TellGrade Markets

TellGrade® Ceramic Flat Iron Hair Straightener Dual Voltage

TellGrade® Ceramic Flat Iron Hair Straightener Dual Voltage

Professional ceramic flat iron hair straightener Dual Voltage 120v/240v
1 Inch – gold hair straightener curler 2 in 1.

Our Latest ceramic flat iron hair straightener

Are you look­ing for a reli­able and effi­cient way to straight­en your hair? Look no fur­ther than the Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age. With its sleek design, easy-to-use fea­tures, and adjustable tem­per­a­ture set­tings, this prod­uct is sure to meet all of your needs.

This flat iron is per­fect for all types of hair, includ­ing curly and coarse tex­tures. Easy to use and safer for strands, this Clas­sic 1″ Inch pro­fes­sion­al flat iron hair straight­en­er with ceram­ic heat tech­nol­o­gy oper­ates at the opti­mum range 250℉-500℉ styling tem­per­a­ture for a smooth, no-frizz styling.

Equipped with an auto­mat­ic pul­sat­ing heat mas­sager tech­nol­o­gy for smoother, shinier hair and for the ulti­mate start to end styling expe­ri­ence



  • HAIR TYPE: Nat­ur­al Hair, African HairLong Hair, Short Hair, Straight Hair, Wavy Hair, Curly Hair, and Coily Hair
  • HAIR TEXTURE: Fine Hair, Medi­um Hair, Thick Hair, Coarse Hair
  • HAIR CONDITION: Frizzy Hair and Stub­born Hair
  • HAIR CONCERNS: Dam­age, Frizz, Flyaways and Shine

TellGrade ceramic flat iron hair straightener dual voltage

Patent­ed heat­ing tech­nol­o­gy speeds up heat­ing, heat deep­er to help pre­serve hair mois­ture for instant­ly smooth hair plus less dam­age. Auto­mat­ic heat mas­sag­ing fea­ture improves hair Ker­atin to deliv­er silky, smooth results.

Ceram­ic base and Kiss-tip guar­an­tee safe, easy styling. The extra con­trol allows you to eas­i­ly cre­ate your required style but with less heat — and half the dam­age.

Inde­pen­dent con­sumer mar­ket study:

- 100% using this flat iron makes styling my hair easy
- 98% will not singe hair or burn hair
- 97% pro­vides smooth, straight style
- 94% leaves hair look­ing healthy and youth­ful
- 93% over­all con­di­tion of my hair looks improved after just one use
- 92% improves shine, makes my hair glow

Product Description

A ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er is a great tool to have in your beau­ty arse­nal. It is designed to smooth and straight­en hair, leave it look­ing shiny and healthy. The Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er has all the fea­tures of a pro­fes­sion­al-lev­el prod­uct, but with an afford­able price tag.

This dual volt­age hair straight­en­er comes with adjustable tem­per­a­tures, allow­ing for cus­tom con­trol over each styling ses­sion. It is built with durable mate­ri­als and includes plates made of high-grade ceram­ic that help reduce heat dam­age to your strands so you can enjoy won­der­ful­ly sleek locks with­out wor­ry­ing about unnec­es­sary break­age or split ends. 

With its easy-to-use design, this reli­able styling tool is per­fect for both expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als and every­day users who want salon-qual­i­ty results from home.

Product Benefits

Using Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age can pro­vide a vari­ety of ben­e­fits for those look­ing to style their hair. This mod­ern styling tool comes equipped with a num­ber of fea­tures that make it both easy and safe to use, while also pro­vid­ing salon-qual­i­ty results. 

The qual­i­ty and ver­sa­til­i­ty of this device makes it an ide­al choice for any­one look­ing to achieve smooth, sleek locks. Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron is designed with tour­ma­line-infused plates that dis­trib­ute heat even­ly across the strands and pre­vent dam­age from occur­ring. 

Its adjustable tem­per­a­ture set­tings allow users to cus­tomize the heat set­ting accord­ing to their spe­cif­ic needs, mak­ing it suit­able for all types of hair tex­tures – from thin and del­i­cate to thick and curly.

Unique Features


2024 Design. Built for Heavy Duty Professional Hair Straightening.

Tell­Grade hair straight­en­er and curler is the per­fect addi­tion to any beau­ty rou­tine. With our lat­est hair mas­sage tech­nol­o­gy, it not only straight­ens or curls your hair, but also helps to improve blood cir­cu­la­tion and keep your scalp healthy.

