External Links Policy
External Links Policy
TELLGRADE.COM links to othÂer, exterÂnal webÂsites that proÂvide inforÂmaÂtion we deterÂmine at our disÂcreÂtion conÂtain the most useÂful inforÂmaÂtion for our proÂgram. While many sites proÂvide very useÂful inforÂmaÂtion, TELLGRADE.COM only links to those sites which proÂvide the most useÂful conÂtent.
These links may be changed at any time as more useÂful sites come to our attenÂtion. The sole purÂpose of any exterÂnal link is to enrich this site for our cusÂtomers. All requests for incluÂsion of a link on this site is first and priÂmarÂiÂly evalÂuÂatÂed with the needs of our cusÂtomers in mind. GenÂerÂalÂly, exterÂnal webÂsites do not meet the purÂposÂes of TELLGRADE.COM if they conÂtain, sugÂgest, or infer any of the folÂlowÂing:
- AdvoÂcaÂcy of or oppoÂsiÂtion to any politÂiÂcalÂly, enviÂronÂmenÂtalÂly, or socialÂly conÂtroÂverÂsial subÂjects, issues, or canÂdiÂdates.
- DisÂparagÂing or proÂmotÂing any perÂson or class of perÂsons.
- ExterÂnal conÂtent not suitÂable for readÂers or viewÂers of all ages, or links to or othÂer proÂmoÂtion of busiÂnessÂes whose prodÂucts or serÂvices are not suitÂable for perÂsons of all ages.
- ProÂmotÂing or incitÂing illeÂgal, vioÂlent, or socialÂly undeÂsirÂable conÂduct.
- ProÂmoÂtion or availÂabilÂiÂty of alcoÂhol or tobacÂco prodÂucts.
- ProÂmoÂtion or availÂabilÂiÂty of illeÂgal drugs.
- ProÂmoÂtion or availÂabilÂiÂty of adult or sexÂuÂalÂly oriÂentÂed enterÂtainÂment or mateÂriÂals.
- ProÂmoÂtion, oppoÂsiÂtion, or availÂabilÂiÂty of weapons.
- ProÂmoÂtion, oppoÂsiÂtion, or availÂabilÂiÂty of gamÂbling.
- Claims of effiÂcaÂcy, suitÂabilÂiÂty, desirÂabilÂiÂty, or othÂer non-objecÂtive stateÂments about busiÂnessÂes, prodÂucts, or serÂvices.
- ConÂtent that infringes on any tradeÂmark, copyÂright, or patent rights of anothÂer.
- Claims or repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtions in vioÂlaÂtion of adverÂtisÂing or conÂsumer proÂtecÂtion laws.
- ConÂtent that a reaÂsonÂable citÂiÂzen may not conÂsidÂer to mainÂtain the digÂniÂty and decoÂrum approÂpriÂate for govÂernÂment.
This list is a nonexÂcluÂsive list. The exterÂnal link polÂiÂcy applies only to webÂsites outÂside TELLGRADE.COM The webÂmasÂter shall estabÂlish proÂceÂdures to monÂiÂtor the impleÂmenÂtaÂtion and conÂtinÂuÂing overÂsight of this polÂiÂcy. These proÂceÂdures shall include a process for review of all new requests for exterÂnal conÂtent links from TELLGRADE.COM Web page to anothÂer page to ensure comÂpliÂance with this polÂiÂcy priÂor to grantÂiÂng the request.
Each request for such a link shall be evalÂuÂatÂed using the folÂlowÂing guideÂlines:
Is the conÂtent relÂeÂvant?
Does the site proÂvide inforÂmaÂtion or serÂvices, which are not already availÂable or linked to on TELLGRADE.COM? If not, is the qualÂiÂty of the site comÂpaÂraÂble to or betÂter than what is already proÂvidÂed?
Is the site well designed, easy to use, cross-browsÂer comÂpliÂant, and accesÂsiÂble to peoÂple with disÂabilÂiÂties?
TELLGRADE.COM reserves the right, at its sole disÂcreÂtion and withÂout explaÂnaÂtion, to withÂdraw at any time any exterÂnal conÂtent for any reaÂson.