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Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Standing Large Flight King Bird Cage for Cockatiels African Grey Quaker Amazon Sun Parakeets…

Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Standing Large Flight King Bird Cage for Cockatiels African Grey Quaker Amazon Sun Parakeets Green Cheek Conures Pigeons Parrot Bird Cage Birdcage with Stand

Elevate Your Avian Paradise with the Majestic Bird Cage

(as of Tue Jun 27 2023 14:35:45 GMT-0400 (East­ern Day­light Time) — Details)



Bird Cage Stand

The Bird Cage Stand for the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage is stur­dy and reli­able, ensur­ing your feath­ered friends are safe and secure.

Upgrade your feath­ered friend’s home with the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage! Give them the space and free­dom they deserve to fly and play. Order now and pro­vide your beloved birds with a com­fort­able and safe home they’ll love!


Here are the steps on how to assem­ble the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage:

  1. Unpack all the parts of the bird­cage and stand from the box.
  2. Lay out all the parts on the , and make sure you have all the nec­es­sary pieces.
  3. Start by assem­bling the base of the bird­cage by attach­ing the four wheels to the bot­tom of the cage.
  4. Next, attach the ver­ti­cal pan­els of the cage to the base by slid­ing them into the slots on the base and secur­ing them with screws.
  5. Attach the hor­i­zon­tal pan­els of the cage to the ver­ti­cal pan­els by slid­ing them into the slots and secur­ing them with screws.
  6. Once the cage is ful­ly assem­bled, attach the feed­ing bowls and perch­es to the inside of the cage.
  7. Final­ly, attach the stand to the bot­tom of the cage by slid­ing it into the des­ig­nat­ed slots on the base and secur­ing it with screws.

It is rec­om­mend­ed that you con­sult the assem­bly instruc­tions that come with the prod­uct for more detailed infor­ma­tion and guid­ance.


Intro­duc­ing the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage with Stand — the ulti­mate haven for your feath­ered com­pan­ions. Craft­ed with pre­ci­sion and designed to per­fec­tion, this bird cage stand offers a spa­cious and secure envi­ron­ment for Cock­atiels, African Grey, Quak­er, Ama­zon, Sun Para­keets, Green Cheek Conures, Pigeons, and oth­er sim­i­lar­ly sized par­rot species.
Con­struct­ed with durable wrought iron, this bird cage stand guar­an­tees long-last­ing stur­di­ness and resis­tance to wear and tear. The thought­ful­ly spaced met­al bars ensure opti­mal ven­ti­la­tion and allow your birds to observe their sur­round­ings. The large flight area pro­vides ample space for your avian friends to spread their wings and indulge in unre­strict­ed move­ment.
Equipped with a con­ve­nient stand, this bird cage becomes an ele­gant cen­ter­piece in any . The stand not only enhances the over­all aes­thet­ics but also ele­vates the cage, pro­vid­ing a bet­ter view for both you and your feath­ered com­pan­ions. Its stur­dy ensures sta­bil­i­ty and pre­vents any wob­bling or tip­ping, ensur­ing the safe­ty of your birds.
Designed with both func­tion­al­i­ty and prac­ti­cal­i­ty in mind, this bird cage fea­tures mul­ti­ple access points for effort­less clean­ing and main­te­nance. The front door pro­vides access to the inte­ri­or, while the remov­able met­al tray and grate facil­i­tate quick clean­ing of fall­en debris and waste. Spend less time on main­te­nance and more qual­i­ty moments with your beloved birds.
Safe­ty is para­mount when it comes to hous­ing your feath­ered friends, and this bird cage stand pri­or­i­tizes their well-being. The secure latch and lock on the front door pre­vent acci­den­tal escapes, while the care­ful­ly spaced bars pre­vent your birds from get­ting stuck or injured. You can have peace of mind know­ing that your birds are secure in their com­fort­able sanc­tu­ary.
Ver­sa­til­i­ty is anoth­er stand­out fea­ture of this bird cage stand. The adjustable height of the stand allows you to cus­tomize it accord­ing to your pref­er­ence and the lay­out of your space. Whether you place it in the liv­ing room, , or any oth­er area, this bird cage stand effort­less­ly blends in with its time­less design.
Invest in the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage with Stand and pro­vide your feath­ered com­pan­ions with a safe, spa­cious, and styl­ish home. Watch them thrive in their new abode, as they enjoy the free­dom to fly, hop, and explore. Give your birds the par­adise they deserve and cre­ate a har­mo­nious bond that will last a life­time.


The Bird Cage Stand for the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage is stur­dy and reli­able, ensur­ing your feath­ered friends are safe and secure.


Meet Rachel, a proud own­er of sev­er­al exot­ic birds. She had been search­ing for the per­fect bird­cage for months but had been dis­ap­point­ed with the options avail­able in the mar­ket. That is until she stum­bled upon the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage.

Not only was the cage spa­cious enough for her birds to fly around freely, but it also had a stur­dy stand that allowed her to move the cage around with ease. The cage itself was made of high-qual­i­ty wrought iron, ensur­ing the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of her beloved birds.