It gen­tly mas­sages your hair while you straight­en or curl your hair, pro­vid­ing you with a relax­ing and invig­o­rat­ing expe­ri­ence. The ther­mal insu­lat­ed plates ensure that your hair is pro­tect­ed from heat dam­age.

The salon-qual­i­ty results you get with our device are unbeat­able, and the easy-to-use design make it a must-have for any­one who wants per­fect hair every day.

If you’re look­ing for a hair straight­en­er and curler that can help you achieve salon-qual­i­ty style at home, then this Tell­Grade curler is per­fect for you. This hair tool heats up quick­ly, in just 15 min­utes, so you can start styling your hair right away. 

It also fea­tures ceram­ic plates that help to reduce frizz and sta­t­ic, while the 360-degree rotat­ing cord ensures that you can eas­i­ly style your hair from any angle.

Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age is best for fine hair, thick hair, nat­ur­al hair, black hair and black amer­i­can hair. Give your hair a more smooth and straight feel with lit­tle effort.

Use our lux­u­ri­ous curly flat iron for Easy Curls and Beach Waves, long hair and short hair or long curls and short curls, curl­ing more hair per use than any oth­er 1 inch flat iron straight­en­er in the mar­ket. Give your hair that sleek, shiny dia­mond lus­ter it deserves. 

The Only Flat Iron Hair Straightener That Works With You To Simplify Every Hair Curling Motion



With ANTI SCALD and ANTI STATIC TECHNOLOGY to pro­tect you the user from sta­t­ic shock and the device from dam­age while ensur­ing dura­bil­i­ty and long-last­ing ser­vice.


Easy to use design that’s very com­fort­able, and is more Durable than the com­pe­ti­tion, our styling iron will sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the over­all time spent hair straight­en­ing and hair styling, com­pared to cheap hair straight­en­ers and curlers you find on Ama­zon or even Sepho­ra

Less time styling, more time look­ing beau­ti­ful.

This Hair Straight­en­er Curler Flat Iron comes with an ADVANCED TEMPERATURE LOCK FUNCTION for ease of use, and SUPER FAST WARM UP sys­tem so you can get to mak­ing your­self look beau­ti­ful in less than 10 sec­onds while being super safe.



Tell­Grade Hair Straight­en­er Curler Flat Iron adapts to your every move. It’s float­ing heat plates dynam­i­cal­ly adjust as you style, giv­ing you more con­trol plus elim­i­nat­ing Snag­ging & Tug­ging of Hair.

It comes with a 2.5M long cord and is equipped with a 360°swivel base that is designed to ensure seam­less use with­out cable tan­gling. This makes our long cord flat iron suit­able for women and for men.

The Float­ing plates are designed with kiss­ing lips which curve at edges & at an angle for enhanced safe­ty, con­trol, com­fort 

NO HAIR PULL, NO HAIR BURNT, NO SMELLY HAIR, just smooth end, silky and shin­ning fin­ished hair all achiev­able with 5 dynam­ic tem­per­a­ture set­tings (250℉-500 ℉).

This flat­iron will give you bet­ter styling results than oth­er hair­straight­en­ers in the mar­ket. 

Your Travel Companion, Suitable for Air Travel, Dual Voltage, Fits in Any Bag, Ready When You Are

Best Gift Item for your wife, girl­friend, mom, moth­er, daugh­ter and even men with long hair, Full Hair, Thick Hair, Thin Hair, Curly Hair, Wavy Hair or Nat­ur­al Hair that wish to curl hair with flat iron or straight­en hair with Hair Straight­en­er.


With world­wide glob­al dual volt­age (100 — 240AC) you can take your Hair Straight­en­er Curler Flat Iron Styler any­where with peace of mind. With just 11.8 inch­es it fits in any bad you want to car­ry with ease.

In addi­tion, the save ener­gy fea­ture and auto shut off makes it your best trav­el part­ner. Our hair styler set is your best choice. Com­pact size easy stor­age in purse or car­ry-on bag

The Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age is the per­fect choice for any­one look­ing to get salon-qual­i­ty styling at home. This rev­o­lu­tion­ary prod­uct has a num­ber of unique fea­tures that make it stand out from the rest of the com­pe­ti­tion.

