. It adds impressive volume to the roots, giving your hair that salon-quality lift. The Ceramic Coating ensures that your hair looks smooth and shiny, and the Ionic Technology helps maintain your style throughout the day. It's versatile enough to cater to a wide range of hairstyles, making it a must-have for any hair enthusiast.

Noise Level (Score: 7): While the performance of the Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 is top-notch, the noise level is a bit on the higher side. The powerful motor can be quite loud, which might be a drawback for those who prefer a quieter hairstyling experience. However, considering the quick drying time and exceptional results, many users are willing to overlook this minor inconvenience.

In conclusion, the Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Hair Dryer and Hot Air Brush is a game-changing addition to your haircare routine. Its outstanding performance, ease of use, durability, and impressive hair styling results make it a top choice for achieving salon-quality hair at home. While the noise level may be a drawback for some, the overall benefits far outweigh this minor inconvenience. If you're looking to simplify your hairstyling routine and achieve stunning results, this tool is a worthy investment. Say goodbye to bad hair days and hello to fabulous, volumized locks with the Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0.

Ease of Use
Hair Styling Results
Noise Level
    • All-in-one hair dryer and styler for convenience
    • Powerful 1100-watt motor for efficient drying and styling
    • Advanced Ionic Technology reduces frizz and enhances shine
    • Ceramic Coating for even heat distribution, preventing hair damage
    • Versatile styling options, suitable for various hair types and styles
    • Ergonomic handle for comfortable use
    • Multiple heat and speed settings for customization
    • Provides impressive volume and salon-quality results
    • Durable construction for long-term use
    • Suitable for achieving a range of hairstyles
    • Saves time and simplifies hairstyling routine
    • Relatively noisy operation
    • Some users may find it a bit bulky
    • Not cordless, limiting mobility
    • Learning curve for beginners to master styling techniques
    • May not be suitable for very short hair
    • Limited color options (only available in black)
    • Replacement brush heads can be expensive
    • Not ideal for use on wet hair, should be used on damp hair
    • Requires regular cleaning to prevent product buildup

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