GDPR Cookie Policy
GDPR Cookie Policy
What are cookÂies?
CookÂies are often known as browsÂer cookÂies or trackÂing cookÂies. These cookÂies are small encryptÂed text files stored in browsÂer direcÂtoÂries. Like othÂer web servers, we also place these cookÂies on your device to colÂlect stanÂdard interÂnet log inforÂmaÂtion and visÂiÂtor behavÂior inforÂmaÂtion.
How do we use cookÂies?
The main purÂpose of placÂing these cookÂies is to proÂvide you betÂter user expeÂriÂence on our webÂsite. These cookÂies are used in the folÂlowÂing ways:
- To keep you signed in
- To underÂstand user behavÂior on how you use our webÂsite
- To keep track of user visÂits and activÂiÂties
- To auto-fill login details when your re-visÂit webÂsite
What type of cookÂies do we use?
There are many types of cookÂies, howÂevÂer, our webÂsite uses mainÂly below cookÂies:
NecÂesÂsary cookÂies
These cookÂies are essenÂtial for the basic funcÂtions of the webÂsite or to proÂvide the prodÂuct, serÂvice or conÂtent requestÂed by you. WithÂout these cookÂies, we will not be able to proÂvide you the prodÂucts or serÂvices asked for.
FuncÂtionÂalÂiÂty cookÂies
These cookÂies enable the webÂsite to proÂvide enhanced funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty and perÂsonÂalÂizaÂtion. These cookÂies are set to proÂvide betÂter serÂvices that we have added to our pages.
The webÂsite uses this type of cookÂies to colÂlect inforÂmaÂtion about your visÂits to our webÂsite. Such as:
- Which pages did you visÂit?
- What conÂtent did you view?
- Which links did you click?
And othÂer inforÂmaÂtion about your browsÂer, IP address, device, locaÂtion. These cookÂies are used for adverÂtisÂing purÂposÂes.
AnaÂlytÂics cookÂies
These cookÂies are set through our site by our adverÂtisÂing partÂners. These cookÂies are used to build a proÂfile of your interÂests and show you relÂeÂvant adverÂtiseÂments based on your visÂits. They do not store perÂsonÂal data but store info of your browsÂer and interÂnet device. You can opt-out by not allowÂing these cookÂies which will lead to less tarÂgetÂed adverÂtisÂing.
Third-parÂty cookÂies
We use these cookÂies from third-parÂty orgaÂniÂzaÂtions to get insights about our webÂsite. These cookÂies are set by webÂsites that are not visÂitÂed by you by adding third-parÂty eleÂments like pluÂgÂins or ads on their webÂsite. Third-parÂty cookÂies also track users activÂiÂties and save their browsÂing inforÂmaÂtion for tarÂgetÂing ads.