Digital Goods Refund Policy

Digital Goods Refund Policy

We offer refunds on pur­chase of our dig­i­tal goods. How­ev­er, since we deal with dig­i­tal goods, we hon­or requests for refunds for the fol­low­ing rea­sons:

Non-deliv­ery of the prod­uct: Due to an issue with the mail, you do not receive a deliv­ery e‑mail from us. Depend­ing on the price of the prod­uct, TELLGRADE.COM may require you to first sub­mit proof that you have sub­mit­ted a report to the mail ser­vice describ­ing the miss­ing item;

Down­load issues: You have prob­lems that pre­vent you from down­load­ing the prod­uct. TELLGRADE.COM rec­om­mends that you con­tact the sup­port team for your brows­er provider, as TELLGRADE.COM ensures that our soft­ware can be down­loaded with all major browsers, and this prob­lem usu­al­ly aris­es from a cus­tomer’s issue with either their brows­er, fire­wall, or net­work;

Irrepara­ble defects with the soft­ware: Although all the prod­ucts are thor­ough­ly test­ed before release, unex­pect­ed errors may occur. This rea­son should be sub­mit­ted to our Sup­port Team for its approval of your refund request;

Prod­uct not-as-described: A request based on this rea­son is addressed on a case-by-case basis and sub­ject to our approval. To pre­vent this kind of claim from aris­ing, every cus­tomer is encour­aged to check free sam­ples ( in the form of video overviews, demo links, prod­uct sam­ples, screen shots) of each type of the prod­uct offered before mak­ing a pur­chase.

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