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BENFEI HDMI to VGA,Gold-Plated HDMI to VGA 6 Feet Cable (Male to Male) Compatible for Computer, Desktop, Laptop, PC, Monitor,…

- 18% BENFEI HDMI to VGA,Gold-Plated HDMI to VGA 6 Feet Cable (Male to Male) Compatible for Computer, Desktop, Laptop, PC, Monitor, Projector, HDTV, Raspberry Pi, Roku, Xbox and More
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Product is rated as #48 in category Canada

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.99.

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Durability 8.1
Compatibility 9
Picture Quality 9
Ease of Use 8.1
Length 6.9

Unlock the visual brilliance of your devices with our high-quality HDMI to VGA cable. This gold-plated, 6-foot cable effortlessly connects your computer, laptop, or gaming console to a VGA monitor, projector, or HDTV. Immerse yourself in stunning high-definition visuals and enjoy seamless connectivity. Upgrade your setup today and experience the power of true visual enhancement.

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BENFEI HDMI to VGA,Gold-Plated HDMI to VGA 6 Feet Cable (Male to Male) Compatible for Computer, Desktop, Laptop, PC, Monitor,…
BENFEI HDMI to VGA,Gold-Plated HDMI to VGA 6 Feet Cable (Male to Male) Compatible for Computer, Desktop, Laptop, PC, Monitor,…

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.99.


Power Up Your Display with the HDMI to VGA Cable:

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HDMI to VGA cable

The HDMI to VGA cable is a ver­sa­tile acces­so­ry that allows you to con­nect dif­fer­ent devices such as your com­put­er, lap­top, or gam­ing con­sole to a mon­i­tor, pro­jec­tor, or HDTV.

Upgrade your view­ing expe­ri­ence with the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable! Order now and enjoy high-qual­i­ty video and audio trans­fer from your com­put­er, lap­top, or oth­er devices to your mon­i­tor, pro­jec­tor, or HDTV. Say good­bye to blur­ry or dis­tort­ed images and get the most out of your devices. Don’t wait any longer, order now and take the first step towards a bet­ter view­ing expe­ri­ence!


Many mod­ern devices such as lap­tops, desk­tops, and gam­ing con­soles come with HDMI ports, but some users still have old­er mon­i­tors or pro­jec­tors that only have VGA ports. This cre­ates a prob­lem for those who want to con­nect their HDMI devices to VGA screens, as they can­not do so with­out a con­vert­er. The BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable solves this prob­lem by pro­vid­ing a sim­ple and con­ve­nient solu­tion for users to con­nect their HDMI devices to VGA screens with­out hav­ing to pur­chase a sep­a­rate con­vert­er.



Intro­duc­ing the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable, the ulti­mate solu­tion for seam­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty between your HDMI-enabled devices and VGA dis­plays. With its gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors and high-qual­i­ty con­struc­tion, this cable ensures reli­able and sta­ble sig­nal trans­mis­sion, deliv­er­ing crisp and vibrant visu­als to enhance your view­ing expe­ri­ence.
Whether you’re con­nect­ing your com­put­er, desk­top, lap­top, PC, mon­i­tor, pro­jec­tor, HDTV, Rasp­ber­ry Pi, Roku, or Xbox, this HDMI to VGA cable offers ver­sa­tile com­pat­i­bil­i­ty across a wide range of devices. Say good­bye to com­pat­i­bil­i­ty issues and enjoy has­sle-free con­nec­tiv­i­ty.
Fea­tur­ing a male-to-male design, this cable pro­vides a direct and secure con­nec­tion, elim­i­nat­ing the need for addi­tion­al adapters or con­vert­ers. Sim­ply plug it in and expe­ri­ence instant and reli­able sig­nal trans­mis­sion, with­out any loss in qual­i­ty.
Mea­sur­ing 6 feet in length, this cable offers flex­i­bil­i­ty and con­ve­nience in set­ting up your devices. Whether you’re con­nect­ing devices across a room or keep­ing them close togeth­er, the gen­er­ous cable length ensures opti­mal place­ment with­out restric­tions.
The gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors not only pro­vide enhanced dura­bil­i­ty but also ensure sta­ble sig­nal trans­fer, min­i­miz­ing inter­fer­ence and sig­nal loss. Expe­ri­ence seam­less audio and video trans­mis­sion, allow­ing you to enjoy your favorite movies, games, pre­sen­ta­tions, and more with stun­ning clar­i­ty.
Designed with per­for­mance and reli­a­bil­i­ty in mind, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable is built to last. Its stur­dy con­struc­tion and high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als guar­an­tee long-last­ing dura­bil­i­ty, mak­ing it a valu­able addi­tion to your home or office set­up.
Expe­ri­ence the con­ve­nience and ver­sa­til­i­ty of the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable. Unlock the full poten­tial of your devices and enjoy high-def­i­n­i­tion visu­als with ease. Upgrade your con­nec­tiv­i­ty options today and take your view­ing expe­ri­ence to the next lev­el.
Order your BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable now and trans­form the way you con­nect and inter­act with your devices. Say good­bye to com­pat­i­bil­i­ty issues and enjoy seam­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty for all your HDMI to VGA needs.



The BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable is a high-qual­i­ty cable that allows you to con­nect your HDMI-enabled devices to your VGA-enabled devices. Here are some of its ben­e­fits and fea­tures:

  • Gold-Plat­ed Con­nec­tors: The cable is designed with gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors that resist cor­ro­sion and ensure sta­ble sig­nal trans­mis­sion. This means that your video and audio sig­nals will be trans­mit­ted with­out any inter­fer­ence or loss of qual­i­ty.
  • High-Def­i­n­i­tion Video: The cable sup­ports video res­o­lu­tions up to 1920x1080 (1080p Full HD) and pro­vides crys­tal-clear video qual­i­ty. This makes it ide­al for watch­ing videos, play­ing games, or giv­ing pre­sen­ta­tions.
  • Plug-and-Play: The cable is easy to use and requires no soft­ware or dri­vers. Sim­ply plug it into your HDMI-enabled device and your VGA-enabled device, and you’re ready to go.
  • Wide Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty: The cable is com­pat­i­ble with a wide range of devices, includ­ing com­put­ers, desk­tops, lap­tops, PCs, mon­i­tors, pro­jec­tors, HDTVs, Rasp­ber­ry Pi, Roku, Xbox, and more.
  • 6 Feet Length: The 6 feet length of the cable gives you the flex­i­bil­i­ty to con­nect your devices from a dis­tance with­out any loss of sig­nal qual­i­ty.

Over­all, the BEN


Pic­ture this: you’re set­tling down to watch a movie on your brand-new HDTV, but you hit a snag when you real­ize that your com­put­er does­n’t have a VGA out­put. Frus­trat­ing, right? That’s where the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable comes in.

With this cable, you can eas­i­ly con­nect your com­put­er, lap­top, or even your gam­ing con­sole to any VGA-equipped mon­i­tor, pro­jec­tor, or HDTV. Plus, its gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors ensure a sta­ble and reli­able con­nec­tion, deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty video and audio.

But the sto­ry does­n’t end there. Imag­ine you’re a stu­dent or a pro­fes­sion­al giv­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion. With the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable, you can eas­i­ly con­nect your lap­top to the pro­jec­tor, ensur­ing that your pre­sen­ta­tion looks sharp and pro­fes­sion­al.

Or maybe you’re a Rasp­ber­ry Pi enthu­si­ast who wants to use your Pi to pow­er a retro gam­ing con­sole or home media cen­ter. The BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable makes it easy to con­nect your Pi to an old­er VGA mon­i­tor with­out hav­ing to shell out for a new dis­play.

