Digital Goods Refund Policy
Digital Goods Refund Policy
We offer refunds on purÂchase of our digÂiÂtal goods. HowÂevÂer, since we deal with digÂiÂtal goods, we honÂor requests for refunds for the folÂlowÂing reaÂsons:
Non-delivÂery of the prodÂuct: Due to an issue with the mail, you do not receive a delivÂery e‑mail from us. DependÂing on the price of the prodÂuct, TELLGRADE.COM may require you to first subÂmit proof that you have subÂmitÂted a report to the mail serÂvice describÂing the missÂing item;
DownÂload issues: You have probÂlems that preÂvent you from downÂloadÂing the prodÂuct. TELLGRADE.COM recÂomÂmends that you conÂtact the supÂport team for your browsÂer provider, as TELLGRADE.COM ensures that our softÂware can be downÂloaded with all major browsers, and this probÂlem usuÂalÂly arisÂes from a cusÂtomer’s issue with either their browsÂer, fireÂwall, or netÂwork;
IrreparaÂble defects with the softÂware: Although all the prodÂucts are thorÂoughÂly testÂed before release, unexÂpectÂed errors may occur. This reaÂson should be subÂmitÂted to our SupÂport Team for its approval of your refund request;
ProdÂuct not-as-described: A request based on this reaÂson is addressed on a case-by-case basis and subÂject to our approval. To preÂvent this kind of claim from arisÂing, every cusÂtomer is encourÂaged to check free samÂples ( in the form of video overviews, demo links, prodÂuct samÂples, screen shots) of each type of the prodÂuct offered before makÂing a purÂchase.