Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

My Com­pa­ny Tell­Grade Inc (“us”, “we”, or “our”) uses cook­ies on My Web­site TELLGRADE.COM (the “Ser­vice”). By using the Ser­vice, you con­sent to the use of cook­ies. Our Cook­ies Pol­i­cy explains what cook­ies are, how we use cook­ies, how third-par­ties we may part­ner with may use cook­ies on the Ser­vice, your choic­es regard­ing cook­ies and fur­ther infor­ma­tion about cook­ies.

What are cook­ies

Cook­ies are small pieces of text sent by your web brows­er by a web­site you vis­it. A cook­ie file is stored in your web brows­er and allows the Ser­vice or a third-par­ty to rec­og­nize you and make your next vis­it eas­i­er and the Ser­vice more use­ful to you. Cook­ies can be “per­sis­tent” or “ses­sion” cook­ies.

How TELLGRADE.COM uses cook­ies

??When you use and access the Ser­vice, we may place a num­ber of cook­ies files in your web browser.??We use cook­ies for the fol­low­ing pur­pos­es: to enable cer­tain func­tions of the Ser­vice, to pro­vide ana­lyt­ics, to store your pref­er­ences, to enable adver­tise­ments deliv­ery, includ­ing behav­ioral advertising.??The cook­ies we may use on the may be cat­e­go­rized as fol­lows:

  • Strict­ly nec­es­sary
  • Per­for­mance
  • Func­tion­al­i­ty
  • Tar­get­ing

Some cook­ies may ful­fill more than one of these pur­pos­es. ‘Strict­ly Nec­es­sary’ cook­ies let you move around the TELLGRADE.COM and use essen­tial fea­tures like secure areas. With­out these cook­ies, we can­not pro­vide the request­ed ser­vices.

We use these Strict­ly Nec­es­sary cook­ies to:

Iden­ti­fy you as being logged in to the TELLGRADE.COM and to authen­ti­cate you. Make sure you con­nect to the right ser­vice on the TELLGRADE.COM when we make any changes to the way it works

For secu­ri­ty pur­pos­es

Accept­ing these cook­ies is a con­di­tion of using TELLGRADE.COM, so if you pre­vent these cook­ies we can’t guar­an­tee how the TELLGRADE.COM will per­form dur­ing your vis­it. ‘Per­for­mance’ cook­ies col­lect infor­ma­tion about how you use the TELLGRADE.COM e.g. which pages you vis­it, and if you expe­ri­ence any errors. These cook­ies do not col­lect any infor­ma­tion that could iden­ti­fy you and are only used to help us improve how the TELLGRADE.COM works, under­stand the inter­ests of our users, and mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of our adver­tis­ing.

We use per­for­mance cook­ies to:

Car­ry out web ana­lyt­ics: Pro­vide sta­tis­tics on how the TELLGRADE.COM is used Per­form affil­i­ate track­ing: Pro­vide feed­back to affil­i­at­ed enti­ties that one of our vis­i­tors also vis­it­ed their site. Obtain data on the num­ber of users of the TELLGRADE.COM that have viewed a prod­uct or ser­vice Help us improve the TELLGRADE.COM by mea­sur­ing any errors that occur. Test dif­fer­ent designs for the TELLGRADE.COM Some of our per­for­mance cook­ies are man­aged for us by third par­ties.

‘Func­tion­al­i­ty’ cook­ies are used to pro­vide ser­vices or to remem­ber set­tings to improve your vis­it.

We use ‘Func­tion­al­i­ty’ cook­ies for such pur­pos­es as:

Remem­ber set­tings you’ve applied such as lay­out, text size, pref­er­ences and col­ors, Remem­ber if we’ve already asked you if you want to fill in a sur­vey. Remem­ber if you have engaged with a par­tic­u­lar com­po­nent or list on the TELLGRADE.COM Plat­form so that it won’t repeat Show you when you’re logged in to the TELLGRADE.COM , To pro­vide and show embed­ded video con­tent, Some of these cook­ies are man­aged for us by third par­ties. ‘Tar­get­ing’ cook­ies are used to track your vis­it to the TELLGRADE.COM, as well oth­er web­sites, apps and online ser­vices, includ­ing the pages you have vis­it­ed and the links you have fol­lowed, which allows TELLGRADE.COM to dis­play tar­get­ed ads to you on the TELLGRADE.COM.

We may use tar­get­ing cook­ies to:

Dis­play tar­get­ed ads with­in the TELLGRADE.COM. To improve how we deliv­er per­son­al­ized ads and con­tent, and to mea­sure the suc­cess of ad cam­paigns on the TELLGRADE.COM.

Third-par­ty cook­ies

In addi­tion to our own cook­ies, we may also use var­i­ous third-par­ties cook­ies to report usage sta­tis­tics of the Ser­vice, deliv­er adver­tise­ments on and through the Ser­vice, and so on.

What are your choic­es regard­ing cook­ies

If you’d like to delete cook­ies or instruct your web brows­er to delete or refuse cook­ies, please vis­it the help pages of your web brows­er. Please note, how­ev­er, that if you delete cook­ies or refuse to accept them, you might not be able to use all of the fea­tures we offer, you may not be able to store your pref­er­ences, and some of our pages might not dis­play prop­er­ly.

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