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Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade

Top Features and Benefits

If you’re like most peo­ple, you want to look your best. You don’t want peo­ple to focus on your wrin­kles and you cer­tain­ly don’t want them to think you’re old­er than you are. Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles can help. This unique prod­uct uses the pow­er of sil­i­cone to tem­porar­i­ly fill in wrin­kles and give your skin a smooth, youth­ful appear­ance.

Reusable med­ical grade sil­i­cone anti-wrin­kle décol­leté pads designed to cor­rect & pre­vent chest wrin­kles.

  • Dis­creet pads to wear any time of day.
  • Made of 100% med­ical grade sil­i­cone
  • Con­tain no aller­gy caus­ing latex, ure­thanes, or adhe­sives.
  • Hypoal­ler­genic
  • Smooths chest wrin­kles
  • See vis­i­ble results in 12 Hours.
  • Tell­Grade Sci­ence – New largest pad design on the Mar­ket
  • Dynam­ic patent pend­ing shape.
  • Lux­u­ri­ous, dis­creet and com­fort­able
  • Reusable Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad : Lasts over 20 days.
  • Long last­ing, Safe, easy to use, main­tain and reuse.

Reusable Anti-Wrin­kle Chest Pad: Chest Wrin­kle Pads: Decol­lete Wrin­kle Pad: Sil­i­cone Chest Pad

Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles

Chest Patch for Wrinkles


The Ulti­mate wrin­kle treat­ment at home using cut­ting edge nanoscale tech­nolo­gies that’s chem­i­cal, cut free and result in boost­ing the body’s nat­ur­al process­es to pro­vide amaz­ing results.

This unique Decol­lete Pad shape is a result of 6 years of research to pro­vide you with the per­fect struc­ture that is soft, breath­able and com­fort­able, with a Size that cov­ers and Smoothens 47% more essen­tial skin area per sin­gle use, than the clos­est com­pe­ti­tion. 

Even those stub­born lines and wrin­kles with a mind of their own that appear and extend to places most hard to reach are no match for this design. The Decol­lete Pad that works beyond your Décol­letage

Rec­om­mend­ed by both der­ma­tol­o­gists and cos­met­ic sur­geons in addi­tion to beau­ty media world­wide, our non-inva­sive Reusable Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad can quick­ly and afford­ably pre­vent and even smooth out wrin­kles fol­low­ing your first use. With even greater results over weeks and months of use.

Results prove we aren’t the only ones who think TellGrade Chest Patch for Wrinkles are great.

  • 9 out of 10 Women said their Skin was Sig­nif­i­cant­ly Smoother after Wear­ing for 16 Hours
  • 92% of Women expe­ri­enced Firmer Skin
  • 84% of Women felt Pos­i­tive that their Over­all Appear­ance had Improved.
  • 89% of Women saw a Reduc­tion in Chest Wrin­kles
  • 93% of Women were con­fi­dent their skin felt smoother.
  • 88% of Women said they would use Tell­Grade Anti Wrin­kle Chest Pad Instead of Injecta­bles or Fillers

Fast Acting anti wrinkle decollete silicone pad

Reusable Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad with Deep Skin Smoothing, Rejuvenation & Moisturization

Chest Patch for Wrinkles: Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles by TellGrade

Our Sil­i­cone chest wrin­kle pads use the lat­est advance­ment in nan­otech­nol­o­gy devel­oped in our lab­o­ra­to­ries to com­bine breatha­bil­i­ty, com­pres­sion and deep skin hydra­tion to smooth away exist­ing and pre­vent future wrin­kles.

This new design helps plump and tight­en skin, min­i­mize creepy skin and encour­age rapid repair for max­i­mum anti-age­ing & revi­tal­iz­ing effects. Tell­Grade Anti-Wrin­kle Chest Pads, gives you bet­ter results than you can find on Ama­zon or with oth­er brands

Premium 100% Medical Grade Silicone Pads

TellGrade Silicone Patch for Chest Wrinkles

This high qual­i­ty 100% med­ical grade sil­i­cone pad will quick­ly remove & pre­vent wrin­kles and lines caused by aging skin, side sleep­ing & even sun dam­age.

Tell­Grade’s Chest Patch for Wrin­kles is deigned to be dynam­ic, allow­ing you to cre­ative­ly apply the decol­lette pad to any wrin­kle skin, chest neck face or back­side and can be worn com­fort­ably dur­ing the day or overnight as you sleep.

Per­fect tool to roll back the years. It holds skin & keeps it firm while you sleep to ensure you wake up to a more radi­ant skin, a more beau­ti­ful you. The only Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles you can use any­where on your body.

with our Silicone Pad For Chest Wrinkles

TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad

Unique­ly con­struct­ed from a cus­tom formed struc­tured sil­i­cone. Our pads increase col­la­gen pro­duc­tion, blood flow & mois­tur­ize your skin ensur­ing that it remains healthy, hydrat­ed, reju­ve­nat­ed and youth­ful for years to come. 