First­ly, this flat iron comes with adjustable heat set­tings rang­ing from 265F to 395F so you can find the right tem­per­a­ture for your spe­cif­ic hair type and tex­ture. The ceram­ic plates con­tain tour­ma­line crys­tals which help reduce frizz and sta­t­ic and ensure smoother, shinier results. The heat is dis­trib­uted even­ly across the entire sur­face, mean­ing no more cold spots or hot patch­es on your hair.

Sec­ond­ly, this prod­uct offers dual volt­age com­pat­i­bil­i­ty so you can use it all over the world with­out hav­ing to wor­ry about adapters or con­vert­ers. 

And final­ly, the top of the line com­po­nents have been infused into this flat iron. The plates have swiv­el cord­less tech­nol­o­gy so you can eas­i­ly maneu­ver through your locks and eas­i­ly adjust the tem­per­a­ture. It comes with a heat resis­tant glove for eas­i­er styling and com­fort.

Tellgrade Quality

Qual­i­ty is one of the most impor­tant aspects to con­sid­er when shop­ping for a prod­uct, and with Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age, you can rest assured know­ing you’re get­ting an excel­lent qual­i­ty item. Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron uses advanced tech­nol­o­gy to achieve per­fect results while pro­tect­ing your hair from heat dam­age. This inno­v­a­tive tool fea­tures adjustable tem­per­a­ture set­tings and a float­ing plate that glides smooth­ly through your locks, giv­ing you effort­less styling with stun­ning results.

What sets this prod­uct apart from oth­er hair straight­en­ers is the use of high-grade mate­ri­als for enhanced dura­bil­i­ty and long-term per­for­mance. The ceram­ic plates are infused with tour­ma­line crys­tal which helps reduce frizzi­ness, leav­ing you with salon-qual­i­ty results in less time.

Hair Straightener Price Point

Price is often a major fac­tor when it comes to pur­chas­ing a new prod­uct, and the Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age is no excep­tion. As one of the most pop­u­lar flat irons on the mar­ket today, cus­tomers want to know if this prod­uct is worth its high­er price tag.

The first thing to con­sid­er when look­ing at the cost of this flat iron is that it offers dual volt­age and can be used any­where in the world. This fea­ture alone makes it well worth its price tag, as cus­tomers don’t have to wor­ry about their tools being com­pat­i­ble with dif­fer­ent out­lets. Addi­tion­al­ly, this device also has supe­ri­or ceram­ic plates that are longer last­ing than tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als and help keep hair health­i­er over time.

These fea­tures make this flat iron stand out from oth­er prod­ucts and jus­ti­fy its high­er cost com­pared to sim­i­lar options.

professionAl Performance

The Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age is an ide­al solu­tion for those seek­ing a reli­able and pow­er­ful tool to help them achieve their desired hair­styles. With its unique com­bi­na­tion of ceram­ic plates and dual volt­age capa­bil­i­ties, this prod­uct offers supe­ri­or per­for­mance that is both pro­fes­sion­al-grade and high­ly effec­tive. The adjustable tem­per­a­ture set­tings fur­ther enhance the ver­sa­til­i­ty of this prod­uct, mak­ing it suit­able for all types of hair—from thick to fine, curly to straight. Fur­ther­more, the ergonom­ic design makes styling eas­i­er than ever before!

Over­all, the Tell­Grade ceram­ic flat iron hair straight­en­er dual volt­age proves itself to be an invalu­able tool for any­one look­ing to get that per­fect style they desire. Its high-qual­i­ty con­struc­tion ensures long-term reli­a­bil­i­ty while its adjustable tem­per­a­ture set­tings make it ide­al for any type of hair tex­ture.

No Matter Your Hair Type or Desired Hair Style, This Flat Iron Straightener Delivers Exceptional Hair Straightening and Hair Curling Results

How to use

Hair Straightening

Hair Curling


Click ‘Add to Cart’ now and get the best flat iron styler with all you need to bring out the celebri­ty hair you deserve.

Our unique­ly designed tools for styling, straight­en­ing, curl­ing and groom­ing, are exact­ly what you need to show­case your unique style and find the celebri­ty con­fi­dence that comes from hav­ing your best look. With over 20 years of excel­lent tool­ing, At TELLGRADE, we believe you deserve your best look every day. So good you must tell. Sim­ply an excep­tion­al hair straight­en­er flat iron

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