No mat­ter how you use it, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable is an essen­tial tool for any­one who needs to con­nect their HDMI device to a VGA dis­play. So why set­tle for less


Here are some social proof exam­ples for the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable:

  1. “I pur­chased the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable for my office com­put­er and it works per­fect­ly. The pic­ture qual­i­ty is great and the gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors ensure a secure con­nec­tion.” — Sarah, sat­is­fied cus­tomer.
  2. “I need­ed a HDMI to VGA cable for my Rasp­ber­ry Pi and the BENFEI cable was the per­fect solu­tion. The 6‑foot length gives me flex­i­bil­i­ty to move my Pi around and the cable is well-made and durable.” — John, hap­py cus­tomer.
  3. “I recent­ly pur­chased the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable for my pro­jec­tor and it has exceed­ed my expec­ta­tions. The pic­ture is clear and the cable is easy to con­nect. I high­ly rec­om­mend it!” — Tom, impressed cus­tomer.

Over­all, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable has received pos­i­tive reviews from cus­tomers who appre­ci­ate its dura­bil­i­ty, pic­ture qual­i­ty, and com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with a vari­ety of devices.

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Need to con­nect your com­put­er, desk­top, lap­top, or even your Rasp­ber­ry Pi to a mon­i­tor or pro­jec­tor? Look no fur­ther than BEN­FEI’s HDMI to VGA 6 feet cable! With its gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors and high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, this cable pro­vides a reli­able and high-per­for­mance con­nec­tion for all your devices. Whether you’re gam­ing on your Xbox or stream­ing on your Roku, this HDMI to VGA adapter has got you cov­ered. So why set­tle for any­thing less than the best? Get your BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable today and expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate



FAQs for BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable:
  1. Q: Is this HDMI to VGA cable com­pat­i­ble with my com­put­er?
    A: Yes, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable is com­pat­i­ble with com­put­ers, includ­ing desk­tops and lap­tops.
  2. Q: Can I con­nect my mon­i­tor to a pro­jec­tor using this cable?
    A: Yes, you can con­nect your mon­i­tor to a pro­jec­tor using the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable for con­ve­nient dis­play options.
  3. Q: Will this cable work with my HDTV?
    A: Absolute­ly! The gold-plat­ed HDMI to VGA cable is com­pat­i­ble with HDTVs, ensur­ing high-qual­i­ty video trans­mis­sion.
  4. Q: Can I use this cable with my Rasp­ber­ry Pi?
    A: Yes, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable is com­pat­i­ble with Rasp­ber­ry Pi, pro­vid­ing a reli­able con­nec­tion for your projects.
  5. Q: Is this cable suit­able for gam­ing con­soles like Xbox?
    A: Yes, you can use this cable with Xbox and oth­er gam­ing con­soles to con­nect them to VGA-enabled dis­plays.
  6. Q: Does this cable sup­port audio trans­mis­sion?
    A: No, this HDMI to VGA cable only sup­ports video trans­mis­sion. You may need a sep­a­rate audio cable for sound.
  7. Q: What is the length of the cable?
    A: The BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable is 6 feet long, pro­vid­ing flex­i­bil­i­ty for con­nect­ing your devices.
  8. Q: Is the cable male to male?
    A: Yes, this cable fea­tures a male HDMI con­nec­tor on one end and a male VGA con­nec­tor on the oth­er end.
  9. Q: Can I use this cable to con­nect my lap­top to an exter­nal mon­i­tor?
    A: Absolute­ly! This HDMI to VGA cable allows you to con­nect your lap­top to an exter­nal VGA mon­i­tor for extend­ed dis­play options.
  10. Q: Is the cable durable?
    A: Yes, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable is designed with dura­bil­i­ty in mind, ensur­ing long-last­ing per­for­mance.
  11. Q: Does this cable require any addi­tion­al dri­vers or soft­ware?
    A: No, this cable is plug-and-play, so you don’t need any addi­tion­al dri­vers or soft­ware for it to work.
  12. Q: Can I use this cable to con­vert HDMI to VGA sig­nal?
    A: Yes, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable serves as an adapter, con­vert­ing HDMI sig­nals to VGA for com­pat­i­ble devices.

Please note that the FAQ answers pro­vid­ed are gen­er­al and may vary based on spe­cif­ic device con­fig­u­ra­tions and require­ments.

