Linking Policy

Linking Policy

Sta­tus of link­ing pol­i­cy

TELLGRADE.COM wel­comes links to this web­site [made in accor­dance with the terms of this link­ing pol­i­cy].

[This link­ing pol­i­cy is intend­ed to assist you when link­ing to this web­site.] OR [By using this web­site you agree to be bound by the terms and con­di­tions of this link­ing pol­i­cy.]


Links point­ing to TELLGRADE.COM should not be mis­lead­ing.

Appro­pri­ate link text should be always be used.

[From time to time we may update the URL struc­ture of our web­site, and unless we agree in writ­ing oth­er­wise, you are respon­si­ble for updat­ing said links.] You must not use our logo to link to this web­site (or oth­er­wise) with­out our express writ­ten per­mis­sion.

You must not frame the con­tent of this web­site or use any sim­i­lar tech­nol­o­gy in rela­tion to the con­tent of this web­site.

Links from this web­site

This web­site includes links to oth­er web­sites owned and oper­at­ed by third par­ties. These links are not endorse­ments or rec­om­men­da­tions.

TELLGRADE.COM has no con­trol over the con­tents of third par­ty web­sites, and TELLGRADE.COM accepts no respon­si­bil­i­ty for them or for any loss or dam­age that may arise from your use of them.

Removal of links

You agree that, should we request the dele­tion of a link to TELLGRADE.COM that is with­in your con­trol, you will delete the link prompt­ly.

If you would like us to remove a link to your web­site that is includ­ed on TELLGRADE.COM, please con­tact us using the con­tact details below. Note that unless you have a legal right to demand removal, such removal will be at our dis­cre­tion.]

Changes to this link­ing pol­i­cy

We may amend this link­ing pol­i­cy at any time by pub­lish­ing a new ver­sion on this


Con­tact us

Should you have any ques­tions about this link­ing pol­i­cy, please con­tact us using the details set out below:

Con­tact Email:, All Rights Reserved.

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