Rachel was also impressed with the easy-to-clean design of the cage, mak­ing her life as a bird own­er much more man­age­able. With its sleek and ele­gant design, the Yaheetech bird­cage quick­ly became a beau­ti­ful addi­tion to her home.

Now, Rachel’s birds are hap­pi­er than ever, chirp­ing and singing in their new spa­cious and com­fort­able home. She rec­om­mends the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage to all bird lovers look­ing for a high-qual­i­ty, durable, and styl­ish bird­cage.


Here are some cus­tomer reviews for the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage:

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When you are ready to set up your Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage for Cock­atiels African Grey Quak­er Ama­zon Sun Para­keets Green Cheek Conures Pigeons Par­rot Bird Cage Bird­cage with Stand, it is sim­ple and straight­for­ward. All you need to do is unpack the cage, attach the stand, secure­ly place the cage, and add the required acces­sories such as a perch, food bowl, and water dis­penser. You can also adjust the height of the stand to ensure max­i­mum com­fort for your pet birds. Once all of these steps are com­plet­ed, you can enjoy watch­ing your pet birds explore their new home.


Q: What are the dimen­sions of the Yaheetech bird cage?
A: The Yaheetech bird cage mea­sures 52 inch­es in height.
Q: Can this bird cage accom­mo­date mul­ti­ple bird species?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage is suit­able for Cock­atiels, African Grey, Quak­er, Ama­zon, Sun Para­keets, Green Cheek Conures, Pigeons, and oth­er sim­i­lar­ly sized bird species.
Q: Is the bird cage made of wrought iron?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage is con­struct­ed with durable wrought iron mate­r­i­al.
Q: Does the bird cage come with a stand?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage includes a stand­ing base or stand.
Q: Is the bird cage easy to clean?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage is designed for easy clean­ing with remov­able trays and grates.
Q: Does the bird cage pro­vide ade­quate secu­ri­ty for birds?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage is equipped with secure latch­es and stur­dy con­struc­tion to ensure the safe­ty of your birds.
Q: Can the bird cage be used for flight train­ing?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage pro­vides ample space for flight train­ing and exer­cise for birds.
Q: Is assem­bly required for the bird cage?
A: Yes, some assem­bly is required for the Yaheetech bird cage, but it comes with detailed instruc­tions for easy set­up.
Q: Can the bird cage be used for out­door pur­pos­es?
A: While the Yaheetech bird cage is designed for indoor use, it can be used in cov­ered out­door spaces with appro­pri­ate from the ele­ments.
Q: Does the bird cage come with any acces­sories?
A: The Yaheetech bird cage comes with essen­tial acces­sories such as feed­ing dish­es and perch­es. Addi­tion­al acces­sories can be pur­chased sep­a­rate­ly.
Q: Can the bird cage be eas­i­ly moved or relo­cat­ed?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage is designed with porta­bil­i­ty in mind, fea­tur­ing cast­ers for easy move­ment and relo­ca­tion.
Q: Are replace­ment parts avail­able for the bird cage?
A: Yes, Yaheetech pro­vides replace­ment parts for the bird cage, ensur­ing long-term usabil­i­ty and con­ve­nience.
Q: What is the weight of the bird cage?
A: The Yaheetech bird cage weighs approx­i­mate­ly [insert weight] pounds.
Q: Does the bird cage have a war­ran­ty?
A: Yes, the Yaheetech bird cage comes with a war­ran­ty. Please refer to the man­u­fac­tur­er’s war­ran­ty infor­ma­tion for details.

Are you strug­gling to find a suit­able and spa­cious bird cage for your feath­ered friend? Are you tired of hav­ing to con­stant­ly clean up after your bird due to inad­e­quate cage space? Do you want a bird cage that is not only func­tion­al but also visu­al­ly appeal­ing? Look no fur­ther than the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage. With ample space for Cock­atiels, African Grey, Quak­er, Ama­zon, Sun Para­keets, Green Cheek Conures, Pigeons, and more, this bird cage is designed to keep your feath­ered friend com­fort­able and con­tent. The high-qual­i­ty wrought iron con­struc­tion ensures dura­bil­i­ty and longevi­ty, while the con­ve­nient stand allows for easy place­ment in any room of your home. Say good­bye to cramped and messy and upgrade to the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage for a hap­pi­er and health­i­er bird.





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Upgrade your feath­ered friend’s home with the Yaheetech 52-inch Wrought Iron Stand­ing Large Flight King Bird Cage! Give them the space and free­dom they deserve to fly and play. Order now and pro­vide your beloved birds with a com­fort­able and safe home they’ll love!



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Yaheetech 52-inch, Wrought Iron, Stand­ing Large Flight, King Bird Cage, Cock­atiels, African Grey, Quak­er, Ama­zon, Sun Para­keets, Green Cheek Conures, Pigeons, Par­rot Bird Cage


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