FTC Statement

FTC Statement

The dis­clo­sure that fol­lows is designed to ensure TELLGRADE.COM’s full com­pli­ance with the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion’s pol­i­cy that demands TELLGRADE.COM be trans­par­ent about any and all affil­i­ate rela­tions TELLGRADE.COM may have on this web­site. In plain Eng­lish, you, the vis­i­tor or cus­tomer, should assume that any and all links on this site are affil­i­ate links. If you click on these links and go vis­it the result­ing site, a cook­ie will be set in your web brows­er that will cause us to receive a com­mis­sion “IF” you pur­chase a prod­uct on the oth­er end. This is a legit­i­mate way to mon­e­tize and pay for the oper­a­tion of web sites and TELLGRADE.COM glad­ly reveal our affil­i­ate rela­tion­ships to you.

In addi­tion, TELLGRADE.COM ful­ly dis­close that hyper­links on this site are in most cas­es short­ened, and in some cas­es cloaked to hide long ugly links for func­tion­al­i­ty and track­ing pur­pos­es. TELLGRADE.COM have noth­ing to hide and TELLGRADE.COM are proud of our rela­tion­ship with the fine ven­dors, prod­ucts and ser­vices found on this site. Link track­ing, short­en­ing and cloak­ing is a very com­mon prac­tice on all types of web sites.

Fur­ther, TELLGRADE.COM do not receive phys­i­cal prod­ucts or cash direct­ly in exchange for any reviews or posts you find on this site. No one has paid us to do reviews or posts. TELLGRADE.COM have to tell you that it is pos­si­ble that our reviews and posts are influ­enced by our affil­i­ate rela­tion­ships and may cre­ate a con­flict of inter­est. TELLGRADE.COM do not believe a con­flict of inter­est exists, but you, the vis­i­tor or cus­tomer, must decide by con­sid­er­ing the affil­i­ate rela­tion­ships and link tech­niques TELLGRADE.COM have described. Obvi­ous­ly, TELLGRADE.COM would like you to buy the ser­vice or prod­ucts TELLGRADE.COM writes about and TELLGRADE.COM is influ­enced by that fact. TELLGRADE.COM avoids con­flict by only review­ing or post­ing about prod­ucts and ser­vices TELLGRADE.COM trusts?there are plen­ty of prod­ucts that TELLGRADE.COM can choose from to pro­mote, and TELLGRADE.COM focus­es on the ones that TELLGRADE.COM thinks will cause you to trust us and come back to read more of our feed­back. TELLGRADE.COM strive to always give our hon­est opin­ions, find­ings, beliefs, or expe­ri­ences on top­ics or prod­ucts TELLGRADE.COM write about and pro­mote.

Oth­er ven­dors may also pay to place adver­tis­ing on our sites in the form of ban­ners, wid­gets, and hyper­links. These are paid adver­tise­ments and while TELLGRADE.COM does it’s best to only allow qual­i­ty prod­ucts and ser­vices to be adver­tised on our site, TELLGRADE.COM is not respon­si­ble for claims or tes­ti­mo­ni­als made on paid adver­tis­ing links.

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