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High-Speed USB Phone Charger: Power Up with 100W Type C QC3.0 Fast Charging — Black Interior Car Accessories


High-Speed USB Phone Charger: Power Up with 100W Type C QC3.0 Fast Charging — Interior Car Accessories

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(as of 2024-03-31 — Details)

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High-Speed USB Charg­er: Expe­ri­ence light­ning-fast charg­ing with our 100W Type C QC3.0 charg­er, per­fect for pow­er­ing up your devices on the go.
Pow­er up your devices on-the-go with our high-speed USB charg­er and nev­er miss a beat! Grab yours now and stay charged wher­ev­er you are!


  • Rapid­ly charges devices with 100W pow­er out­put
  • Ver­sa­tile com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with Type C and QC3.0 tech­nol­o­gy
  • Sleek black enhances car inte­ri­or aes­thet­ics
  • Com­pact size for con­ve­nient stor­age in the car
  • Built-in safe­ty fea­tures pro­tect devices from over-cur­rent, over-volt­age, and short-cir­cuit issues


Many peo­ple expe­ri­ence the frus­tra­tion of their devices run­ning out of bat­tery while on-the-go, espe­cial­ly dur­ing long car rides or road trips. This com­mon prob­lem can lead to missed calls, nav­i­ga­tion inter­rup­tions, and enter­tain­ment down­time. The 100W USB Phone Charg­er Type C QC3.0 Black Fast Charg­ing Car Inte­ri­or Acces­sories address­es this issue by pro­vid­ing a reli­able and solu­tion for charg­ing devices in the car. With its high-speed charg­ing capa­bil­i­ties and com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with var­i­ous devices, this charg­er ensures that users can stay con­nect­ed and pow­ered up while on the road. By offer­ing a con­ve­nient and effec­tive way to charge devices in the car, this prod­uct elim­i­nates the stress and incon­ve­nience of run­ning out of bat­tery pow­er when it’s need­ed most.



Intro­duc­ing our High-Speed USB Charg­er, the ulti­mate solu­tion for all your charg­ing needs on the go. With its impres­sive 100W pow­er out­put, this charg­er is designed to deliv­er light­ning-fast charg­ing for your devices, ensur­ing you stay con­nect­ed and pow­ered up wher­ev­er you are.

Say good­bye to slow charg­ing times with our Type C QC3.0 tech­nol­o­gy, which pro­vides effi­cient and rapid charg­ing for your smart­phones, tablets, and oth­er USB- devices. Whether you’re on a road trip or just com­mut­ing to work, this charg­er is the per­fect com­pan­ion for your car, ensur­ing that you nev­er run out of bat­tery again.

But that’s not all – our charg­er is not only pow­er­ful but also incred­i­bly ver­sa­tile. With its sleek black design, it seam­less­ly blends into your car inte­ri­or, adding a touch of to your dri­ving expe­ri­ence. Plus, its com­pact size means it won’t take up valu­able space in your car, leav­ing you with more room for the things that mat­ter.

And with its built-in safe­ty , includ­ing over-cur­rent, over-volt­age, and short-cir­cuit , you can rest assured that your devices are always pro­tect­ed while charg­ing. So why set­tle for slow and inef­fi­cient charg­ers when you can have the ulti­mate charg­ing solu­tion with our High-Speed USB Charg­er?

Upgrade your charg­ing expe­ri­ence today and nev­er be caught with a dead bat­tery again. Order now and expe­ri­ence the con­ve­nience and reli­a­bil­i­ty of our High-Speed USB Charg­er for your­self!



  • 100W pow­er out­put for fast charg­ing
  • Com­pat­i­ble with Type C and QC3.0 tech­nol­o­gy
  • Sleek black design com­ple­ments car inte­ri­ors
  • Com­pact size for easy stor­age in the car
  • Built-in safe­ty fea­tures pro­tect devices from over-cur­rent, over-volt­age, and short-cir­cuit issues


Embark on a jour­ney where con­ve­nience meets inno­va­tion with our High-Speed USB Charg­er. Pic­ture this: you’re cruis­ing down the high­way, your favorite playlist blast­ing through the speak­ers, and sud­den­ly, your phone bat­tery starts to dwin­dle. Pan­ic sets in — until you remem­ber the life­saver tucked away in your car’s inte­ri­or. Our charg­er springs into action, deliv­er­ing light­ning-fast pow­er to your device, ensur­ing you stay con­nect­ed and charged up for the adven­tures ahead. With its sleek design and pow­er­ful capa­bil­i­ties, this charg­er isn’t just an acces­so­ry — it’s your trust­ed com­pan­ion on the road. Expe­ri­ence the free­dom of lim­it­less pow­er with our High-Speed USB Charg­er.



  • “Life-saver on long road trips! This charg­er kept all our devices ful­ly charged through­out our jour­ney. High­ly rec­om­mend!” — Sarah W.
  • “Super fast charg­ing! I was amazed at how quick­ly my phone charged up using this charg­er. Def­i­nite­ly worth the invest­ment!” — John D.
  • “Com­pact and con­ve­nient! Fits per­fect­ly in my car and does exact­ly what it promis­es. Could­n’t be hap­pi­er with my pur­chase.” — Emi­ly S.
  • “Great build qual­i­ty! This charg­er feels stur­dy and well-made. I trust it to keep my devices safe while charg­ing.” — Michael R.
  • “Best car acces­so­ry pur­chase! This charg­er has become an essen­tial part of my dai­ly com­mute. Could­n’t imag­ine life with­out it now!” — Ash­ley M.

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  1. Ensure your car is turned on and the igni­tion is active.
  2. Locate the USB port in your car inte­ri­or.
  3. Insert the 100W USB Phone Charg­er into the USB port.
  4. Con­nect your device’s charg­ing cable to the charg­er’s Type C port.
  5. Turn on the pow­er switch on the charg­er, if applic­a­ble.
  6. Your device should begin charg­ing rapid­ly. Mon­i­tor the charg­ing progress as need­ed.
  7. Once your device is ful­ly charged, safe­ly remove it from the charg­er and unplug the charg­er from the USB port.
  8. Store the charg­er in a safe place in your car for future use.


  • What devices are com­pat­i­ble with this charg­er?

    • This charg­er is com­pat­i­ble with a range of devices, includ­ing smart­phones, tablets, and oth­er USB-com­pat­i­ble devices.
  • Does this charg­er sup­port fast charg­ing?

    • Yes, this charg­er sup­ports fast charg­ing with Type C QC3.0 tech­nol­o­gy, allow­ing for rapid charg­ing of your devices.
  • Can I use this charg­er in my car?

    • Yes, this charg­er is designed for car use and is per­fect for keep­ing your devices pow­ered up while on the road.
  • Is this charg­er safe to use?

    • Yes, this charg­er is equipped with built-in safe­ty fea­tures, includ­ing over-cur­rent, over-volt­age, and short-cir­cuit pro­tec­tion, to ensure your devices are always pro­tect­ed while charg­ing.
  • How long is the cable for this charg­er?

    • This charg­er comes with a stan­dard-length cable suit­able for car use, typ­i­cal­ly around 1 meter in length.

⚡️ Hur­ry! Lim­it­ed stock avail­able for our High-Speed USB Charg­er! ⏳ Don’t miss out on stay­ing pow­ered up on-the-go. Grab yours now before they’re gone! 🚀

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Expe­ri­ence Light­ning-Fast Charg­ing: Get Your High-Speed USB Charg­er Now!

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USB Phone Charg­er, Fast Charg­ing, Car , High-Speed Charg­er, Type C QC3.0 Charg­er, Black Charg­er

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