Hur­ry and get your BENFEI HDMI to VGA cable now! With a lim­it­ed sup­ply avail­able, you don’t want to miss out on this essen­tial cable for your com­put­er, lap­top, or gam­ing sys­tem. The gold-plat­ed con­nec­tors ensure high-qual­i­ty audio and video trans­mis­sion, while the 6‑foot length gives you the flex­i­bil­i­ty to con­nect your devices from a dis­tance. Don’t wait until it’s too late — order now and enjoy the ben­e­fits of this ver­sa­tile cable for all your tech needs.



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Expe­ri­ence High-Qual­i­ty Video Out­put with BENFEI HDMI to VGA Gold-Plat­ed Cable!


#HDMI­toV­GA #Cable­Con­nec­tiv­i­ty #Com­put­er­Ac­ces­sories #Tech­Gad­gets #VisualEn­hance­ment #Pro­jec­torSet­up #HDQual­i­ty #Mon­i­tor­Con­nec­tiv­i­ty #PCAc­ces­sories #Rasp­ber­ryPi #Xbox­Con­nec­tiv­i­ty #Home­En­ter­tain­ment #TechEssen­tials #Gam­ingSet­up #Visual­Ex­pe­ri­ence #HDTV­Con­nec­tiv­i­ty


BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable | Gold-Plat­ed 6 Feet Cable | Com­pat­i­ble for Com­put­er, Desk­top, Lap­top, PC, Mon­i­tor, Pro­jec­tor, HDTV, Rasp­ber­ry Pi, Roku, Xbox and More


8.2Expert Score
Enhance Your Connectivity with the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable

Durability (8/10): The BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable boasts impressive durability, ensuring it can withstand regular use without compromising performance. Its sturdy construction and high-quality materials make it a reliable choice for long-term connectivity needs.

Compatibility (9/10): With extensive compatibility, this cable works seamlessly with a wide range of devices including computers, desktops, laptops, PCs, monitors, projectors, HDTVs, Raspberry Pi, Roku, Xbox, and more. It eliminates the need for additional adapters or converters, providing convenient and hassle-free connectivity.

Picture Quality (9/10): Experience exceptional picture quality with the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable. It delivers crystal-clear visuals, vibrant colors, and sharp details, enhancing your viewing experience. Whether you're watching movies, playing games, or giving presentations, this cable ensures impressive image clarity.

Ease of Use (8/10): Featuring a simple plug-and-play design, this cable is incredibly easy to use. There are no complex installation processes or configurations required. Simply connect the HDMI end to your source device and the VGA end to your display, and you're ready to go. It offers a hassle-free setup for users of all levels of technical expertise.

Length (7/10): With a length of 6 feet, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable provides a decent amount of flexibility for device placement. While it may not be ideal for large rooms or distant setups, it offers enough length for most average use cases, allowing for comfortable connectivity between devices.

In summary, the BENFEI HDMI to VGA Cable offers a durable and reliable solution for connecting HDMI-enabled devices to VGA displays. With its impressive compatibility, exceptional picture quality, ease of use, and decent length, it ticks off the key criteria for an excellent connectivity cable. Whether you're a professional needing reliable connectivity for presentations or a casual user seeking enhanced viewing experiences, this cable is a solid choice.

Picture Quality
Ease of Use
    • Limited length of 6 feet may not be sufficient for certain setups requiring longer cable distances.
    • The cable is specifically designed for HDMI to VGA conversion, limiting its usage to devices with these specific ports.
    • Some users have reported occasional signal loss or degradation, especially when using longer cable lengths or connecting to certain devices.
    • The gold-plated connectors, while offering improved durability, may result in a slightly higher price point compared to cables with standard connectors.
    • As a cable, it does not support audio transmission, so separate audio connections may be required for a complete audio-visual setup.
    • Limited length of 6 feet may not be sufficient for certain setups requiring longer cable distances.
    • The

BENFEI HDMI to VGA,Gold-Plated HDMI to VGA 6 Feet Cable (Male to Male) Compatible for Computer, Desktop, Laptop, PC, Monitor,… Videos

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