Our prod­ucts are thor­ough­ly researched & test­ed to make sure you receive pads that deliv­er FAST RESULTS and tru­ly stick for over 15 uses if used accord­ing to instruc­tions. We rec­om­mend chang­ing the pads every 2 weeks. The only Chest Patch for Wrin­kles you tru­ely need.


Your TellGrade Advantage
WE SURE Got Your Back!!

TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Silicone Pads

Face it, you’ve got your face, neck and chest wrin­kles under con­trol with Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Wrin­kle Patch but whose got your back?. with Tell­Grade Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles your total­ly cov­ered, Front and Back. 

Now you can sleep peace­ful­ly smoothen­ing away age­ing lines know­ing no one will see you age behind your back and wak­ing up to a more beau­ti­ful, radi­ant and youth­ful you chest, face, neck and back­side.

Large Dynamic Multi use design.

One Anti Wrinkle Silicone Pad, Many Options

Use our cutout tem­plate or eas­i­ly design one your­self. Tell­Grade Anti Wrin­kle Chest Patch is designed to allow you to cut a sin­gle pad into small­er pieces to use as anti wrin­kle sil­i­cone patch for face, fore­head or neck pad depend­ing on how you wish to use it.  

When cut cor­rect­ly one Chest Wrin­kle Pad equals 2 sil­i­cone neck pads, eye and lash­es pad, fore­head patch and mouth & smile patch. How ever you decide to use your decol­lete pads, you’re sure to get amaz­ing results.

Premium Chest Wrinkle Pads,

TellGrade Decollette Pad

Unbeat­able RESULTS FROM FIRST USE. Non-absorbent, soft, con­tains no aller­gy caus­ing latex or Ure­thanes. TOUCH UP ANYTIME, TREATMENT ANYWHERE. At work or play these clear pads will stay in place so they can smooth wrin­kles while being unno­ticed. 

Suit­able for all skin tones and types. Get your anti-aging, anti-wrin­kle, mois­tur­iza­tion and deep skin reju­ve­na­tion ther­apy round-the-clock. They can be eas­i­ly trimmed to any size desired for full com­fort. Designed to be your go-to anti-wrin­kle decol­lete sil­i­cone pad.


Reusable Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad

Our patent pend­ing struc­tured sil­i­cone tech­nol­o­gy improves breatha­bil­i­ty allow­ing your skin breath while in use, improv­ing our decol­lete pads adher­ence to skin by 62% allow­ing the pads to stay put overnight and hold their adhe­sive­ness for longer. Designed to most effec­tive­ly & effi­cient­ly cov­er the widest chest & cleav­age area as well as stick to skin com­pared to any oth­er in the mar­ket. 

The pads are con­toured in such a way as to even allow you eas­i­ly cut them into diverse shapes and use on any part of the body, includ­ing fore­head and neck. Mak­ing these the most ver­sa­tile Skin Pad in the mar­ket. 

One Chest Patch for Wrin­kles, Many Solu­tions. An advan­tage you won’t find with pads on ebay or any­where else online.


TellGrade Anti Wrinkle Chest Pad

All our users agree to one thing, if used prop­er­ly, you can get well over 25 days of usage from this prod­uct. Fol­low the usage direc­tions pro­vid­ed on the prod­uct and see the ulti­mate trans­for­ma­tion of your skin to that youth­ful soft­ness and smooth­ness you so desire. 

It’s not just a wrin­kle pad, we made it one of the BEST ANTI-WRINKLE AND ANTI-AGEING DECOLLETE PAD mon­ey can buy. Designed to SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVE SELF-ADHESIVENESS to the skin, MOVE AS YOU WANT & IT WON’T COME OFF! Pre­mi­um Qual­i­ty Sil­i­cone Patch for Chest Wrin­kles made to last and last.  


We make prod­ucts so good you have to tell oth­ers. Backed by our inter­na­tion­al Award win­ning cus­tomer care ser­vice. Each Pack­age comes with Tell­Grade wor­ry free Guar­an­tee. Pur­chase with con­fi­dence.


Cur­rent­ly High­ly Dis­count­ed as an intro­duc­to­ry offer you wont ever find again, so Hur­ry before the price goes up. Buy 2 and Get FREE SHIPPING,  BUY 5 and Get 6th  FREE, or Pick up one of our dis­count­ed Bun­dles.

Pick up all you need for this sum­mer and Go for those dar­ing out­fits! You’re TOTALLY COVERED by our 100% “No Wrin­kle” Tell­Grade Guar­an­tee. Click Add to Cart now to wake to a beau­ti­ful smooth chest, cleav­age, ster­num & Back­side skin.

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